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    1969: "Ignace François Broutin." In Frenchmen and French Ways in the Mississippi Valley, edited by John Francis McDermott, pp. 231-294. University of Illinois Press, Urbana. [Reprinted in The Architecture of Colonial Louisiana: Collected Essays of Samuel Wilson, Jr., F.A.I.A., edited by Jean M. Farnsworth and Ann M. Masson, pp. 221-260. Center for Louisiana Studies, University of Southwestern Louisiana, Lafayette.]
  • Wilson, Samuel, Jr.
    1971: "Gulf Coast Architecture." In Spain and her Rivals on the Gulf Coast, edited by Ernest F. Dibble and Earle W. Newton, pp. 78-126. Historic Pensacola Preservation Board, Pensacola.
  • Wilson, Samuel, Jr.
    1973: "Religious Architecture in French Colonial Louisiana." In Winterthur Portfolio 8: 63-106. [Reprinted in The Architecture of Colonial Louisiana: Collected Essays of Samuel Wilson, Jr., F.A.I.A., edited by Jean M. Farnsworth and Ann M. Masson, pp. 108-147. Center for Louisiana Studies, University of Southwestern Louisiana, Lafayette.]
  • Wilson, Samuel, Jr.
    1975: "French Colonial Architecture in Eighteenth-Century West Florida." In Eighteenth-Century Florida and its Borderlands, edited by Samuel Proctor, pp. 102-139. University Presses of Florida, Gainesville. [Reprinted in The Architecture of Colonial Louisiana: Collected Essays of Samuel Wilson, Jr., F.A.I.A., edited by Jean M. Farnsworth and Ann M. Masson, pp. 69-100. Center for Louisiana Studies, University of Southwestern Louisiana, Lafayette.]
  • Wilson, Samuel, Jr.
    1987: "Bienville's New Orleans: A French Colonial Capital, 1718-1768." In The Architecture of Colonial Louisiana: Collected Essays of Samuel Wilson, Jr., F.A.I.A., edited by Jean M. Farnsworth and Ann M. Masson, pp. 1-23. Center for Louisiana Studies, University of Southwestern Louisiana, Lafayette. [This article is a slightly revised version of the introduction to Wilson's 1968 exhibit catalog of the same name, but with a different set of illustrations.]
  • Winsor, Justin
    1884: French Explorations and Settlements in North America and Those of the Portuguese, Dutch, and Swedes 1500-1700. Narrative and Critical History of America, Vol. 4. Parts I and II. Houghton, Mifflin and Co., Boston and New York. [IA, part I] [IA, part II]
  • Winsor, Justin
    1894: Cartier to Frontenac: Geographical Discovery in the Interior of North America in its Historical Relations, 1534-1700. Houghton, Mifflin and Co., Boston and New York. [IA] [IA]
  • Winsor, Justin
    1895: The Mississippi Basin: The Struggle in America Between England and France. Houghton, Mifflin and Co., Boston and New York. [IA]

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