Early Maps of the American South
— Collections: William L. Clements Library, University of Michigan
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[updated 10/12/24]
This page contains selected manuscript maps in the collections of the William L. Clements Library at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.
The entries are arranged by state or region:
- Southern States (General)
- North and South Carolina
- Georgia
- Florida
- Gulf States
- Alabama
- Louisiana
Within each subseries the maps are arranged in order by their number in Brun's Guide to the Manuscript Maps (see below).
Click here for a complete list of bibliographic sources cited below.
A useful index to the Clements Library collection is available in:
Guide to the Manuscript Maps in the William L. Clements Library, by Christian Brun.
The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (1959).
[Hathi Trust]
[The documents on this site were compiled by Vincas P. Steponaitis.
Please email comments and suggestions to him at vps@email.unc.edu.]
A. Southern States (General)
Anonymous [Brun 1]
Cantonment of the forces in N. America 1766.
[Scale: 1 inch to 100 miles.]
[20 x 24.25 inches.]
[Clements Library (University of Michigan), Maps 2-L-1766 Ca.]
[Clements catalog]
Stuart, John (1718-1779); Brahm, John Gerar William De (1717-ca. 1799) [Brun 564] [SEM 352]
A map of the Indian Nations in the Southern Department. 1766.
[Scale: 1 inch to approximately 50 miles.]
[18 x 22.5 inches.]
[Clements Library (University of Michigan), Maps 6-E-10.]
[Clements catalog]
[UGa catalog]
[UGa photo]
[UGa photo (z)]
[Cumming (p)]
[RLA photo]
B. North and South Carolina
Anonymous [Brun 598] [SEM 381]
[ca. 1775]:
A plan of part of the principal roads in the Province of No. Carolina.
[Scale: 1 inch to 10 miles.]
[29.75 x 21 inches.]
[Clements Library (University of Michigan), Maps 5-G-2.]
[Clements catalog]
Wilkinson, Edward [Brun 603]
[ca. 1780?]:
Mr. Wilkinsons plat of ye Cherekee Country.
[Scale: 1 inch to approximately 7.5 miles.]
[16.25 x 13 inches.]
[Clements Library (University of Michigan), Small Clinton Maps 323.]
[Clements catalog]
Moultrie, William; Thomson, William; Cook, James; Mitchell, Ephraim; Rutherford, Thomas; Polk, Thomas [Brun 604] [SEM 436]
South & North Carolina. An exact map of the boundary line between the Provinces of South & North Carolina agreeable to the Royal Instructions.
Certified by us this fourth day of June 1772 - William Moultrie, William Thomson comm[issione]rs. for North Carolina.
James Cook, Ephraim Mitchell, surveyors for South Carolina. Thomas Rutherford, Thomas Polk, surveyors for North Carolina.
[Scale: 1 inch to 2.5 miles.]
[16.25 x 42 inches.]
[Clements catalog attributes the map to the folowing individuals: Cook, James; Mitchell, Ephraim; Rutherfurd, Thomas; Polk, Thomas; Skottowe, Thomas.]
[Clements Library (University of Michigan), Maps 5-G-5.]
[Clements catalog]
Anonymous [Brun 617]
[ca. 1780]:
[Part of the modern counties of Oconee, Pickens, Anderson and Greenville.]
[Scale: 1 inch to 4 miles.]
[19.5 x 19.25 inches.]
[Clements Library (University of Michigan), Maps 6-I-5.]
[Clements catalog]
[Faden, William (1749-1836)]; James, Thomas [Brun 623]
A plan of the attack of Fort Sulivan near Charles Town in South Carolina by a squadron of His Majesty's ships on the 28 June 1776 with the disposition of the King's land forces and the encampments & entrenchments of the Americans from the drawing made on the spot.
[Inset:] Plan of the Platform of Sulivans Fort by Lt. Colonel Thos James of the Royal Regiment of Artillery.
[Manuscript copy of Faden's 1776 engraved map with the same title.]
[Clements Library (University of Michigan), Maps 6-I-1778 Ja.]
[Clements catalog]
C. Georgia
Lyford, William; Biurger, Andrei [SEM 441A] [Brun 634]
A chart of Tibee Inlet in Georgia [lower right corner:] A: B: July 30th. 1776.
[Compare with Lyford 1773 at PRO, MPG 1/357 (1).]
[Scale: 1 inch to 1 mile.]
[37.7 x 48 cm.]
[Clements catalog: "On the verso are sailing directions for entering the river signed: Willm. Lyford, branch pilot, for the barr and river of Savannah in Georgia."]
[Cummings notes that Lyford's inscription on verso is dated "13th Dec.r 1773," which suggests the date on recto is when the map was copied by Biurger.]
[Clements Library (University of Michigan), Maps 6-E-1776 B.]
[Clements catalog]
Yonge, Henry; Brahm, John Gerar William De (1717-ca. 1799) [Brun 635] [SEM 332]
A map of the sea coast of Georgia & the inland parts thereof extending to the westward of that part of Savannah called Broad River
including the several inlets, rivers, islands, sounds, creeks, rivulets, towns, roads, forts & most remarcable places therein,
performd at the request of His Exclly. James Wright esqr. captn. genl. & governor in chief of the said province the 20th day of August
1763 & in the third year of the reign of His Majesty King George the III by Henry Yonge J. G. W. De Brahm surs. genl.
[Scale: 1 inch to 11.5 miles.]
[12.5 x 23 inches.]
[Clements Library (University of Michigan), Maps 6-E-9.]
[Clements catalog]
Anonymous [Brun 640]
[ca. 1770?]:
[Savannah River and Savannah Sound.]
[Scale: 1 inch to approximately 1.75 miles.]
[24.25 x 41.25 inches.]
[Clements Library (University of Michigan), Maps 5-D-4.]
[Clements catalog]
Savery, Samuel; Mackay, James; McGillivray, Lachlan [Brun 642]
To Lachlan Mc: Gillivray esqr: deputy superintendant : This sketch of the boundary line between the province of Georgia and the Creek nation is address'd by: his most obedient servt: / Saml. Savery ds: 13 March 1769.
[Scale: 1 inch to 4 miles.]
[13.75 x 55 inches.]
[Clements Library (University of Michigan), Maps 5-D-1769 Sa.]
[Clements catalog]
[ca. 1770]:
[Georgia and the Indian land cessions, ca. 1770.]
[Not listed in Brun 1959.]
[Clements Library (University of Michigan), Maps 6-E-1770 Ge.]
[Scale: 1:633,600.]
[76.5 x 55 cm.]
[Clements catalog]
D. Florida
Pittman, Philip [Brun 644]
A draught of the Bay of Pansacola, Drawn by Ph. Pittman engineer at Mobile.
[Scale: 1 inch to 1 mile.]
[16 x 22.5 inches.]
[Clements Library (University of Michigan), Maps 6-K-9.]
[Clements catalog]
Romans, Bernard [Brun 645]
[ca. 1770?]:
[Map of East Florida from St. Augustine to Tampa Bay.]
[Scale: 1 inch to approximately 10.5 miles.]
[34 x 21 inches.]
[Clements Library (University of Michigan), Maps 5-J-3.]
[Clements catalog]
Durnford, Elias [Brun 646]
[Pensacola.] E. D.
[Scale: 1 inch to 200 feet.]
[7 x 9.625 inches.]
[Clements Library (University of Michigan), Small Maps 1765.]
[Clements catalog]
[Blamey, Jacob] [Brun 650]
A plan of St. Mary's Harbour in the province of East Florida with the proposed past for the defence of it and the inland navigation to St. Jones [Johns] River.
[Appears to be manuscript precursor of Blamey's "A Plan of Amelia Harbour and Barr in East Florida. Survey'd in Jany. 1775. By Jacob Blamey, Master of His Majesty's Schooner St. John"; originally published in 1776.]
[Shows the vicinity of Amelia Island and Cumberland Island.]
[57.2 x 46.4 cm.]
[Hargrett Library (University of Georgia), Map 1760 S25 (photo).]
[Clements Library (University of Michigan), Maps 6-K-177- Pl.]
[Clements catalog]
[UGa catalog]
[UGa photo (d)]
Gauld, George; Pittman, Philip [Brun 660]
A sketch of the entrance from the sea to Apalachy and part of the environs / taken by George Gauld esqr surveyor of the coast and Lieutenant Philip Pittman, assistt engineer.
[87 x 45.6 cm.]
[Clements Library (University of Michigan), Maps 5-J-1767 Ga.]
[Clements catalog]
Huet, Luis
Plano del puerto de Panzacola en el qe. se manifiestan las marchas, campamentos y ataque de las tropas Espanolas : al mando del maniscal de campo Dn. Bernardo de Galves, y los fuertes rendos. en 8 de mayo, 1781.
[Not listed in Brun 1959.]
[38.5 x 50 cm.]
[Clements Library (University of Michigan), Atl 1781 Ga.]
[Clements catalog]
E. Gulf States
Anonymous [Brun 661]
[ca. 1775?]:
[The Gulf Coast from the Mississippi Delta to the Bay of St. Joseph.]
[The title in upper left corner, now torn away, contained the words "East Florida," which suggests this map was drawn between 1763 and 1783 during the English dominion of this area.]
[Scale: 1 inch to approximately 11 miles.]
[16.75 x 40.5 inches.]
[Clements Library (University of Michigan), Maps 5-I-1.]
[Clements catalog]
Romans, Bernard; Stuart, John (1718-1779) [Brun 662] [SEM 441]
A map of part of West Florida done under the direction of the Honourable John Stuart esqe: & by him humbly inscribed
to his Excellency Thomas Gage esquire general and commander in chief of all His Majesty's forces in North America.
Survey'd & drawn by Bernard Romans. between the month of June 1772 & January 1773.
[Scale: 1 inch to 10 statute miles.]
[21.5 x 29.75 inches.]
[Clements Library (University of Michigan), Maps 6-J-10.]
[Clements catalog]
Romans, Bernard; Taitt, David; Gauld, George [Brun 663] [SEM 440]
A map of West Florida part of Et: Florida. Georgia part of So: Carolina i[n]cluding [torn] & Chactaw Chickasaw
& Creek nations with [torn] [r]oad [torn] Pensacola through ye: Creek Nation to Augusitus & CharlesTown.
Compiled under the directi[on] of ye: So [torn] John Stuart esqr: His Majesty's [torn] superintendent of Indian affairs
in [torn: the Southern Department?] of Nth: America & by him humbly to His Excellency ye: Honble: Thomas Gage
esqr: general & commandr in chief of all His Majesty's: forces in Nth America &ca. &ca. &ca.
[Scale: 1 inch to 8 miles.]
[66 x 101 inches.]
Inset: [West Florida the Carolinas]
[Scale: 1 inch to approximately 8 miles.]
[51 x 23.5 inches.]
[Clements Library (University of Michigan), Maps 6-E-12.]
[Clements catalog]
[UGa photo]
[UGa photo (z)]
[LC photo]
F. Alabama
Pittman, Philip [Brun 665]
A draught of the barr off the Bay of Mobille & Dauphine Island by Ph[ilip]: Pittman lieutt 15th Regt & engineer at Mobille.
[Scale: 1 inch to 1 mile.]
[11.625 x 15.125 inches.]
[Clements Library (University of Michigan), Small Maps 1765.]
[Clements catalog]
[Bonar, William] [Brun 666] [SEM 307]
A draught of the Upper Creek Nation, taken in May 1757.
1280 gun men, 27 towns.
[Scale: 1 inch to approximately 3.5 miles.]
[11.125 x 13.375 inches (overall: 12.25 x 13.375 inches).]
[Clements catalog: Similar to Bonar 1757 at PRO; "possibly drawn by Bernard Romans."]
[Clements Library (University of Michigan), Small Maps 1757.]
[Clements catalog]
[McKenzie, Alexander] [Brun 667]
A plan of Croft-Town. An encampment intended by Major Mc.Kenzie for the troops at Mobile during the unhealthy season.
[Scale: 1 inch to 30 feet.]
[12 x 17.5 inches.]
[Clements Library (University of Michigan), Maps Maps 6-J-7.]
[Clements catalog]
[Stuart, Charles] [Brun 668]
A plan of the Indian boundary lin[e] [section torn away] From Atchtickpi to the Buckatanne;
and from the line at [torn] Buckatanne to the Pascagoula River;
the road to Mobile [torn] Surveyed 17th: Feby: 17[71].
[Scale: 1 inch to 2 miles.]
[27.75 (top section of map missing - this measurement is of remaining section) x 23.5 inches.]
[Clements Library (University of Michigan), Maps Maps 6-J-8.]
[Clements catalog]
Pittman, Philip [Brun 669]
[ca. 1765]:
A draught of Ship & Catt Islands and the opposite coast.
Drawn by Ph: Pittman lieut 15th Regt engineer at Mobile.
[Scale: 1 inch to 1 league.]
[15 x 19.25 inches.]
[Clements Library (University of Michigan), Maps 6-J-6.]
[Clements catalog]
G. Louisiana
[Durnford, Elias] [Brun 671]
The communication between the Iberville and the River Mississippe.
[Scale: 1 inch to 1 mile.]
[15.125 x 16.25 inches.]
[Clements Library (University of Michigan), Small Maps 1770.]
[Clements catalog]
Durnford, Elias; Hutchins, Thomas [Brun 672]
[ca. 1772]:
Copy of a plan of the River Iberville from Lake Maurepas to the Forks, with part of the Comit and Amit
- taken from Engineer Durnford's by Tho: Hutchins.
[Scale: 1 inch to 800 feet.]
[201.5 x 50 inches.]
[Similar to Public Record Office (UK), CO 700 / Florida 49.]
[Clements map online is incomplete, missing the western half (on upper sheet).]
[Clements Library (University of Michigan), Maps 7-L-11.]
[Clements catalog]
[Clements, complete map*]
Pittman, Philip [Brun 673]
Draught of the passage from Lake Ponchartrin to the River Missisippi.
Ph: Pittman lieutt: 15th Regt. assistt engr.
[Scale: 1 inch to 1 league.]
[22.25 x 8.5 inches.]
[Clements Library (University of Michigan), Maps 7-L-9.]
[Clements catalog]
Pittman, Philip; Brasier, William [Brun 674]
[ca. 1765]:
A draught of Massiac Lake, Maurepas, part of the River Amitt and the River Ibberville. Copy from Lieut Ph: Pittman by Wm. Brasier.
[Scale: 1 inch to 1 league.]
[22.5 x l2.75 inches.]
[Clements Library (University of Michigan), Maps 7-L-9.]
[Clements catalog]
Gauld, George [Brun 676]
A plan of Manchac 1774. By Geo. Gauld surveyor of the sea coasts &c.
For His Excellency Sir Henry Clinton k. b. commander in chief &c. &c. &c. at the request of Brigr. General [Archibald] Campbell 1779.
[Scale: 1 inch to 5 gunter's chains.]
[17.75 x 22.75 inches.]
Inset: Part of the Mississippi near Manchac 1774.
[Scale: inch to 4 miles.]
[8 x 5.375 inches.]
[Clements Library (University of Michigan), Maps 6-J-11.]
[Clements catalog]
Pittman, Philip [Brun 677]
A plan of New Orleans. Drawn by Ph: Pittman lieut 15th Regt engineer at Mobile.
[Scale: 1 inch to 50 toises.]
[11.25 x 16.75 inches (overall: 11.25 x 22.5 inches).]
[Clements Library (University of Michigan), Maps 8-L-13.]
[Clements catalog]
[HNOC photo (z)]
[HNOC photo (d)]
Pittman, Philip; Brasier, William [Brun 678]
Plan of Point Ibberville. Copy from Lieutt T Pittmans by Wm. Brasier.
[Scale: 1 inch to 200 feet.]
[12.5 x 10.5 (overall: 12.5 x 18.5 inches).]
Insets: Section 1st., Section 2:d. Section 3d.
[Scale: 1 inch to 40 feet.]
[In strip 12.5 x 4 inches.]
[Clements Library (University of Michigan), Maps 8-L-14.]
[Clements catalog]
Pittman, Philip [Brun 679]
A plan of Point Ibberville survey'd and drawn by. Ph: Pittman lieutt 15th Regt: assistt: engr.
[Scale: 1 inch to 200 yards.]
[12.5 x 10.375 (overall: 12.5 x 18.625).]
Insets: Section 1st: Section 2d: Section 3d:
[Scale: 1 inch to 40 feet.]
[In strip 12.5 x 4 inches.]
[Clements Library (University of Michigan), Maps 8-L-14.]
[Clements catalog]
Pittman, Philip [Brun 680]
Plan of Point Iberville. Survey'd and drawn by Ph: Pittman lieutt: 15th Regt: assistt engr:
[Scale: 1 inch to 200 feet. 12.125 x 9.75 (overall: 12.125 x 18.5 inches).]
Insets: Section 1st.; Section 2d.; Section 3d.
[Scale: 1 inch to 40 feet.]
[In strip: 12.125 x 3.625 inches.]
[Clements Library (University of Michigan), Maps 8-L-14.]
[Clements catalog]
Pittman, Philip; Brasier, William [Brun 681]
[ca. 1765]:
A plan of the Ibberville from the Missisippi to Anatamaha.
Copied from Lieut. P. Pittmans by Wm: Brasier.
[Scale: 1 inch to 2000 feet.]
[10 x 23.5 inches.]
[Clements Library (University of Michigan), Maps 8-L-15.]
[Clements catalog]
Pittman, Philip [Brun 682]
[ca. 1765]:
A plan of the Ibberville from the Missisippi to Anatamaha.
Survey'd and drawn by Ph[ilip] Pittman lieutt: of 15th Regt. asst: engr:
[Scale: 1 inch to 2000 feet.]
[9.375 x 23.75 inches.]
[Clements Library (University of Michigan), Maps 8-L-15.]
[Clements catalog]
Hutchins, Thomas [Brun 683]
[Section of the level of the country. By: Thomas Hutchins. 1773.]
[Scale: horizontal, 1 inch to approximately 0.5 mile; vertical, 1 inch to 10 feet.]
[8 x 19 inches.]
[Clements Library (University of Michigan), Maps 8-L-16.]
[Clements catalog]
Hutchins, Thomas; Brasier, William [Brun 684]
[Section of the level of the country. By Thomas Hutchins. 1773.]
Copy, Wm. Brasier.
[Scale: horizontal, 1 inch to approx1mately 0.5 mile; vertical, 1 inch to 10 feet.]
[9 x 19.5 inches.]
[Clements Library (University of Michigan), Maps 8-L-16.]
[Clements catalog]
Strachan, Patrick [Brun 685]
A survey of the passage to the River Missisippi by the Lakes Ponchartrain and Maurepas and the River Ibervi11e.
By Patrick Strachan volunteer in ye. 21st. Regt. 20th January 1767.
[Scale: 1 inch to 2 miles.]
[37 x l7 inches.]
[Clements Library (University of Michigan), Maps 7-L-10.]
[Clements catalog]
Marigny de Mandeville, Antoine Phillipe de (1722-1779) [Brun 686]
Carte composee des differens ouvrages de messieurs les ingenieurs qui ont ete a Lousiane, avec les renvois alphabetiques de chaque partie.
Scavoir [:]
Du point A jusqu'au B par Monsieur Broutin et Duverge[.]
La Riviere des Chikachas par Monsieur Broutin.
La Riviere Rouge par le meme[.]
La Riviere des Argues tiree d'apres differentes cartes et memoires trouves dans les papiers de feu Mr. Broutin[.]
La Riviere des Alibamons par Mr. De Vince.
La Riviere Noire par Mr. Gonichon[.]
La cote depuis la Baye Ste. Rose jusqu'a l'Isle aux Cha[t]s par Monsr. Duverge[.]
Depuis B jusqu'aux Illinois par Mr. Laussie.
Du point B jusqu'en C par le meme.
Du point D jusqu'aux Chaquetas par le meme.
La cote depuis l' Isle aux Chats jusqu'a la Balize par le Sieur de Mandeville.
Les trois Lacs Borgne, Pontchartrain et Maurepas et du point A jusqu'en E avec les lacs et rivieres, le tout reunien un corps,
avec leurs latitudes par le meme et toutes les rivieres qui tombent dans les Lacs Borgnes Pontchartrain et Maurepas, avec la Riviere d'Iberville par le meme
dediee a Monseigneur le duc de Choiseul pair de France, secretaire d'etat ministre de la guerre et de la marine.
Par Philippe de Mandeville.
[Scale: 1 inch to 5 lieues.
[54.25 x 31.75 inches.]
Inset: Partie de la carte, a grands points.
[Scale: 1 inch to 2.5 lieues.]
[11 x 27 inches.
[Clements Library (University of Michigan), Maps 8-K-8.]
[Clements catalog]
Pittman, Philip [Brun 687]
A draught of the river Missisippi. From the Balise to Fort Cavendish.
Taken in the months of June, July, August, September, October, and November
on a passage to the Illinois with his Majesty's Thirty fourth Regiment, in the year 1765.
By. Philip Pittman lieutenant of the 15th Regiment.
[Scale: 1 inch to 3 leagues.]
[21.5 x 59.5 inches.]
[Clements Library (University of Michigan), Maps 8-K-9.]
[Clements catalog]
Durnford, Elias; Hutchins, Thomas [Brun 688]
[ca. 1773]:
Plan of the river Mississippi from the Indian village of the Tonicas to the river Ibberville,
shewing the lands surveyed thereon as also the rivers Ibberville, Amit, and Comit,
with the situation of the new town proposed at the Ibberville.
A true copy from Enginr. Durnfords by Thomas Hutchins.
[Scale: 1 inch to 0.5 mile.]
[48.25 x 127 inches.]
[Clements map online is incomplete, missing the southern terminus (on rightmost sheet).]
[Clements Library (University of Michigan), Maps 7-K-6.]
[Clements catalog]
[Clements, complete map*]
Pittman, Philip; Brasier, William [Brun 689]
A sketch of the River Missisippi from New Orleans to the Rock of Davion by Ph: Pittman.
No. 1 Copy by W Brasier.
[Scale: 1 inch to approximately 1 French computed league.]
[14.625 x 36 inches.]
[Clements Library (University of Michigan), Maps 7-K-1.]
[Clements catalog]
Cambel, John [Brun Add. 25]
Governor Browne's land, on the river Mississippi; opposite Point-Coupé.
[Signed:] I.C. engr., A.D. 1774.
[Clements Library (University of Michigan), Maps 8-L-18.]
[Clements catalog]
Cambel, John [Brun Add. 26]
A plan shewing the situation & construction for a seat of government on the Mississippi.
[Reproduced as the frontispiece in Stanley Clisby Arthur's (1935) "The Story of the West Florida Rebellion."]
[Clements Library (University of Michigan), Maps 8-L-19.]
[Clements catalog]
[Arthur (p)]
Cambel, John [Brun Add. 27]
[The proposed town of Dartmouth on the Mississippi River.]
[Signed:] Ino. Cambel, lieut. of engineers, A.D. 1774.
[Clements Library (University of Michigan), Maps 8-L-17.]
[Clements catalog]
Anonymous [Brun Add. 183]
Plano de la costa de la Luciana decide el cabo de Loso hasta el cabo de San Blas sacado por los Yngs. el ano de 1769 con sur yslas, baxci, sonda y canales.
[Clements Library (University of Michigan), Maps 5-I-1769 Pl.]
[Clements catalog]