May 2, 2003
Col. Leonard D. Waterworth
District Engineer
Galveston District
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
P.O. Box 1229
Galveston TX 77553-1229
Re: Final draft treatment plan for the Buckeye Knoll site
Dear Colonel Waterworth:
The Society for American Archaeology has received the Final Draft Treatment Plan for the Buckeye Knoll Site. I would like to express our appreciation for the care that you and your staff have taken to listen and respond to the wide variety of views among the consulting parties for this undertaking. The compromise represented by the plan recognizes both the extraordinary scientific importance of the site and the strongly held beliefs of the tribes who have identified religious and cultural concerns about the site.
Given the importance of the site and the plans to reinter the human remains and grave goods at Buckeye Knoll, we hope that you will encourage DuPont Corporation to make plans for the long-term preservation of the site. Donation of the site to the Archaeological Conservancy or a similar organization would ensure permanent protection and appropriate management of this extraordinary part of our nation's heritage.
Thank you for the careful consideration that you have given to the difficult issues that have arisen in this project. I look forward very much to seeing the results of the Buckeye Knoll analyses. If I can be of any further assistance, please don't hesitate to contact me.
Lynne Sebastian, Ph.D., RPA