Early Maps of the American South
— Collections: Hargrett Library, University of Georgia
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[updated 10/12/24]
This page contains selected manuscript maps (both originals and reproductions) in the collections of the Hargrett Rare Book and Manuscript Library at the University of Georgia, Athens.
The entries are arranged in the following categories:
- Southern States (General)
- Coastal Harbors and Islands
- Savannah
- Other Settlements and Forts
Within each category the maps are arranged in order by their catalog number, which places the maps mostly in chronological order.
Click here for a complete list of bibliographic sources cited below.
Click here for a complete list of repositories and their abbreviations.
To browse the entire Hargrett map collection by facet, click
[The documents on this site were compiled by Vincas P. Steponaitis.
Please email comments and suggestions to him at vps@email.unc.edu.]
A. Southern States (General)
L'Isle, Guillaume de (1675-1726) [Jackson 75]
Carte des environs du Missisipi par G. de L'Isle Geogr. Donné par Mr. d'Iberville en 1701.
[Ms. with cartouche partly missing in recent image; older image shows cartouche intact. 72 x 102 cm.]
[Fer 1715 and 1718 are clearly based on this map.]
[Reproduced in Cohen 2002, pp. 48-50.]
[HMC Karpinski series F 27-1-2.]
[Service historique de la Défense, département Marine, Cartes et plans, recueil 69, no. 4.]
[Formerly in Bibliothèque de la Service hydrographique, 4040C-4.]
[UGa photo, Hargrett Library, Map 1701 D4.]
[UGa catalog]
[UGa photo]
[UGa photo (z)]
[HMC photo]
Barnwell, John (ca. 1671-1724) [SEM 255]
[ca. 1744]:
The original of this map was drawn by Col. Barnevelt [Barnwell], who commanded several expeditions against the Indians in the time of the Indian War ...
[Updated copy of Barnwell 1721.]
[Hargrett Library, Map 1721-24 B3.]
[UGa catalog]
[UGa (z)]
Herbert, John; Hunter, George (d. 1755)
A new mapp of his maiestys flourishing province of South Carolina : shewing ye settlements of y[e] English, French and Indian nation / Jn. Herbert / 1725.
[Upper left corner:] True copy from an original done by Colonel John Herbert deceased late commissioner of the Indian trade who often was in these nations which original in his own hand writing he has shewn me as a very just & correct mapp thereof. Certified this 11th day of June, 1744. By George Hunter, surveyor general.
[Hargrett Library, Map 1725 H4.]
[UGa catalog]
[UGa (z)]
Romans, Bernard (ca. 1720-ca. 1784); Taitt, David; Gauld, George [SEM 440] [Brun 663]
A map of West Florida and part of Et: Florida, Georgia part of So: Carolina i[n]cluding [torn] & Chactaw, Chickasaw & Creek nations with [torn] [r]oad [torn] Pensacola through ye: Creek nation to Augusitus & Charlestown : Compiled under the directi[on] of ye So[torn] John Stuart esqr: his majesty’s [torn] of Nth: America & by him humbly to his excellency ye: honble: Thomas Gage esqr: general & commandr in chief of all his majesty’s forces in Nth America &ca., &ca. & ca.
[UGa photostat misdated in catalog as 1765.]
[From Clements Library catalog: "Finished, detailed, pen and ink map with tables relating to distances and identifications of villages of the Chickasaw and Choctaw Indians. Remarks by Bernard Romans and David Taitt contain explanatory material relating to the surveys made to obtain the information on the map. Remarks credit George Gauld with providing information on the seacoast of the Gulf of Mexico." ca. 168 x 256 cm.]
[Clements Library (University of Michigan), Maps 6-E-12.]
[UGa photo, Hargrett Library, Map 1733 S8.]
[Clements catalog]
[UGa photo]
[UGa photo (z)]
[UGa photo, composite*]
[UGa photo, composite]
[LC photo]
Bull, William (1683-1755) [SEM 237] [cf. Jackson 265]
This Chart was transmitted by Colo. Bull (President & Comander in Chief of South Carolina) with his Representation to the Board of Trade, dated the 25th of May 1738. Recd. July ye 27th 1738.
[Reproduced in Chatelain (1941), map 8.] [Copy of Barnwell 1721.]
[Public Record Office (UK), CO 700 / Florida 2.]
[Formerly Colonial Office Library (London), Florida 2.]
[UGa photo, Hargrett Library, Map 1738 B8.]
[PRO catalog]
[UGa catalog]
[UGa photo]
[UGa photo (z), panel 1]
[UGa photo (z), panel 2]
[UGa photo (z), panel 3]
[UGa photo (z), panel 4]
[UGa photo (z), panel 5]
[UGa photo (z), panel 6]
[NCSA photo]
[Chatelain (p)]
[NCSA photo*]
[NCC photo*]
De Brahm, John Gerar William (1717-ca. 1799) [SEM 289]
A map of the inhabited part of Georgia, laid down to shew the latitudes & longitudes of ye places that are proposed to be fortified, in order to judge of there communications / by William De Brahm.
[On reverse of UGa copy: "Inhabited part of Georgia; Recd with Govr. Reynolds letter of 5 Jan. 1756; Recd and read April 28, 1756."]
[Public Record Office (UK), CO 700 / Georgia 12.]
[Formerly Colonial Office Library (London), Georgia 12.]
[UGa photo, Hargrett Library, Map 1756 D4.]
[PRO catalog]
[UGa catalog]
[UGa fine copy]
[UGa fine copy (z)]
[UGa fine copy (d)]
Anonymous [SEM 299]
[ca. 1777]:
Sketch of the country between the River Alatamaha and Musqueta Inlet, containing part of Georgia and East Florida ; laid down from information on a scale of eight miles to an inch. N: B: From St. Mary's to Smirna is taken from a plan of the deceased Mr. Hurd's.
[Hargrett Library, Map 1756 G4.]
[UGa catalog]
[UGa (z)]
[UGa (d)]
Wright, Thomas (ca. 1740-1812) [SEM 333]
A Map of Georgia and Florida : Taken from the latest & most Accurate Surveys Delineated & drawn by a Scale of 69 English Miles to a Degree of Latitude by Thomas Wright, 1763.
[Reproduced in Hulbert (1907-16), ser. III, pl. 141-143.]
[Public Record Office (UK), CO 700 / Georgia 13.]
[Formerly Colonial Office Library (London), Georgia 13.]
[UGa fine copy, Hargrett Library, Map 1763 W7.]
[PRO catalog]
[UGa fine copy]
[UGa fine copy (z)]
[UGa fine copy (d)]
[Hulbert (p), composite]
[Hulbert (p), UNC composite*]
[RLA photo]
Stuart, John (1718-1779); Brahm, John Gerar William De (1717-ca. 1799) [SEM 352]
A Map of the Indian Nations in the Southern Department, 1766.
[Reproduced in Cumming 1998, pl. 61.]
[UGa photo is the reproduction published as Map 1 in John Stuart and the Southern Colonial Frontier by John R. Alden (University of Michigan Press, 1944).]
[Alden and Cumming attribute this map to either John Stuart or J.G.W. De Brahm. Although the authorship is uncertain, both names are listed here. The similarity to Stuart 1764 is striking.]
[Clements Library (University of Michigan), Maps 6-E-10]
[UGa photo, Hargrett Library, Map 1766 D4.]
[Clements catalog]
[UGa catalog]
[UGa photo]
[UGa photo (z)]
[Cumming (p)]
[RLA photo]
Yonge, Philip [SEM 440B]
A Map of the Lands Ceded to His Majesty by the Creek and Cherokee Indians at a Congress held in Augusta the 1st June 1773 ....
[PRO catalog: "Copy drawn by Philip Yonge, Deputy Surveyor. Notes on the map in Sir James Wright's hand, one about extending the western boundary to include about 30,000 acres of 'extraordinary fine land'."]
[Public Record Office (UK), MPG 1/2; extracted from CO 5/662 (f 132). North America.]
[UGa copy, Hargrett Library, Map 1773 C4.]
[PRO catalog]
[UGa copy, composite]
Purcell, Joseph; Stuart, John (1718-1779) [SEM 438A]
A map of the Southern Indian district of North America. Compiled under the direction of John Stuart Esqr. His Majesty's Superintendant of Indian Affairs and by him Humbly inscribed to the Earl of Darmouth. His Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for the colonies...
[Upper right corner:] This Map of the Southern Indian District of North America wase compiled under the direction of the Hon. John Stuart Esqr. His Majesty's Superintendant of Indian Affairs in said District. By Joseph Purcell.
[Public Record Office (UK), CO 700 / North American Colonies General 12.]
[Formerly Colonial Office Library (London), North America 12.]
[UGa photo, Hargrett Library, Map 1773 P7.]
[PRO catalog]
[PRO, tile 1]
[PRO, tile 2]
[PRO, tile 3]
[PRO, tile 4]
[PRO, tile 5]
[PRO, tile 6]
[PRO, tile 7]
[PRO, tile 8]
[UGa photo, composite]
Purcell, Joseph; Stuart, John (1718-1779)
A Map of the Road from Pensacola in Wt. Florida to St. Augustine in East Florida. From a Survey made by order of the late Hon. Col. John Stuart Esq. His Majesty's Superintendt. of Indian Affairs. Southern District in 1778. By Joseph Purcell.
[Reproduced in Hulbert (1907-16), ser. III, pl. 108-115.]
[Public Record Office (UK), CO 700 / Florida 54.]
[Formerly Colonial Office Library (London), Florida 54.]
[UGa photo, Hargrett Library, Map 1778 P7.]
[PRO catalog]
[UGa photo, composite]
[Hulbert (p), panel 1]
[Hulbert (p), panel 2]
[Hulbert (p), panel 3]
[Hulbert (p), panel 4]
[Hulbert (p), panel 5]
[Hulbert (p), panel 6]
[Hulbert (p), panel 7]
[Hulbert (p), panel 8]
Numo. 2. Quarteron ge. comprehende las Candelarias, Bahias, de Pasagowlas, Movila, Pensacola, Sta. Rosa, Sn. Andres, Apalache, Tampa y Spiritu Santo: las Tortugas, Cayos del Norta y Cabeza de los Martires, Puntas de Florida Sn. Augustine de la Florida Savanan en Georgia Bahia de Panlicoe en Carolina del sur [sic] y principio de la Virginia.
[Hargrett Library, Map 1780 N8.]
[UGa catalog]
[UGa (z)]
B. Coastal Harbors and Islands
Arredondo, Antonio de [TL 131]
Plano de la Entrada de Gualquini Rio de S[a]n Simon situada en 31 grados de altura del Polo Septentrional.
[Upper left corner:] Duplicado. Havana y Mayo 15 de 1737. / Dn. Antonio de Arredondo.
[Archivo General de Indias, Mapas y Planos, México 131.]
[Other AGI catalog numbers: 87-1-2(1); Audencia de Santo Domingo 2592.]
[UGa fine copy, Hargrett Library, Map 1737 A7.]
[AGI catalog]
[UGa catalog]
[UGa fine copy]
[UGa fine copy (z)]
Oglethorpe, James Edward (1696-1785)
[A plan of the coast of East Florida from Fort William to Anastatia Island: with a bird’s-eye view of the town of St. Augustine, to shew the attack and capture of the place by the English forces under General Oglethorpe in 1740.]
[Reproduced in Hulbert (1907-16), ser. I, vol. 2, pl. 5.]
[British Library, Maps K.Top.122.83; formerly Crown 122:83.]
[UGa photo, Hargrett Library, Map 1740 P5.]
[UGa catalog]
[UGa photo]
[UGa photo (z)]
[UGa photo, verso (z)]
[Hulbert (p)]
[Blamey, Jacob] [Brun 650]
A plan of St. Mary's harbour in the province of East Florida with the proposed past for the defence of it and the inland navigation to St. Jones [Johns] River ...
[Appears to be manuscript precursor of Blamey's "A Plan of Amelia Harbour and Barr in East Florida. Survey'd in Jany. 1775. By Jacob Blamey, Master of His Majesty's Schooner St. John"; originally published in 1776.]
[Shows the vicinity of Amelia Island and Cumberland Island.]
[Clements Library (University of Michigan), Maps 6-K-177- Pl.]
[UGa photo, Hargrett Library, Map 1760 S25.]
[Clements catalog]
[UGa catalog]
[UGa photo]
Yonge, Henry
A plan of the islands of Sappola, containing 9520 acres : that is to say, the main island ... , the island called Black Beard ... , six small islands of Little Sappola ... / certifyed the 30th day of September in the year of our Lord seventeen hundred & sixty. By Henry Yonge, Will De Brahm, Survs. Genl.
[Sapelo Island, Ga.]
[Hargrett Library, Map 1760 Y6.]
[UG catalog]
[UGa (z)]
[UGa (d)]
Auli, Felipe Abret.
Plano del Puerto de Gualquini problasion Ynglesa situado en la Latitud de 31 degrees 13 N. distate 25 Leg. de Presidio espanol de Sn. Agustin de la Florida al N. / Felipe Abret Auli en 1792.
[Saint Simons Island, Ga.]
[Hargrett Library, Map 1792 A7.]
[UGa catalog]
[UGa (z)]
C. Savannah
Jones, George
His majestys colony of Georgia in America. By George Jones.
[Savannah, Ga.]
[Hargrett Library, Map 1734 G6b.]
[UGa catalog]
[UGa (z)]
[UGa (d)]
Shruder, Thomas
[Savannah] Georgia, pursuant to an application made to me 8th January, 1770 by a committee of the honorable the Commons House of Assembly of this province, I have caused a resurvey to be made of the strand, the wharf lots and commons of the town of Savannah.
[Surveyor's name incorrectly transcribed on this copy as "Thomas Shoulder."]
[UGa copy, Hargrett Library, Map 1770 S4.]
[UGa catalog]
[UGa copy]
[UGa copy (z)]
Shruder, Thomas
[Map of the city of Savannah] Pursuant to an application made to me 6th January 1770 by a committee of the honorable the Commons House of Assembly of this province I have caused a resurvey to be made of the strand the wharf lots and common of the town of Savannah...Tho. Shruder Deputy Surveyor Gen. certified the 5th day of February 1770...
[UGa copy, Hargrett Library, Map 1770 S42.]
[UGa catalog]
[UGa copy, sheet 1]
[UGa copy, sheet 2]
McCall, Thomas
Copy of a certified copy of a Plan of the forty five and five acre lots in the township of Savannah lodged in the Surveyors Office of the County of Chatham ... by Thos. McCall ....
[UGa copy, Hargrett Library, Map 1777 S3.]
[UGa catalog]
[UGa copy]
[UGa copy (z)]
[UGa copy (d)]
McCall, Thomas
The above plan is a true copy taken from the one drawn many years ago by John McKinnon, on which he stated officially as surveyor of Chatham County, was copies from the original left in his office by the Surveyor General Thomas McCall. Executed by Wm. Hughes, Lib. co. June 24th, 1871...
[UGa copy, Hargrett Library, Map 1777 S32.]
[UGa catalog]
[UGa copy]
[UGa copy (z)]
Campbell, Archibald
Plan of the town of Savannah taken from the rebels on the 29th Decr. 1778 by his majesty's troops under the command of Lt. Colonel Archd. Campbell 71st. Regt.
[Lower right corner:] From original chart in the library of Georgia Historical Society Savannah, Ga. Copy made by M.C. Kollock February 1891.
[UGa copy, Hargrett Library, Map 1778 C3a.]
[UGa catalog]
[UGa copy]
[UGa copy (z)]
[UGa copy (d)]
Savannah. Plan of the Town of Savannah, taken from the rebels on the 29th Decr. 1778.
[UGa photo, Hargrett Library, Map 1778 C3b.]
[UGa catalog]
[UGa (z)]
Wylly, A. C.
Plan of attack and the fortifications at Savannah in the revolution as described by Capt A C Wylly who was present. Jno. S. Bowen, Del.
[Hargrett Library, Map 1779 W9.]
[UGa catalog]
[UGa (z)]
[UGa (d)]
[ca. 1790]:
[Map of the city of Savannah.] Office of the Secretary of State: Atlanta Georgia May 10, 1886. I hearby certify that the map hereto annexed is a correct copy of an old map of the city of Savannah, on file in this office ....
[UGa photo, Hargrett Library, Map 1790 S3.]
[UGa catalog]
[UGa photo]
[UGa photo (z)]
[UGa photo (d)]
McKinnon, John.
City of Savannah: In pursuance of an order of the city council I have made a resurvey of all that public ground situate at Springhill, and known by the name of Lot no. 16 ... certified this 28th Jany. 1801. John McKinnon C.E.
[UGa copy, Hargrett Library, Map 1801 M2.]
[UGa catalog]
[UGa copy]
[UGa copy (z)]
D. Other Settlements and Forts
Barnwell, John (ca. 1671-1724)
Map of part of the north branch of the River Alatamaha. By J. Barnwell. August 29th, 1721.
[Shows Fort King George, Ga.]
[Public Record Office (UK), CO 700 / Georgia 2.]
[Formerly Colonial Office Library (London), Georgia 2.]
[UGa photo, Hargrett Library, Map 1721 B3.]
[PRO catalog]
[UGa catalog]
[UGa photo]
[UGa photo (z)]
[GA photo]
[GA photo*]
[ca. 1735]:
A plan of the town of Charlottenbourg.
[This town was never built.]
[Reproduced in Hulbert (1907-16), ser. III, pl. 138.]
[Public Record Office (UK), CO 700 / Georgia 9.]
[Formerly Colonial Office Library (London), Georgia 9.]
[UGa copy, Hargrett Library, Map 1735 C47b.]
[PRO catalog]
[UGa catalog]
[UGa fine copy]
[UGa fine copy (z)]
[Hulbert (p)]
[ca. 1735]:
A plan of the town of Charlottenbourg.
[This town was never built.]
[Public Record Office (UK), CO 700 / Georgia 9A.]
[Formerly Colonial Office Library (London), Georgia 9.]
[UGa fine copy, Hargrett Library, Map 1735 C47a.]
[PRO catalog]
[UGa catalog]
[UGa fine copy]
[UGa fine copy (z)]
[ca. 1735]:
A plan of the township of Charlottenbourg on the south side of the River Alatamaha in Georgia.
[This town was never built.]
[Public Record Office (UK), CO 700 / Georgia 10.]
[Formerly Colonial Office Library (London), Georgia 10.]
[UGa copy, Hargrett Library, Map 1735 C47c.]
[PRO catalog]
[UGa catalog]
[UGa fine copy]
[UGa fine copy (z)]
Augspurguer, Samuel
The Fort at Frederica in Georgia as layd down by a Swiss Engineer facing [the] principal street of that town.
[John Carter Brown Library, Cabinet Ce736.]
[UGa photo, Hargrett Library, Map 1736 A8.]
[UGa catalog]
[UGa photo]
[UGa photo (z), sheet 1]
[UGa photo (z), sheet 2]
Thomas, John, the elder
Plan d’un petit Fort pour l’Isle de St André capable de contenir outre les Magazins, des Barraques pour 200 Hommes de Garrison, & environ 20 Chambres de Surplus pour quelques autres Habitans.
[Cumberland Island, Ga.]
[Reproduced in Hulbert (1907-16), ser. I, vol. 2, pl. 12.]
[British Library, Maps K.Top.CXXII.76; formerly Crown 122:76.]
[UGa photo, Hargrett Library, Map 1740 C8.]
[UGa catalog]
[UGa photo]
[UGa photo (z)]
[UGa photo (d)]
[Hulbert (p)]
De Brahm, John Gerar William (1717-ca. 1799)
The profile of the whole citadelle of Frederica ... ; Profile to the projects for Savannah & Hardwick ... / by William de Brahm.
[Reproduced in Hulbert (1907-16), ser. III, pl. 139-140.]
[Public Record Office (UK), CO 700 / Georgia 11.]
[Formerly Colonial Office Library (London), Georgia 11.]
[UGa fine copy, Hargrett Library, Map 1755 D4.]
[PRO catalog]
[UGa catalog]
[UGa fine copy]
[UGa fine copy (z)]
[UGa fine copy (d)]
[Hulbert (p), panel 1]
[Hulbert (p), panel 2]
Rocque, Mariano de la
Plano del Castillo de Sn. Marcos [now Fort Marion] cituado a 29 Gras. y 40 minutos de Latitd en la Florida del Este.
Explicacion [column of indexed references] San Agustin de Florida 12 de Maie de 1785.
[Note on map: "Copia facsímile del original que existe en el Depósito General Topográfico de la Dirección de Ingenieros, Madrid, 24 de noviembre de 1884"
(Facsimile copy of the extant original in the General Topographical Depot of the Engineer Directorate, Madrid, November 24, 1884).]
[Described in Arana 1986, pp. 85-86, note 28.]
[Original reproduced in Servicio Geográfico del Ejército, Cartografía de Ultramar, v. 2, 1953: pl. 73.]
[Original in Archivo General Militar de Madrid.]
[Formerly in Servicio Histórico Militar, K-b-4-36.]
[UGa photo, Hargrett Library, Map 1785 P5.]
[UGa catalog]
[UGa photo]
[UGa photo (z)]
[UGa photo (positive)]