Early Maps of the American South
— Local Maps: Settlements and Forts (Atlantic)
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[updated 10/12/24]
This page contains plans of colonial settlements in the South Atlantic province, i.e., on the Atlantic coast and along rivers that drain into the Atlantic. Among these are a number of major settlements, as well as a variety of smaller forts and outposts. They are presented in the following categories:
- St. Augustine
- St. Johns River
- Amelia and Cumberland Islands
- St. Simons and Jekyll Islands
- St. Catherines Island
- Savannah
- Santa Elena (Port Royal Sound)
- Charleston
- Miscellaneous
Within each category the maps are listed alphabetically by author, and then by date.
Many can be viewed on the web sites of
the Bibliothèque Nationale de France (BNF),
the Biblioteca Nacional de España (BNE),
the Library of Congress (LC).
Click here for a complete list of repositories and their abbreviations.
Images whose links are labeled "HMC photo" are posted here courtesy of the Harvard Map Collection, Harvard College Library. The images labeled "LC photo" are posted courtesy of the Geography and Map Division, Library of Congress.
Click here for a complete list of bibliographic sources cited below.
[The documents on this site were compiled by Vincas P. Steponaitis.
Please email comments and suggestions to him at vps@email.unc.edu.]
A. St. Augustine:
Plano del fuerte de San Agustín de la Florida.
[Archivo General de Indias, Mapas y Planos, Florida-Luisiana 252.]
[AGI catalog]
Anonymous [TL 43] [Gonzalez 3]
Mapa del pueblo, fuerte y caño de San Agustín de la Florida y del pueblo y caño de San Sebastián.
[AGI catalog: "Fecha Creación (creation date) 1576 ... Con memorial y consulta de 1595."]
[Archivo General de Indias, Mapas y Planos, Florida-Luisiana 3; also cataloged as México 43.]
[Other AGI catalog numbers: 140-7-37(1); Indiferente General 743.]
[AGI catalog]
[UFL photo]
Anonymous [TL 44] [Gonzalez 4]
[ca. 1595]:
Plano del fuerte de San Agustín de la Florida.
[Archivo General de Indias, Mapas y Planos, Florida-Luisiana 4; also cataloged as México 44.]
[Other AGI catalog numbers: 140-7-37(2); Indiferente General 743.]
[AGI catalog]
[UFL photo]
Anonymous [TL 45] [Gonzalez 5]
Plano del fuerte biejo que está en San Agustín, llamado San Marcos. Todo es de madera y está apuntalado, y está plantado en el puerto del que va trazado para la obra nueva.
[AGI catalog: "Fecha Creación (creation date) 1576 ... Con memorial y consulta de 1595."]
[Archivo General de Indias, Mapas y Planos, Florida-Luisiana 5; also cataloged as México 45.]
[Other AGI catalog numbers: 140-7-37(3); Indiferente General 743.]
[AGI catalog]
[UFL photo]
Anonymous [Gonzalez 14]
Planta del fuerte real que se fabrica en el presidio de San Agustín de la Florida.
[UFL catalog: Came with letter of the governor of Florida 30 October 1678; description of the royal fort which is being constructed in the presidio of San Agustin.]
[Archivo General de Indias, Mapas y Planos, Florida-Luisiana 14.]
[Other AGI catalog numbers: Audencia de Santo Domingo 231.]
[AGI catalog]
[UFL photo]
Anonymous [Gonzalez 15]
Planta del castillo de San Agustín de la Florida.
[Archivo General de Indias, Mapas y Planos, Florida-Luisiana 15.]
[Other AGI catalog numbers: Audencia de Santo Domingo 226.]
[AGI catalog]
[UFL photo]
Anonymous [Gonzalez 26]
Planta del castillo de San Agustín de la Florida.
[Archivo General de Indias, Mapas y Planos, Florida-Luisiana 26.]
[Other AGI catalog numbers: Audencia de Santo Domingo 228.]
[AGI catalog]
[UFL photo]
Anonymous [Gonzalez 30]
Plano de las proximidades y "castillo de Pilijiriba, con dos pueblos de indios, tierra firme con San Agustín" de la Florida.
[Archivo General de Indias, Mapas y Planos, Florida-Luisiana 30.]
[Other AGI catalog numbers: Audencia de Santo Domingo 858.]
[AGI catalog]
[UFL photo]
[ca. 1737]:
Plano proyectado del Castillo de S. Agustín de la Florida Oriental.
[Assigned date is based on similarity to Arredondo 1737, AGI Florida-Luisiana 43.]
[Archivo General Militar de Madrid, USA-12/10.]
[BVD catalog]
Sketch of the Castle of St. Augustin, with MS. notes.
[Reproduced in Hulbert (1907-16), ser. III, pl. 53.]
[Public Record Office (UK), CO 700 / Florida 6.]
[Formerly Colonial Office Library (London), Florida 6.]
[PRO catalog]
[Hulbert, III:53]
[UFL photo]
Anonymous [Gonzalez 79]
Plano de la ciudad, y fuerte de Sn. Agustin de la Florida, sus inmediaciones y plano de ataque. Havana, 13 de marzo de 1779.
[HMC Karpinski series S 11-3-2.]
[Archivo General de Indias, Mapas y Planos, Florida-Luisiana 79.]
[Other AGI catalog numbers: Papeles de Cuba 1291(1).]
[NL catalog]
[AGI catalog]
[UFL photo]
Anonymous [Gonzalez 80]
Plano y perfiles del fuerte de San Agustín de la Florida.
[Archivo General de Indias, Mapas y Planos, Florida-Luisiana 80.]
[Other AGI catalog numbers: Papeles de Cuba 1291.]
[AGI catalog]
[UFL photo]
St. Augustine and its environs.
[Library of Congress, Geography and Map Division, G3934.S2 1782 .S2 Vault.]
[LC catalog]
[UFL photo]
Arredondo, Antonio de (1702-1754) [TL 132] [Gonzalez 40]
Plan de la ciudad de San Agustín de la Florida y sus contornos, situada en la altura septentrional de 29 grados y 50 minutos.
[Archivo General de Indias, Mapas y Planos, Florida-Luisiana 40; also cataloged as México 132.]
[Other AGI catalog numbers: Audencia de Santo Domingo 2598; 87-1-2(3).]
[AGI catalog]
[UFL photo]
Arredondo, Antonio de (1702-1754) [TL 133] [Gonzalez 41]
Perfil que pasa por la línea de puntos A.B. Bajo la misma escala del plano duplicado.
[Archivo General de Indias, Mapas y Planos, Florida-Luisiana 41; also cataloged as México 133.]
[Other AGI catalog numbers: Audencia de Santo Domingo 2598; 87-1-8(3).]
[AGI catalog]
Arredondo, Antonio de (1702-1754) [TL 134] [Gonzalez 42]
Plano del castillo de San Marcos de la Florida.
[Archivo General de Indias, Mapas y Planos, Florida-Luisiana 42; also cataloged as México 134.]
[Other AGI catalog numbers: Audencia de Santo Domingo 2592; 87-1-2(4).]
[AGI catalog]
[UFL photo]
Arredondo, Antonio de (1702-1754) [TL 135] [Gonzalez 43]
Plano del castillo de San Marcos de la Florida, con indicación de las obras que convendría hacer en él.
[Archivo General de Indias, Mapas y Planos, Florida-Luisiana 43; also cataloged as México 135.]
[Other AGI catalog numbers: Audencia de Santo Domingo 2592; 87-1-2(5).]
[AGI catalog]
Brozas y Garay, Pedro de [Gonzalez 55]
Perfil cortado sobre la línea 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 del plano del fuerte de San Agustín de la Florida.
[Archivo General de Indias, Mapas y Planos, Florida-Luisiana 55.]
[Other AGI catalog numbers: Audencia de Santo Domingo 2542.]
[AGI catalog]
[UFL photo]
Brozas y Garay, Pedro de; Castelló, Pablo [CU 2-70]
Plano del frente príncipal del castillo de Sn. Agustín de la Florida y del Revellín que se construyó para cubrir su puerta.
Por D. Pedro de Brozas y Garay y D. Pablo Castelló Ingeniero voluntario.
[Reproduced in Servicio Geográfico del Ejército, Cartografía de Ultramar, v. 2, 1953: pl. 70.]
[Centro Geográfico del Ejército (Madrid), Archivo Cartográfico, Ar.J-T.1-C.4-67.]
[Formerly in Servicio Geográfico del Ejército, LM-8a-1a-a,23.]
[BVD catalog]
[SGE (p)]
Brozas y Garay, Pedro de; Castelló, Pablo [CU 2-71]
Perfiles que demuestran la concistencia, y eslado de la obra del revellin, que se construyo con motivo de la guerra, para cubrir la puerta del castillo de Sn. Agustin de la Florida de orn del Sor. Dn. Melchor Feliu Thento. Corl. del Regimto. de Infana. de España, Govor. y Capn. Gral interino de la dha Plaza y sus Prova. en 27 de Julio de 1762.
[Reproduced in Servicio Geográfico del Ejército, Cartografía de Ultramar, v. 2, 1953: pl. 71.]
[Centro Geográfico del Ejército (Madrid), Archivo Cartográfico, Ar.J-T.1-C.4-68 (sheet 1), 68 bis (sheet 2).]
[Formerly in Servicio Geográfico del Ejército.]
[BVD catalog, sheet 1]
[BVD catalog, sheet 2]
[BVD, sheet 1]
[BVD, sheet 2]
[SGE (p), sheet 1]
[SGE (p), sheet 2]
Castelló, Pablo [CU 2-69]
Plano del castillo del presidio de Sn. Agustín de la Florida, visto interior y exteriormente en el estado en que se hallaba el 21 de Julio de 1763, quando por orn de S. M. se entregó a la Gran Bretaña; en que se indican tambien lavadas de amarillo, las obiras que se construyeron en 1762, y las demás proyectas pa. resguardo de su Puerta, y defensa de aql. frente.
[Reproduced in Servicio Geográfico del Ejército, Cartografía de Ultramar, v. 2, 1953: pl. 69.]
[HMC Karpinski series S 16-1-2.]
[Centro Geográfico del Ejército (Madrid), Archivo Cartográfico, Ar.J-T.1-C.4-66.]
[Formerly in Servicio Geográfico del Ejército, LM-8a-1a-a,23.]
[Formerly in Depósito de la Guerra (Spain), LM 8a-1a-a,23.]
[NL catalog]
[BVD catalog]
[HMC photo]
[SGE (p)]
Cortazar, Francisco de [CU 2-78]
Plano del castillo de San Marcos en San Agustin de la Florida Oriental.
Por D. Francisco de Cortazar.
[Copy by Antonio M. de la Torre y Cardenas.]
[Reproduced in Servicio Geográfico del Ejército, Cartografía de Ultramar, v. 2, 1953: pl. 78.]
[Archivo General Militar de Madrid.]
[Formerly in Servicio Histórico Militar, K-b-4-36-Hoja no. 4.]
[UFL photo]
[SHM (p)]
Díaz Berrio, Pedro [CU 2-75]
Plano del castillo de San Marcos en San Agustin de la Florida Oriental.
Por D. Pedro Diaz Berrio.
[Reproduced in Servicio Geográfico del Ejército, Cartografía de Ultramar, v. 2, 1953: pl. 75.]
[Archivo General Militar de Madrid, USA-5/13.]
[Formerly in Servicio Histórico Militar, K-b-4-35 Hoja No. 1.]
[BVD catalog]
[UFL photo]
[SHM (p)]
Hita y Salazar, Pablo (b. 1646) [TL 68] [Gonzalez 9]
Plano del castillo que se fabrica de horden de S.M. en el presidio de San Agustín de la Florida, a cargo de don Pablo de Hita y Salazar, su gobernador y capitán general, y estado en que se halla la fábrica en mayo de 1675.
[Archivo General de Indias, Mapas y Planos, Florida-Luisiana 9; also cataloged as México 68.]
[Other AGI catalog numbers: Patronato 241, R-3.]
[AGI catalog]
[UFL photo]
Hita y Salazar, Pablo (b. 1646) [TL 69] [Gonzalez 10] [cf. CU 2-65]
Plano del castillo que se fabrica de horden de S.M. en el presidio de San Agustín de la Florida, y de las cortaduras y defensas hechas por don Pablo de Hita y Salazar, gobernador y capitán general de San Agustín de la Florida. Año 1675.
[Archivo General de Indias, Mapas y Planos, Florida-Luisiana 10; also cataloged as México 69.]
[Other AGI catalog numbers: Patronato 241, R-3.]
[AGI catalog]
[UFL photo]
Hita y Salazar, Pablo (b. 1646) [TL 70] [Gonzalez 11]
Descripción del fuerte real que se fabrica en este presidio de San Agustín de la Florida por orden de S.M., a cargo del sargento mayor don Pablo de Hita Salazar, su gobernador y capitán general, año de 1676, que lo está continuando en 8 de mayo de 1676.
[Archivo General de Indias, Mapas y Planos, Florida-Luisiana 11; also cataloged as México 70.]
[Other AGI catalog numbers: Indiferente General 1094.]
[AGI catalog]
[UFL photo]
Hita y Salazar, Pablo (b. 1646) [Gonzalez 13]
Descripsión de lo que se a obrado en el fuerte real que de orden de su Magestad se fabrica en este | presidio de San Agustín de la Florida, al cuidado y asistencia del sargento mayor don Pablo de Hita | Salazar, su gouernador y capitán general de dichas prouincias, desde 2 de julio de 1675 hasta 14 de diziembre de 677.
[Archivo General de Indias, Mapas y Planos, Florida-Luisiana 13.]
[Other AGI catalog numbers: Audencia de Santo Domingo 226.]
[AGI catalog]
[UFL photo]
Lasso de la Vega, Francisco Palomino [Gonzalez 37]
Planta del fuerte del río Picalata, a siete leguas de San Austín de la Florida.
[Archivo General de Indias, Mapas y Planos, Florida-Luisiana 37.]
[Other AGI catalog numbers: Audencia de Santo Domingo 2541.]
[AGI catalog]
[UFL photo]
Lasso de la Vega, Francisco Palomino [cf. Gonzalez 37]
Planta del fuerte del río Picalata, a siete leguas de San Austín de la Florida.
[Archivo General de Indias, Mapas y Planos, Florida-Luisiana 37 bis.]
[Other AGI catalog numbers: Audencia de Santo Domingo 2542.]
[AGI catalog]
Menéndez Márquez, Pedro [Gonzalez 1]
Planta del fuerte de San Agustín.
[Archivo General de Indias, Mapas y Planos, Florida-Luisiana 1.]
[Other AGI catalog numbers: Indiferente General 743.]
[AGI catalog]
[UFL photo]
Mexía, Alvaro [TL 2] [Gonzalez 8]
Derrotero útil y provechoso y en todo verdadero de rios, caños, lagunas, montes, poblaciones, envarcaderos, baraderos, rancherías, el qual reza desde la ciudad de San Agustín (de la Florida) hasta la varra de Aiz.
[Archivo General de Indias, Mapas y Planos, Florida-Luisiana 8; also cataloged as México 2.]
[Other AGI catalog numbers: 1-1-1/19, ramo 29; Patronato 19, R-29.]
[AGI catalog]
[NYHS fine copy]
[LC copy]
[UFL photo]
Moncrief, James (1744-1793)
Plan of the Town of St. Augustine and its environs. By James Moncrief, Engineer.
[Public Record Office (UK), CO 700 / Florida 8.]
[Formerly Colonial Office Library (London), Florida 8.]
[PRO catalog]
Moncrief, James (1744-1793)
[ca. 1765]:
Plan of Fort Picalata on St. John's River, distant from St. Augustine seven leagues. By James Moncrief.
[Reproduced in Hulbert (1907-16), ser. III, pl. 58.]
[Public Record Office (UK), CO 700 / Florida 9.]
[Formerly Colonial Office Library (London), Florida 9.]
[PRO catalog]
[Hulbert, III:58]
Moncrief, James (1744-1793)
[ca. 1765]:
A Plan of the fort and harbour of Matanzas, distant from St. Augustine five leagues.
[Reproduced in Hulbert (1907-16), ser. III, pl. 59-60.]
[Public Record Office (UK), CO 700 / Florida 10.]
[Formerly Colonial Office Library (London), Florida 10.]
[PRO catalog]
[Hulbert, III:59]
[Hulbert, III:60]
Oglethorpe, James Edward (1696-1785)
[A plan of the coast of East Florida from Fort William to Anastatia Island: with a bird’s-eye view of the town of St. Augustine, to shew the attack and capture of the place by the English forces under General Oglethorpe in 1740.]
[Reproduced in Hulbert (1907-16), ser. I, vol. 2, pl. 5.]
[British Library, Maps K.Top.122.83; formerly Crown 122:83.]
[Hargrett Library (University of Georgia), Map 1740 P5 (photo).]
[NL catalog]
[UGa catalog]
[UGa photo]
[UGa photo (z)]
[UGa photo, verso (z)]
[UGa photo*]
[Hulbert (p)]
[UFL photo]
Pittman, Phillip; Brasier, William
Plan of the Fort at Saint Augustine.
[British Library, Add MS 57704.9.]
[BL catalog]
Pittman, Phillip
Plan of the Fort at Saint Augustine.
[PRO catalog: "enclosure to Sir Jeffery Amherst's of 19 October 1763)."]
[UF photo is a copy of the LC photo.]
[Public Record Office (UK), MPG 1/287; extracted from CO 5/63 (f 791).]
[PRO catalog]
[LC photo]
[UFL photo]
Puente, Juan Joseph Elixio de la
Plano de la Fuerza Baluartes y linea de la plaza de Sn. Agustín de la Florida : con su parroquial mayor, convento e iglesia de San Francisco, casas y solares de los veciun. San Agustín de la Florida y Henero 22 de 1764 / Juan Joseph Eligio de la Puente.
[Archivo del Museo Naval (Madrid), VI-B-14.]
[BVD catalog]
Purcell, Joseph
A Plan of St. Augustine Town and its Environs in East Florida from an Actual Survey made in 1777 by J. Purcell, Surveyor.
[U.S. National Archives, 77-CWMF-L-53-1; ARC 102279329.]
Rocque, Mariano de la [CU 2-73]
[Sheet 1:] Plano del castillo de San Marcos situado a 29 Grs. y 40 minutos de latitud en la Florida del Este.
[Sheet 2:] Perfil cortado sobre la linea 1.2.
[Sheet 3:] Perfil cortado sobre la linea 3.4.
Por Mariano de la Rocque.
[Reproduced in Servicio Geográfico del Ejército, Cartografía de Ultramar, v. 2, 1953: pl. 73.]
[Archivo General Militar de Madrid.]
[Formerly in Servicio Histórico Militar, K-b-4-36.]
[UFL photo, sheet 1]
[UFL photo, sheet 2]
[UFL photo, sheet 3]
[UFL photo*, sheet 1]
[UFL photo*, sheet 2]
[UFL photo*, sheet 3]
[SHM (p), sheet 1]
[SHM (p), sheet 2]
[SHM (p), sheet 3]
Rocque, Mariano de la
Plano del Castillo de Sn. Marcos [now Fort Marion] cituado a 29 Gras. y 40 minutos de Latitd en la Florida del Este. Explicacion [column of indexed references] San Agustin de Florida 12 de Maie de 1785.
[Note on map: "Copia facsímile del original que existe en el Depósito General Topográfico de la Dirección de Ingenieros, Madrid, 24 de noviembre de 1884"
(Facsimile copy of the extant original in the General Topographical Depot of the Engineer Directorate, Madrid, November 24, 1884).]
[Compare with map reproduced in Servicio Geográfico del Ejército 1949, nos. 73-75, perhaps the original from which this was copied.]
[Described in Arana 1986, pp. 85-86, note 28.]
[Hargrett Library (University of Georgia), Map 1785 P5 (photo).]
[UGa catalog]
[UGa photo]
[UGa photo (z)]
[UGa photo (positive)]
Rocque, Mariano de la
[ca. 1785]:
Plano de la Ciudad de Sn. Agustín de la Florida.
[Date is based on similarity to Rocque's maps of San Agustín reproduced in Servicio Geográfico del Ejército, Cartografía de Ultramar, v. 2, 1953: pl. 73.]
[Archivo General Militar de Madrid, USA-11/7.]
[AGM (dl)]
Rocque, Mariano de la
[ca. 1785]:
Plano de la Ciudad de Sn Agustin de la Florida.
[Compare with AGI USA-11/7.]
[Archivo General de Indias, current catalog number unknown.]
[UFL photo]
Rocque, Mariano de la
Plano particular de la Ciudad de Sn Agustin de la Florida, con el Detall de sus Mansanas, Casas y Solares, Castillo, &c.
[UFL fine copy is a full-scale reproduction.]
[Original in Bureau of Land Management Archives.]
[Formerly in Library of Congress, East Florida Papers.]
[UFL fine copy]
Roworth, Sam
[ca. 1765?]:
A plan of the land between Fort Mossy and St. Augustine in the province of East Florida. Sam Roworth, dept. survr. genl.
Silver, Thomas
A view of the town and castle of St. Augustine, and the English camp before it June 20, 1740.
[UGa: Hargrett Library, Map 1740 S5.]
[UGa catalog]
[UGa (z)]
[UGa (l)]
[UFL photo]
B. St. Johns River:
Arredondo, Antonio de (1702-1754) [TL 136]
Plano y Proyecto del Reducto que se deve construir en la boca del Río de S[a]n Juan, de estacas de 24 pies de alto y 8 pulg[ada]s de grueso, arreglado al terreno que se encuentra en el paraje.
[Archivo General de Indias, Mapas y Planos, México 136.]
[Other AGI catalog numbers: 87-1-2(6).]
[AGI catalog]
Díaz Berrio, Pedro
Plano y perfil del reducto y casa fuerte que se ha de construir de Tozas en el paso de Wignes en la rivera del Río de Sn. Juan / Pedro Diaz Berrio.
[Archivo General Militar de Madrid, USA-12/12.]
[BVD catalog]
Ruiz de Olano, Pedro [CU 2-64]
Plano y perfil del nuevo fortin de Sn. Francisco de Pupo, situado en la orilla del Norte del Rio Sn. Juan, siete leguas del presidio de Sn. Agustin de la Florida.
Por D. Pedro Ruiz de Olano.
[Reproduced in Servicio Geográfico del Ejército, Cartografía de Ultramar, v. 2, 1953: pl. 64.]
[HMC Karpinski series S 16-1-3.]
[Centro Geográfico del Ejército (Madrid), Archivo Cartográfico, Ar.J-T.1-C.4-62.]
[Formerly in Servicio Geográfico del Ejército, LM-8a-1a-a,26.]
[Formerly in Depósito de la Guerra (Spain), LM 8a-1a-a,26.]
[NL catalog]
[HMC photo]
[SGE (p)]
[BVD catalog]
C. Amelia and Cumberland Islands:
Clarke, George J. F. (1774-1836) [Gonzalez 242]
Plano del ataque de Fernandina el 17 de marzo de 1812 en la isla Amalia.
[Archivo General de Indias, Mapas y Planos, Florida-Luisiana 242.]
[Other AGI catalog numbers: Papeles de Cuba 1797.]
[AGI catalog]
Clarke, George J. F. (1774-1836) [cf. Gonzalez 242]
Plano del ataque de Fernandina el 17 de marzo de 1812 en la isla Amalia.
[Archivo General de Indias, Mapas y Planos, Florida-Luisiana 242 bis.]
[Other AGI catalog numbers: Papeles de Cuba 1789.]
[AGI catalog]
Cortázar, Francisco
Ysla de Amalia.
[Archivo General Militar de Madrid, USA-10/4.]
[BVD catalog]
Díaz Berrio, Pedro
[ca. 1796]:
Recinto qe. forma la Estacada del Destacamto., en la Ysla Amalia / Berrio.
[AGM catalog dates map to 1774, which is unlikely given that Amelia Island did not retun to Spanish control until 1783, and Díaz Berrio did not arrive in Havana until 1786.]
[Assigned date is based on general similarity to AGM USA-10/3.]
[Archivo General Militar de Madrid, USA-10/8.]
[BVD catalog]
Díaz Berrio, Pedro
[ca. 1796]:
[Perfiles de un reducto proyectado para la isla Amelia, en Florida.]
[AGM catalog dates map to 1774, which is unlikely given that Amelia Island did not retun to Spanish control until 1783, and Díaz Berrio did not arrive in Havana until 1786.]
[Assigned date is based on general similarity to AGM USA-10/3.]
[Archivo General Militar de Madrid, USA-5/12(C).]
[Formerly in Servicio Histórico Militar, K-b-4-34 (2˚).]
[BVD catalog]
[UFL photo]
Díaz Berrio, Pedro
Plano de la Bateria que ha de construirse en la Isla Amalia / don Pedro Diaz Berrio.
[Archivo General Militar de Madrid, USA-10/3.]
[BVD catalog]
Díaz Berrio, Pedro [Gonzalez 214]
Plano de la estacada y cuerpos de guardia del puesto de la ysla Amalia.
[Archivo General de Indias, Mapas y Planos, Florida-Luisiana 214.]
[Other AGI catalog numbers: Audencia de Santo Domingo 2689.]
[AGI catalog]
[Díaz Berrio, Pedro]
[ca. 1800]:
Plano de un Reducto que se propone construiren la Isla Amelia.
[UFL catalog: This appears to be a copy of the map of the Amelia Island Redoubt by Pedro Díaz Berrío with the same title. This version, however does not have the profile view inserts that the Berrío map has. The map is attributed to Berrío on the carto-bibliographic file sheet.]
[Formerly in Servicio Histórico Militar, K-b-4-34 (1˚).]
[UFL photo]
[Díaz Berrio, Pedro]
[ca. 1800]:
Plano de un Reducto que se propone construiren la Isla Amelia.
[Formerly in Servicio Histórico Militar, K-b-4-34 Hoja 3a.]
[UFL photo]
Thomas, John, the Elder
Plan d’un petit Fort pour l’Isle de St André capable de contenir outre les Magazins, des Barraques pour 200 Hommes de Garrison, & environ 20 Chambres de Surplus pour quelques autres Habitans.
[Cumberland Island, Ga.]
[Reproduced in Hulbert (1907-16), ser. I, vol. 2, pl. 12.]
[British Library, Maps K.Top.CXXII.76; formerly Crown 122:76.]
[Hargrett Library (University of Georgia), Map 1740 C8 (photo).]
[UGa catalog]
[UGa photo]
[UGa photo (z)]
[UGa photo (d)]
[Hulbert (p)]
D. St. Simons and Jekyll Islands:
Augspurguer, Samuel
The Fort at Frederica in Georgia as layd down by a Swiss Engineer facing [the] principal street of that town.
[John Carter Brown Library, Cabinet Ce736.]
[Hargrett Library (University of Georgia), Map 1736 A8 (photo).]
[UGa catalog]
[UGa photo]
[UGa photo (z), sheet 1]
[UGa photo (z), sheet 2]
De Brahm, John Gerar William (1717-ca. 1799)
The profile of the whole citadelle of Frederica ... ; Profile to the projects for Savannah & Hardwick ... / by William de Brahm.
[Reproduced in Hulbert (1907-16), ser. III, pl. 139-140.]
[Public Record Office (UK), CO 700 / Georgia 11.]
[Formerly Colonial Office Library (London), Georgia 11.]
[UGa fine copy (reduced scale), Hargrett Library (University of Georgia), Map 1755 D4.]
[PRO catalog]
[UGa catalog]
[UGa fine copy]
[UGa fine copy (z)]
[UGa fine copy (d)]
[Hulbert (p), panel 1]
[Hulbert (p), panel 2]
Thomas, John, the Elder [SEM 318A]
[ca. 1738]:
[Map and profiles of proposed fortifications on Jekyll Island (?).]
[British Library, K.Top.122.71.b.]
[BL catalog]
Thomas, John, the Elder [SEM 318A]
[ca. 1738]:
[A sketch map of the proposed battery on Jekyll Island (?).]
[British Library, K.Top.122.71.c.]
[BL catalog]
Thomas, John, the Elder [SEM 318A]
[ca. 1738]:
A Plan of the Plan.
[British Library, K.Top.122.71.d.]
[BL catalog]
Thomas, John, the Elder [cf. SEM 319]
[ca. 1738]:
1.r Plan du fort proposé dans l'Ille de S.t Simon pour la deffence de l'Entree du Havre de Jenkins Sownd.
[British Library, K.Top.122.72.]
[BL catalog]
[BL, with overlay]
Thomas, John, the Elder [SEM 319]
[ca. 1738]:
2.e Plan d'une Batterie & d'une Redoute avec un Corps de Garde construit en forme de Redoute a Machecoulis pour y Servir de Rentranchement a une Garde de 20 hommes ou plus.
[British Library, K.Top.122.73.]
[BL catalog]
Thomas, John, the Elder [SEM 320]
[ca. 1738]:
Plan dun Fort convenable en quelque endroit ce que soit dune Cote maritime Auquel on a changé la figure reguliere du 1.r Projet en une irreguliere daussi bonne deffence pour conserver la Maison de M.r le Liuet.t Colonnel.
[British Library, K.Top.122.74.]
[BL catalog]
Thomas, John, the Elder [SEM 321]
[ca. 1738]:
[Map of the proposed fort and adjacent redoubt on Saint Simons Island.]
[British Library, K.Top.122.75.]
[BL catalog]
Thomas, John, the Elder [SEM 322]
[ca. 1738]:
Plan dun petit Fort pour l'Isle de S.t Andre capable de contenir outre les Magazins, des Barraques pour 200 Hommes de Garrison, & environ 20 Chambres de Surplus pour queleques autres Habitans.
[British Library, K.Top.122.76.]
[BL catalog]
Thomas, John, the Younger; Thomas, John, the Elder [SEM 246A]
A Map of the Islands of St Simon and Jekyll with the Plans and Profils of their Fortifications as Proposed by the late John Thomas Engineer and design'd to be Executed under his Directions for the Deffence and Security of the said Islands and Town of Frederica, most Humbly Dedicated to His Grace the Duke of Argyll & Greenwich by ... John Thomas.
[OCLC: "The proposed fortifications were designed in 1738-39 by John Thomas the elder, from whose plans and drawings this 'one compleat Plan' was compiled in 1743 by his son John Thomas, at the request of the Trustees for the Founding of the Colony of Georgia."]
[National Park Service (US), Fort Frederica National Monument.]
[OCLC catalog]
[GaINFO photo]
[GaINFO photo (d)]
[GaINFO photo, enhanced]
E. St. Catherines Island:
Anonymous [Gonzalez 23]
Estacada hecha en la isla de Santa María y lugar de Santa Cathalina en la provincia de Guale.
[Archivo General de Indias, Mapas y Planos, Florida-Luisiana 23.]
[Other AGI catalog numbers: Audencia de Santo Domingo 228.]
[AGI catalog]
F. Savannah:
Savannah. Plan of the Town of Savannah, taken from the rebels on the 29th Decr. 1778.
[Hargrett Library (University of Georgia), Map 1778 C3b.]
[UGa catalog]
[UGa (z)]
[Map of the operations at the seige of Savannah in 1779, by the French and American forces.]
[Boston Public Library, G3924.S3S3 1779 .M3x.]
Plan du Siege de Savannah fait par les Troupes du Roy aux Ordres de Mr le Cte D'Estaing ViceAmiral de France en 7.bre et 8.bre 1779.
[HMC Karpinski series F 11-1-2.]
[Formerly in Ministère de la Guerre, Inspection du Génie, Bibliothèque, 15-3; 2 of 4 maps.]
[HMC photo]
Plan Du Siege de Savanah en Amerique.
[HMC Karpinski series F 11-1-3.]
[Formerly in Ministère de la Guerre, Inspection du Génie, Bibliothèque, 15-3; 3 of 4 maps.]
[HMC photo]
Siége de Savannah en Septembre et Octobre 1779.
[HMC Karpinski series F 12-3-1.]
[Formerly in Ministère de la Guerre, Archives historiques, Etat Major L.I.D. 151.]
[NL catalog]
[HMC photo]
[HMC photo]
Plan de Savannah.
[Newberry Library, Ayer MS map 235.]
[NL catalog]
[NL-CARLI (d)]
Plan of Savannah and its environs in 1782.
[Library of Congress, G3924.S3 1782 .P52.]
Plan of Savannah & its environs in 1782.
[Library of Congress, G3924.S3 1782 .P5.]
Plan of Savannah and its fortifications in 1782.
[Library of Congress, G3924.S3 1782 .P51.]
[ca. 1790]:
[Map of the city of Savannah.] Office of the Secretary of State: Atlanta Georgia May 10, 1886. I hearby certify that the map hereto annexed is a correct copy of an old map of the city of Savannah, on file in this office ....
[Hargrett Library (University of Georgia), Map 1790 S3 (photo).]
[UGa catalog]
[UGa photo]
[UGa photo (z)]
[UGa photo (d)]
Abernethie, Thomas; Ramsay, David (1749-1815)
A Sketch of the Situations and Stations of the British Vessels under the Command of Sir Peter Parker on the Attack upon Fort Moultrie on Sulivan Island June 28th 1776.
[From David Ramsay's (1785) History of the Revolution of South Carolina, vol. 1, facing p. 144.]
Campbell, Archibald (1739-1791)
Plan of the town of Savannah taken from the rebels on the 29th Decr. 1778 by his majesty's troops under the command of Lt. Colonel Archd. Campbell 71st. Regt.
[Lower right corner:] From original chart in the library of Georgia Historical Society Savannah, Ga. Copy made by M.C. Kollock February 1891.
[Hargrett Library (University of Georgia), Map 1778 C3a (copy).]
[UGa catalog]
[UGa copy]
[UGa copy (z)]
[UGa copy (d)]
Campbell, Archibald (1739-1791); Faden, William
Plan of the Siege of Savannah, with the joint Attack of the French and Americans on the 9th October 1779, In which they were defeated by his Majesty's Forces under the Command of Major Genl. Augustin Prevost, From a Survey by an Officer.
London: Wm. Faden.
[Ruderman map is a slight variant, "Engraved for Stedman's History of the American War. Jan: 20th 1794."]
[UGa catalog]
[UGa (z)]
[UGa (d)]
[NARA 1]
[NARA 2]
Estaing, Charles Henri, comte d' (1729-1794)
Plano de Savanas con todas las operaciones del citio bajo las Ordenes del Exmo. Sr. Conde de Estain el Mayor Genal. Lynron en el mes de Obre. del 1779.
[HMC Karpinski series S 24-3-2.]
[Archivo del Museo Naval (Madrid), VI-A-13.]
[Formerly in Instituto Hidrográfico de la Marina (Spain). S.H.M. 9a-4a,45.]
[NL catalog]
[BVD catalog]
[HMC photo]
Estaing, Charles Henri, comte d' (1729-1794); Nicolas
Siége de Savanah fait par les troupes du roi, aux ordres de monsieur le Comte d'Estaing, Vice-Amiral de France en Septembre et Octobre 1779.
[HMC Karpinski series F 01-3-1.]
[Bibliothèque nationale de France, Département des cartes et plans, Ge D 15558.]
[Formerly in Bibliothèque nationale de France, Département des cartes et plans, Portef. 40-172.]
[NL catalog]
[BNF catalog]
[HMC photo]
Estaing, Charles Henri, comte d' (1729-1794)
[Amérique Septentrionale Savanah. Siège de Septembre 1779 Commandé par le Cte d'Estaing.]
[BNF catalog]
Gordon, Peter (1697-1740)
[At top:] A View of Savanah as it stood the 29th of March, 1734.
[At bottom:] To the Hon.ble the Trustees for establishing the Colony of Georgia in America :
This View of the Town of Savanah is humbly dedicated by their Honours :
Obliged and most Obedient Servant : Peter Gordon : Vüe de Savanah dans la Georgie.
[Lower left corner:] P. Gordon Inv.
[Lower right corner:] P. Fourdrinier Sculp.
[UGa facsimile published in 1967 by Historic Urban Plans, Ithaca, NY.]
[Hargrett Library (University of Georgia), Map 1734 G6 (original); Map 1734 G6d (facsimile).]
[UGa catalog]
[UGa (z)]
[UGa (d)]
[UGa facsimile]
[UGa facsimile (z)]
Gordon, Peter (1697-1740)
A view of the town of Savanah, in the colony of Georgia, in South-Carolina. Humbly inscribed to his excellency Genl. Oglethorpe.
[Hargrett Library (University of Georgia), Map 1734 G6c.]
[UGa catalog]
[UGa (z)]
Huet, Luis [Gonzalez 84]
Plano de Savannah con todas las operaciones del sitio, baxo las órdenes del Excmo. Sr. Conde de Estaing y el Mayor General Lincoln, en el mes de octubre de 1779.
[Archivo General de Indias, Mapas y Planos, Florida-Luisiana 84.]
[Other AGI catalog numbers: Audencia de Santo Domingo 2082.]
[AGI catalog]
Jones, George
His majestys colony of Georgia in America. By George Jones.
[Savannah, Ga.]
[Hargrett Library (University of Georgia), Map 1734 G6b.]
[UGa catalog]
[UGa (z)]
[UGa (d)]
McCall, Thomas
Copy of a certified copy of a Plan of the forty five and five acre lots in the township of Savannah lodged in the Surveyors Office of the County of Chatham ... by Thos. McCall ....
[Hargrett Library (University of Georgia), Map 1777 S3.]
[UGa catalog]
[UGa copy]
[UGa copy (z)]
[UGa copy (d)]
McCall, Thomas
The above plan is a true copy taken from the one drawn many years ago by John McKinnon, on which he stated officially as surveyor of Chatham County, was copies from the original left in his office by the Surveyor General Thomas McCall. Executed by Wm. Hughes, Lib. co. June 24th, 1871...
[Hargrett Library (University of Georgia), Map 1777 S32 (copy).]
[UGa catalog]
[UGa copy]
[UGa copy (z)]
McKinnon, John
City of Savannah: In pursuance of an order of the city council I have made a resurvey of all that public ground situate at Springhill, and known by the name of Lot no. 16 ... certified this 28th Jany. 1801. John McKinnon C.E.
[Hargrett Library (University of Georgia), Map 1801 M2 (copy).]
[UGa catalog]
[UGa copy]
[UGa copy (z)]
Moncrief, James (1744-1793); Wilson, John (1755-1798)
Plan Of the Town of Savannah, Showing the Works Constructed for its Defence; also, The Approaches and Batteries of the Enemy: Together with The Joint Attack of the French & Rebels on the 9th October 1779.
[British Library, Add MS 57716.3.]
[BL catalog]
Revolutionary map of Savannah ....
[HMC Karpinski series F 34-1-3.]
[Formerly in Ministère des colonies, No. 5.]
[NL catalog]
[HMC photo]
Shruder, Thomas
[Savannah] Georgia, pursuant to an application made to me 8th January, 1770 by a committee of the honorable the Commons House of Assembly of this province, I have caused a resurvey to be made of the strand, the wharf lots and commons of the town of Savannah.
[Surveyor's name incorrectly transcribed on this copy as "Thomas Shoulder."]
[Hargrett Library (University of Georgia), Map 1770 S4 (copy).]
[UGa catalog]
[UGa copy]
[UGa copy (z)]
Shruder, Thomas
[Map of the city of Savannah] Pursuant to an application made to me 6th January 1770 by a committee of the honorable the Commons House of Assembly of this province I have caused a resurvey to be made of the strand the wharf lots and common of the town of Savannah...Tho. Shruder Deputy Surveyor Gen. certified the 5th day of February 1770...
[Hargrett Library (University of Georgia), Map 1770 S42 (copy).]
[UGa catalog]
[UGa copy, sheet 1]
[UGa copy, sheet 2]
Urlsperger, Samuel (1685-1772) [SEM 246]
A Map of the County of Savannah.
[Map is sometimes attributed to Tobias Conrad Lotter (1717-1777), but Cumming casts doubt on this.]
[Published in Samuel Urlsperger's Ausführliche Nachricht von der Saltzburgischen Emigranten. Halle, 1735.]
[UGa facsimile from Charles Colcock Jones, Jr., The History of Georgia. New York, 1883. V.1, facing p. 148.]
[Hargrett Library (University of Georgia), Map 1740 L6 (original); Map 1735 S3 (facsimile).]
[UGa catalog (original)]
[UGa catalog (facsimile)]
[JCBL 1]
[JCBL 2]
[UGa (z)]
[UGa (d)]
[UGa facsimile]
[UGa facsimile (z)]
Wilson, John
Plan of the siege of Savannah, and the defeat of the French and rebels on the 9th Octr. 1779 by his majesty's forces under the command of Major General Augustin Prevost.
[Hargrett Library (University of Georgia), Map 1779 W5.]
[UGa catalog]
[UGa (z)]
[UGa (d)]
Wylly, A. C.
Plan of attack and the fortifications at Savannah in the revolution as described by Capt A C Wylly who was present. Jno. S. Bowen, Del.
[Hargrett Library (University of Georgia), Map 1779 W9.]
[UGa catalog]
[UGa (z)]
[UGa (d)]
G. Santa Elena (Port Royal Sound):
Anonymous [Gonzalez 2]
Descripción del fuerte de Santa Elena.
[Archivo General de Indias, Mapas y Planos, Florida-Luisiana 2; also cataloged as México 517.]
[Other AGI catalog numbers: Indiferente General 1887.]
[AGI catalog]
[UFL photo]
Anonymous [TL 46] [Gonzalez 6]
Plano del fuerte de Santa Elena.
[Archivo General de Indias, Mapas y Planos, Florida-Luisiana 6; also cataloged as México 46.]
[Other AGI catalog numbers: Indiferente General 743.]
[AGI catalog]
[UFL photo]
H. Charleston:
[ca. 1710]:
The Town and harbour of Charles Town in South Caroline.
[Map postdates 1708, when Fort Johnson was built.]
[Compare with Crisp 1711 (inset on printed map).]
[HMC Karpinski series F 06-4-3.]
[Formerly in Bibliothèque nationale de France, Estampes, Vd.22 (5).]
[NL catalog]
[HMC photo]
A plan of the attack of Fort Sulivan, the key of Charles Town, in South Carolina on the 28th of June 1776 by His Majesty's squadron, commanded by Sir Peter Parker. By an officer on the spot.
London: R. Sayer and J. Bennett.
[Bibliothèque nationale de France, département Cartes et plans, Ge SH 18 pf 137 div 6 p 3 D.]
[BNF catalog]
Plan de la ville et du siege de Charlestown, capitale de la Caroline du sud dans l'Amerique septentrionale défendue par les trupes françoises et Americaines, attaquée le 21 février et prise le 12 mai 1780 par les Anglois.
[HMC Karpinski series F 12-1-2.]
[Formerly in Ministère de la Guerre, Archives historiques, Etat Major L.I.D. 41.]
[NL catalog]
[HMC photo]
[HMC photo]
Plan de Charlestown en 1780. [Manuscript.]
[HMC Karpinski series F 20-3-6.]
[Bibliothèque nationale de France, département Cartes et plans, Ge SH 18 pf 137 div 6 p 7 D.]
[Formerly in Archives de la Service hydrographique, 137 6-7.]
[BNF catalog]
[HMC photo 1]
[HMC photo 2]
Plan de Charlestown en 1780. [Manuscript.]
[HMC Karpinski series F 20-3-7.]
[Bibliothèque nationale de France, département Cartes et plans, Ge SH 18 pf 137 div 6 p 7/1 D.]
[Formerly in Archives de la Service hydrographique, 137 6-7/1.]
[BNF catalog]
[HMC photo 1]
[HMC photo 2]
The Investiture of Charleston, S.C. by the English army, in 1780 : With the position of each corps.
[Library of Congress, Geography and Map Division, G3914.C3S3 1780 .I5.]
[Vues de la rade de Charles-Town et de Fort Sulivan, mai 1780. Plan d'Amboy.]
Plan de la ville de Charlestown, de ses retranchements et du siege faits par les Anglois en 1780. [Manuscript.]
[Library of Congress, Geography and Map Division, G3914.C3S3 1780 .P5.]
Charles-Town, capitale de la Caroline.
[Library of Congress, Geography and Map Division, G3914.C3 1780 .C5.]
Plan of the Siege of Charlestown in South Carolina.
[U.S. National Archives, 77-CWMF-US-234-25; ARC 102279730.]
Plan of Fort Johnson on James Island in Charleston Harbour.
[U.S. National Archives, 77-FORTS-67-2; ARC 102280080.]
Abernethie, Thomas; Ramsay, David (1749-1815)
A Sketch of the Operations before Charleston the Capital of South Carolina 1780.
[From David Ramsay's (1785) History of the Revolution of South Carolina, vol. 2, facing p. 58.]
Crisp, Edward
A Plan of Charles Town from a survey of Edwd. Crisp in 1704. Engraved by James Akin.
[U.S. National Archives, 77-FORTS-64-4; ARC 102280069.]
Crisp, Edward; Mathews, Maurice; Love, John; Nairne, Thomas [SEM 151]
A compleat description of the province of Carolina in 3 parts : 1st, the improved part from the surveys of Maurice Mathews & Mr. John Love : 2ly, the west part by Capt. Tho. Nairn : 3ly, a chart of the coast from Virginia to Cape Florida / published by Edw. Crisp; engraved by John Harris.
[Inset:] A Plan of the Town & Harbour of Charles-Town.
[Inset:] The Town and Harbour of St Augustin.
[Compare with Martyn et al. 1732, Bernard 1737b.]
Des Barres, Joseph F. W. (1722-1824)
A sketch of the operations before Charlestown the capital of South Carolina / by I. F. W. Des Barres.
[Bibliothèque nationale de France, département Cartes et plans, Ge SH 18 pf 137 div 6 p 6.]
[BNF catalog]
[LC 1]
[LC 2]
Faden, William (1749-1836); James, Thomas
A plan of the attack of Fort Sulivan, near Charles Town in South Carolina, by a Squadron of His Majesty's Ships, on the 28th of June 1776, with the Disposition of the King's Land Forces, and the Encampments and Entrenchments of the Rebels from the Drawings made on the Spot / Engraved by Wm. Faden.
[Inset:] Plan of the Platform in Sulivans Fort by Lt. Colonel Thos. James of the R[oya]l. R[egimen]t. of Artillery.
London: W. Faden.
[State 1, with slightly different features in the harbor; relative order of the states is undetermined.]
[Ruderman and Heritage Charts maps have historical information below the neatline, with dedication to Sir Peter Parker.]
[Bibliothèque nationale de France, département Cartes et plans, Ge SH 18 pf 137 div 6 p 4 D; div 6 p 4/1 D.]
[NL catalog]
[BNF 1]
[BNF 2]
[Heritage Charts]
Faden, William (1749-1836); James, Thomas
A plan of the attack of Fort Sulivan, near Charles Town in South Carolina, by a Squadron of His Majesty's Ships, on the 28th of June 1776, with the Disposition of the King's Land Forces, and the Encampments and Entrenchments of the Rebels from the Drawings made on the Spot / Engraved by Wm. Faden.
[Inset:] Plan of the Platform in Sulivans Fort by Lt. Colonel Thos. James of the R[oya]l. R[egimen]t. of Artillery.
London: W. Faden.
[State 2, with slightly different features in the harbor; relative order of the states is undetermined.]
[NL-BPL map has historical information below the neatline, with no dedication.]
[Faden, William (1749-1836)]; James, Thomas [Brun 623]
A plan of the attack of Fort Sulivan near Charles Town in South Carolina by a squadron of His Majesty's ships on the 28 June 1776 with the disposition of the King's land forces and the encampments & entrenchments of the Americans from the drawing made on the spot.
[Inset:] Plan of the Platform of Sulivans Fort by Lt. Colonel Thos James of the Royal Regiment of Artillery.
[Manuscript copy of Faden's 1776 engraved map with the same title.]
[Clements Library (University of Michigan), Maps 6-I-1778 Ja.]
[Clements catalog]
[Faden, William (1749-1836)]; James, Thomas
[Plan of the attack of Fort Sulivan, near Charleston.]
[Inset:] Plan of the Platform in Sulivan's Fort by Lt. Colonel Thos. James of the R[oya]l. R[egimen]t. of Artillery.
[Manuscript version of Faden's 1776 engraved map entitled, "A plan of the attack of Fort Sulivan, near Charles Town in South Carolina ...."]
[Library of Congress, Geography and Map Division, G3914.C3:2F5S3 1776 .F29.]
Fennigan, Patrick
Plan of the siege of Charles Town in South Carolina : under command of His Excellence Sir Henry Clinton and under direction of .. Collonel Mount-Crieff as chief ingener, this town was surrendered with capitulation the 12. May 1780 after 6 weeks and 3 days siege.
[Library of Congress, Geography and Map Division, G3914.C3S3 1780 .P5 Vault.]
[LC catalog]
Herbert, John
The Ichonography or plann of the fortification of Charlestown and the streets, with the names of the bastions, quantity of acres of land, number of gunns and weight of their shot. By his excellency's faithful and obedient servant, John Herbert, October 27, 1721.
[Reproduced in Hulbert (1907-16), ser. III, pl. 21.]
[Public Record Office (UK), CO 700 / Carolina 6.]
[Formerly Colonial Office Library (London), Carolina 6.]
[PRO catalog]
[Hulbert, III:21]
Hunter, George (d. 1755)
The ichnography of Charles-Town at high water. London.
Petrie, Edmund
Ichnography of Charleston, South-Carolina : at the request of Adam Tunno, Esq., for the use of the Phoenix Fire-Company of London, taken from actual survey, 2d August 1788.
Senf, Christian
Plan of an enclosed Battery for Eight Guns, proposed to be build on the Publik Lands on James Island, near the Place of the Old Fort Johnson.
[NPS copy: "Presented by Mr. Miles, Architect of the Public Buildings, January 30 1840."]
[U.S. National Archives, 77-FORTS-67-1; ARC 102280078.]
[NPS copy]
I. Miscellaneous:
ca. 1501:
Plano de un fuerte proyectado en piedra, en la Florida.
[Archivo General de Indias, Mapas y Planos, Florida-Luisiana 246.]
[Other AGI catalog numbers: Indiferente General 743.]
[AGI catalog]
Reconnoissance des Ouvrages de la Ville d'yorck, avec le Tracé des attaques dirigées contre eux.
[HMC Karpinski series F 11-1-4.]
[Formerly in Ministère de la Guerre, Inspection du Génie, Bibliothèque, 15-3; 4 of 4 maps.]
[HMC photo]
Rochambeau, Jean-Baptiste-Donatien de Vimeur, comte de (1725-1807)
Armée de Rochambeau. 1782. Carte des environs de Williamsburg en Virginie ou les Armées Francoise et Americaine ont campés en Septembre 1781.
[HMC Karpinski series F 10-3-4.]
[Formerly in Ministère de la Guerre, Inspection du Génie, Bibliothèque, 15-1-7 (29).]
[NL catalog]
[HMC photo]