Early Maps of the American South
— Continental and Regional Maps: Prints
This page contains a list of printed maps that depict the American South at a continental or subcontinental scale, i.e., that show the American South in its entirety. Selected hemispheric maps, world maps, and globes are also included. The dates of these maps range from the late 1500s through 1799. The entries are arranged in the following categories:
- Printed maps (before 1600)
- Printed maps (1600-1649)
- Printed maps (1650-1699)
- Printed maps (1700-1729)
- Printed maps (1730-1769)
- Printed maps (1770-1799)
Within each category the maps are listed alphabetically by author, and then by date. Most can be viewed on the web sites of
the Bibliothèque Nationale de France (BNF),
the Library of Congress (LC),
the University of Georgia Hargrett Map Collection (UGa),
the David Rumsey Map Collection (DRMC),
the University of Alabama Historical Map Archive (UA), or
the Birmingham Public Library Cartography Collection (BiPL).
Click here for a complete list of repositories and their abbreviations.
Map numbers in Cumming's The Southeast in Early Maps (SEM), Lemmon et al's Charting Louisiana (CL), and McCorkle's New England in Early Printed Maps (NEEPM) are shown in brackets after the map author's name.
Click here for a complete list of bibliographic sources cited below.
Images whose links are labeled "HMC photo" are posted here courtesy of the Harvard Map Collection, Harvard College Library. The images labeled "LC photo" are posted courtesy of the Geography and Map Division, Library of Congress.
[The documents on this site were compiled by Vincas P. Steponaitis. Please email comments and suggestions to him at vps@email.unc.edu.]
A. Printed maps (before 1600):
Apian, Peter
D. Domino Leonardo ab Eck ... P. Apianus ... Mathematicus hanc universaliorem cogniti orbis tabulam ex recentibus observationibus confectam dedicat.
[Also known as Apian's "Heart Map."]
[British Library, Maps C.7.c.16.]
Boulengier, Louis
Universalis cosmographie descriptio tam in solido quem plano.
[Globe gores, engraved.]
[Called the "Tross globe gores."]
[BNF map is a reproduction made by Pilinski, published in Nordenskjöld 1889, plate 37.]
[Siebold notes]
[BNF facsimile]
Chaves, Geronimo (1523-1574); Ortelius, Abraham (1527-1598) [SEM 5]
La Florida. / Auctore Hieron. Chiaves.
[Inset on a larger sheet that also contains maps entitled "Peruviae avriferae regionis typus / Didáco Mendezio auctore" and "Guastecan Reg."]
[BNF and FMC-2 images show only the Florida inset.] [BNF map taken from the Ortelius atlas Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, dated 1584.]
[UA map is attributed to Ortelius and assigned a date of 1574; this date appears in the lower left corner of the plate and may be associated only with the Peru inset. According to Cummings, this map first appeared in the 1584 edition of Ortelius's atlas. ]
[FMC 1]
[FMC 2]
Cortés, Hernán (1485-1547); Peypus, Friedrich
[Map of Tenochtitlan and the Northern Gulf of Mexico coastline.]
[Published in Praeclara Ferdinadi Cortesii de Noua maris Oceani Hyspania narratio sacratissimo, ac inuictissimo Carolo Romanoru[m] Imperatori semper Augusto, Hyspaniaru[m] &c. Regi anno Domini M.D.XX. transmissa.]
[JCBL 1]
[JCBL 2]
Forlani, Paolo; Zaltieri, Bolognini
Il Disegno del discoperto della nova Franza, il quale s'e havuto Ultimamente dalla Novissima Navigatione de' Franzesi in quel Luogo: nel quale si Vedono Tutti l'Isole, Porti, Capi et Luoghi fra Terra che in quella sono ... M.D.LXVI.
Gastaldi, Giacomo (ca. 1500-ca. 1565)
Nueva Hispania Tabula Nova.
[Prototype for Ruscelli 1561.]
[Ruderman, verso]
Gutiérrez, Diego (fl. 1554-1569)
Americae sive qvartae orbis partis nova et exactissima descriptio / avtore Diego Gvtiero Philippi Regis Hisp. etc. Cosmographo ; Hiero. Cock excvde 1562 ; Hieronymus Cock excude cum gratia et priuilegio 1562.
[Antwerp : s.n.], 1562.
Jode, Cornelis de (1568-1600)
Americæ pars Borealis, Florida, Baccalaos, Canada, Corterealis. A. Cornelio de Iudæis in Luca edita.
Antwerp: Cornelus de Iudæis, 1593.
[UA 1]
[UA 2]
Le Moyne de Morgues, Jacques (1533-1588); Bry, Theodor de (1528-1598)
Floridae Americae provinciae recens & exactissima descriptio auctorè Iacobo le Moyne cui cognomen de Morgues, qui Laudonierum, altera Gallorum in eam prouinciam nauigatione comitat est, atque adhibitis aliquot militibus ob pericula, regionis illius interiora & maritima diligentissimè lustrauit, & exactissimè dimensus est, obseruata etiam singulorum fluminum inter se distantia, ut ipsemet redux Carolo .IX. Galliarum regi, demonstrauit.
Mercator, Gerardus (1512-1594)
Nova et Aucta Orbis Terrae Descriptio ad Usum Navigantium Emendate Accommodata.
[New and more complete representation of the terrestrial globe properly adapted for use in navigation.]
Mercator, Michael (1567-1614) [Burden 87]
America Sive India Nova.
[44 x 50,5 cm.]
[BNF 1]
[BNF 2]
[BNF 3]
[BNF 4]
[UTA (d)]
[DRMC facsimile]
[KBR-CCA (d)]
[Ruderman 1]
[Ruderman 2]
Münster, Sebastian [Burden 12]
Tabula nouarum insularum, quas diuersis respectibus Occidentales & Indianas uocant.
[Woodcut, 25.2 x 33.8 cm.]
[First issued in in Münster's 1540 edition of Ptolemy's Geography.]
[PBA map is from the 1555 Latin edition of Münster's Cosmographia Universalis, first published in 1544.]
[UTA map is dated to 1550.]
[UTA (d)]
Münster, Sebastian
Die neüwen Inseln / so hinder Hispanien gegen Orient bey dem land Indie ligen.
[Woodcut, 25.2 x 33.8 cm.]
[First issued in in Münster's 1540 edition of Ptolemy's Geography. This map is from the 1564 German edition of Münster's Cosmographia Universalis, first published in 1544.]
Münster, Sebastian [Burden 67]
Americae sive Novi Orbis, Nova Descriptio.
Sebastian Petri.
[Woodcut, 30.5 x 36 cm.]
[From Münster's Cosmographia Universalis, first appearing in 1588 edition. This map is the fourth edition.]
Ortelius, Abraham [Burden 39]
Americae Sive Novi Orbis, Nova Descriptio.
[Copper-engraved map, hand-colored. 36.5 x 51.5 cm.]
[Published in Ortelius's Theatrum Orbis Terrarum.]
[PBA maps printed from Ortelius's first plate, second state.]
[PBA 1 is from either the 1573 or 1574 edition.]
[PBA 1]
[PBA 2]
[UTA (d)]
Ortelius, Abraham (1527-1598) [Burden 64]
Americae Sive Novi Orbis, Nova Descriptio.
[PBA: Copper-engraved map, hand-colored, 35.5 x 38.5 cm.]
[PBA: Printed from Ortelius's third plate of the Americas, issued in 1587; published in 1612 or later edition of his atlas.]
[BNE: From Theatro d'el Orbe de la Tierra de Abraham Ortello, El qual antes el estremo dia de su vida por la postrera vez ha emendado y con nuevas Tablas y Commentarios augmentado y esclarescido. Plantijnsche Drukkerij, 1612.]
[Biblioteca Nacional de España, GMG/400 Mapa 25.]
[BNE catalog]
[BNE (dl)]
Ortelius, Abraham
America sive Novus Orbis.
Antwerp, Jan Baptist Vrients.
[Copper-engraved map, 7.8 x 10.2 cm.]
[From the Philippe Galle edition of the miniature Ortelius atlas, Epitome Theatri Orteliani, first published in 1598. Map is from the 1601 edition.]
Ribero, Diego
[World map.]
[Wikipedia 1]
[Wikipedia 2]
Ruscelli, Girolamo [Burden 31]
1561: Nueva Hispania Tabula Nova. Venice.
[Larger copy of Gastaldi 1548.]
[Individual maps are dated from 1561 to 1574.]
[UTA (d)]
[Ruderman 1]
[Ruderman 2]
[Ruderman 3]
[Ruderman 4]
[Ruderman 5]
[Ruderman 6]
[Ruderman 7]
[Ruderman 8]
[Ruderman 9]
[Ruderman 10]
[Ruderman 11]
Waldseemüller, Martin (1470-1521?)
Universalis cosmographia secundum Ptholomaei traditionem et Americi Vespucii alioru[m]que lustrationes.
[Hébert notes]
Waldseemüller, Martin (1470-1521?)
[Globe gores.]
St. Die, 1507.
[39 x 24 cm.]
White, John (ca. 1540–1593); Bry, Theodor de (1528–1598); Harriot, Thomas (1560-1621)
Americae pars, nunc Virginia dicta / primum ab Anglis inuenta, sumtibus Dn. Walteri Raleigh, Equestris ordinis Viri, Anno Dni. MDLXXXV regni Vero Sereniss. nostrae Reginae Elisabethae XXVII, hujus vero Historia peculiari Libro descripta est, additis etiam Indigenarum Iconibus.
[Ruderman 1]
[Ruderman 2]
Wytfliet, Cornielle [CL 3]
Florida et Apalche.
[Lovanii: Iohannis Bogardi, 1597.]
Zaltieri, Bolognino
Il disegno del discoperto della nova Franza.
[Venetijs: B. Zaltieri, 1566.]
B. Printed maps (1600-1649):
Blaeu, Willem Janszoon (1571-1638)
Nova totius terrarum orbis geographica ac hydrographica tabula / auct. Gul. Janssonio ; Ja. van den Ende sculpsit.
Amstelodami: Excudebat G. Ianssonius.
[30 x 45 cm.]
[LC, G3200 1606 .B6 Vault]
Blaeu, Willem Janszoon (1571-1638)
Americae nova tabula / auct. Guiljelmo Blaeuw.
[Amsterdami: Apud Guiljelmum Blaeu.]
[42,5 x 56,5 cm.]
[Bibliothèque nationale de France, Département des cartes et plans, Ge DD 2987 (8501)]
[BNF-CCA (d)]
Blaeu, Willem Janszoon
Insulae Americanae in Oceano Septentrionali, cum Terris adiacentibus.
Blaeu, Willem Janszoon (1571-1638) [Burden 253] [SEM 41]
[ca. 1640]:
Virginiae partis australis, et Floridae partis orientalis, interjacentiumq. regionum Nova descriptio.
[BPL 1]
[BPL 2]
Briggs, Henry
The North part of America Conteyning Newfoundland, new England, Virginia, Florida, new Spaine, and Noua Francia ...
and upon ye West the large and goodly Iland of California ...
[Ruderman 1]
[Ruderman 2]
[Ruderman 3]
[Manitoba facsimile]
[DRMC facsimile]
Dudley, Robert (1574-1649); Lucini, Antonio
Carta particolare della costa di Florida e di Virginia la longitudine, cominca da lisola di Pico d'Asores. D'America carta IIII.
Dudley, Robert (1574-1649); Lucini, Antonio
Carta particolare della Baia di Messico con la Costa.
Herrera y Tordesillas, Antonio de (1559-1625)
Descripcion de las Yndias del Norte.
[LSM 1 is from the author's Descripción de las Indias Occidentalis, Madrid, 1601.]
[JCBL 1 map is from the author's Descripción de las Indias Occidentalis, Amsterdam, 1622.]
[BNF map is from the author's Historia general de los hechos de los Castellanos en las islas i tierra firme del mar oceano, Madrid, 1730.]
[LSM 1]
[LSM 2]
[JCBL 1]
[JCBL 2]
Hondius, Jodocus I (1563-1612)
Amstelodami: Jodocus Hondius excudit.
[42,5 x 55 cm.]
[Bibliothèque nationale de France, Département des cartes et plans, Ge DD 2987 (8499)]
Hondius, Jodocus I (1563-1612) [SEM 26]
Virginiae Item et Floridae Americae Provinciarum, nova Descriptio.
http://dc.lib.unc.edu/cdm/ref/collection/ncmaps/id/7270" TARGET="_blank">NC maps]
[Ruderman 1]
[Ruderman 2]
[NC maps*]
Hondius, Jodocus II (1594-1629)
America noviter delineata / auct. Judoco Hondio.
[Amstelodami]: Ioannes Ianssonius excudit.
[42,5 x 56,5 cm.]
[Bibliothèque nationale de France, Département des cartes et plans, Ge DD 2987 (8500)]
Hondius, Jodocus II (1594-1629)
America noviter delineata / auct. Jodoco Hondio ; H. Picart fecit.
[Paris : Jean Boisseau, 1640?]
[LC attributes this map to Jodocus Hondius I.]
Hondius, Henricus; Jansson, Jan [Burden 245; Wheat 45]
America Septentrionalis.
[Copper-engraved map, 46.8 x 55.5 cm.]
[First state, with no imprint in the cartouche at lower left.]
Jansson, Jan
America Septentrionalis.
Amstelodami, [1647].
Laet, Joannes de (1593-1649) [SEM 34]
Florida et Regiones Vicinae.
{UGa map cataloged as 1625.]
Laet, Joannes de [Burden 229]
Americae sive Indiae Occidentalis Tabula Generalis.
[Copper-engraved map, 27.8 x 35.4 cm.]
[From the second edition of Beschrijyvinghe van West-Indien.]
Lescarbot, Marc (1590-1630)
Figure et description de la terre reconue et habitee par les Francois en la Floride et audeca, gisante par les 30-31 et 32 degrez.
[From Lescarbot's Histoire de la Nouvelle-France. A Paris, Chez Adrian Perier.]
Ortelius, Abraham; Keerbergen, Johannes [Burden 143]
[Copper-engraved map, 8.4 x 12.1 cm.]
[PBA: "From Epitome theatri orbis terrarum Abrahami Ortelij produced by Johannes Keerbergen in 1601. Several editions of the little atlas were produced, the last in 1612, with those issued after 1604 published by Jan Baptist Vrients.]
[Burden: "In 1601 Johannes Keerbergen produced this competitive version of the successful miniature Ortelius atlas. The text was provided by Michel Coignet and a new series of copperplates was cut by Ambrosius and Fredinand Arsenius."]
Quad, Matthias (1557-1613)
Novi Orbis Pars Borealis, America Scilicet.
Smith, John
Virginia Discovered and Discribed by Captayn John Smith.
[UVa notes]
C. Printed maps (1650-1699):
Ocean Atlantique ou Mer du Nord on Sent Exactenent Observee le Route d'Europe aux Indes Occidentales, et des Inder Occientales en Europe.
Amsterdam: Pierre Mortier [1693?].
[ca. 1695]:
L'Amerique septentrionale.
Aa, Pieter Van der (1659-1733); Marquette, Jacques (1637-1675); Jolliet, Louis (1645-1700)
Land and volk-ontdekking in't Noorder gedeelte van America / door P. Marquette en Joliet gedaan in't jaar 1673.
Pierre Vander Aa, Leiden.
[BNF dates this map to 1714; Ruderman to 1707.]
Allouez, Jean; Dablon, Claude (1619-1697) [Tucker 1]
Lac Svperievr et avtres lievx ou sont les missions des peres de la Compagnie de Iesvs comprises sovs le nom d'Ovtaovacs.
[36 x 48 cm.]
[NL image is from [Dablon, Claude,] Relation de ce qui s'est passé de plus remarquable aux missions des peres de la Compagnie de Jesus, en la Nouvelle France, les années 1671 & 1672. Paris: Chez Sebastien Mabre-Cramoisy, 1673. Between pp. 110-111.]
[ECO image is a facsimile published in the Jesuit Relations, vol. 55, facing p. 94.]
[HMC photo is of the original at BNF, published by Dablon in 1673 with ms. annotations by d'Anville made ca. 1730 or later.]
[NL Ayer *263 J512 1672 D2]
[HMC Karpinski series F 04-1-1.]
[Bibliothèque nationale de France, Département des cartes et plans, Ge DD 2987 (8695).]
[NL catalog]
[HMC photo]
Berry, William (fl. 1669-1708); Sanson, Guillaume (1633-1703)
North America Divided into its Principall parts where are distinguished the severall states which belong to the English, Spanish, and French. [Inset:] Described by Sanson : Corrected and amended : By William Berry.
[53 x 87 cm.]
[Yale file name: 71_1680_North_America.jp2]
Colom, Arnold
De Carybsche eylanden van de Barbados tot de bocht van Mexico.
Coronelli, Vincenzo Maria (1650-1718)
[Globe terrestre.]
Dal P. Coronelli Due Gran Globi .... Per L'Accademia Cosmografica Degli Argonauti ... l'anno MDCLXXXVIII.
[NYPL and JCBL have mainly the North American gores.]
[Bibliothèque nationale de France, département Cartes et plans, Ge DD 5219 Res.]
[BNF catalog]
[Ruderman 1]
[Ruderman 2]
[NL (z)]
- North America detail
Coronelli, Vincenzo Maria (1650-1718)
America Settentrionale : Colle Nuove Scoperte sin all' Anno 1688 : Divisa nelle sue parti secondo lo stato presente, e Descritta dal P. Mró Coronelli M.C. Cosmografo della Serenis:ma Repub:ca di Venezia Dedicata All Ill.mo, et Reu.mo Monsig.r Felic Antonio Marsily, Archidiacono della Catedrale di Bologna.
[Compare with Coronelli-Nolin 1689 and Nolin-Coronelli 1704.]
[Early depiction of Natchez towns.]
[Yale file names: 71_1688_1_North_America.jp2 (W half), 71_1688_2_North_America.jp2 (E half)]
[UTA (d)]
Coronelli, Vincenzo Maria (1650-1718)
Partie occidentale du Canada ou de la Nouvelle France où sont les nations des Illinois, de Tracy, les Iroquois, et plusieurs autres peuples, avec la Louisiane nouvellement découverte etc. / dressée sur les mémoires les plus nouveaux par le P. Coronelli ; corr. et augm. par le Sr. Tillemeon.
[LAC 1]
[LAC 2]
Coronelli, Vincenzo Maria (1650-1718); Nolin, Jean Baptiste (1648-1708)
L'Amérique septentrionale ou la partie septentrionale des Indes occidentales. Dressée sur les Memoires le plus Nouveaux ....
[Based on Coronelli 1688.]
[Compare with Nolin-Coronelli 1704.]
[BNF 1]
[BNF 2]
[BNF 3]
Coronelli, Vincenzo Maria (1650-1718)
La Louisiana, Parte Settentrionalle, Scoperta sotto la Protettione di Luigi XIV, Ré di Francia, etc. / descritta, e dedicata dal P. Cosmografo Coronelli ; All' illustriss; et eccellentiss: S. Zaccaria Bernardi, fu' dell Ecc. S. Francesco.
[BNF catalog dates map to 1689; Ruderman variously to 1691 and 1693.]
[Published in the Atlante Veneto, Venice, 1695.]
[Ruderman 1]
[Ruderman 2]
[Ruderman 3]
Coronelli, Vincenzo Maria (1650-1718)
Hos Globos Terracqueum, ac Coelestem dicat, et donat / Rm~o. P.D. Sigismundo Pollitio a` Placentia Praeposito Generali Manachorum Eremitarum S. Hyeronimi Congreg, Lombardiae / P.M. Coronelli Cosmographus P.
[Bibliothèque nationale de France, département Cartes et plans, Ge D 12567 (1-2).]
[BNF catalog]
Coronelli, Vincenzo Maria (1650-1718)
Globum huiusmodi terraqueum Gulielmo III, invictissimo, ac potentissimo Magnæ Britanniæ, et c. / regi dicat, vovet, consecrat Pater Magister Vincentius Coronelli, min. com. S. Francisci Serenissimæ Venetorum Reipublicæ Cosmographus.
[Bibliothèque nationale de France, département Cartes et plans, Ge D 5056.]
[BNF catalog]
Coronelli, Vincenzo Maria (1650-1718)
[Globe gores.]
Danckers, Justus
[ca. 1680]:
Novissima et Accuratissima Totius Americae Descriptio per I. Danckerts.
Doncker, Hendrik
Pascaerte vande Caribische eylanden, vande Barbados tot aende Bocht van Mexico.
DuVal d'Abbeville, Pierre (1619-1683)
La Floride Françoise dressée sur la relation des voiages que Ribaut, Laudonier, et Gourgues y ont faits en 1562, http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb40577015h 1564 et 1567 / Par P. Du-Val.
[Bibliothèque nationale de France, Département des cartes et plans, GE DD-2987 (8770).]
DuVal d'Abbeville, Pierre (1619-1683)
La Mer de Nort.
Paris: Chez l'Auteur, [1688-89].
Fer, Nicolas de (1646-1720)
L'Amerique Septentrionale et les Terres Polaires Arctique.
[8.0 x 10.75 in.]
Fer, Nicolas de (1646-1720)
L'Amerique, divisee selon l'etendue de ses principales parties, et dont les points principaux sont placez sur les observations de Messieurs de l'Academie Royales des Sciences dressée par N. De Fer ... ; gravée par H. van Loon.
[Compare with Fer 1713a.]
[BNF catalog]
[BNF-CCA (d)]
Hennepin, Louis (1626-1705) [CL 5]
Carte de La Nouvelle France et de la Louisiane Nouvellement découverte dediee Au Roy l'An 1683. Par le Révérend Père Louis Hennepin Missionaire Recollect et Notaire Apostolique.
[From Hennepin's Description de la Louisiane .... Paris, chez la veuve Sebastien Hure, 1683. Preceding p. 1.]
[BNF 1]
[BNF 2]
[BNF 3]
Hennepin, Louis (1626-1705)
Carte d'un tres grand pais nouvellement découverte dans l'Amerique Septentrionale entre le Nouveau Mexique et la mer glaciale avec le cours du grand fleuve Meschasipi dediee a Guiliaume IIIe Roy de la Grand Brettagne par le R. P. Louis de Hennepin mission. Recoll. et nota. apost.
[37 x 44 cm.]
[From Hennepin's Nouvelle Decouverte d'un tres grand pays Situé dans l'Amerique ... 1697.]
[MPa, JFBL, and NYPL maps from 1st edition, "Chez G. Broedelet a Utreght" in cartouche.]
[UGa map from 1704 edition, "Chez Pierre van Aa, a Leiden 1704" in cartouche.]
Hennepin, Louis (1626-1705)
Amerique Septentrionalis / Carte d'une tres grand pays entre le Nouveau Mexique et la mer glaciale / Dediee a Guilliaume IIIe. Roy de la Grand Brettagne / Par le R. P. Louis de Hennepin mission. Recol. et not. apost.
[From Hennepin's Nouvelle Decouverte d'un tres grand pays Situé dans l'Amerique ... 1697.]
[JFBL map from 1st edition, "Chez G. Broedelet a Utreght" in cartouche.]
[BNP map from 2nd edition, "Chez A. V. Someren, a Amsterdam 1698" in cartouche.]
Hennepin, Louis (1626-1705)
A Map of a Large Country Newly Discovered in the Northern America Situated between New Mexico and the Frozen Sea together with the course of the Great River Meschasipi Dedicated to his Maty. William III King of Great Britain By Father Lewis Hennepin Missionary Recollect and Apostolic Notary.
[From Hennepin's A New Discovery of A Vast Country in America ...]
[RLA map from 2nd edition, 1699.]
Hennepin, Louis (1626-1705)
A Map of a New World between New Mexico and the frozen sea newly discovered by Father Lewis Hennepin missionary Recollect ... dedicated to His Majesty of Great Britain William III.
[From Hennepin's A New Discovery of A Vast Country in America ...]
Hennepin, Louis (1626-1705)
Carte d'un nouveau monde. Entre le Nouueau Mexique et la Mer glacialle ... dedieé a sa Majesté Britanique le Roy Guilaume Troisieme.
[From Hennepin's Nouveau Voyage D'Un Pais Plus Grand Que l'Europe ...]
[11¼ x 18-3/8 inches.]
[UA and RAMC maps are dated 1696, and said to be published in 1697.]
Hennepin, Louis (1626-1705)
Charte eines sehr grossen Landes zwischen Neü Mexico und dem Eissmeer ... Bremen, P.G. Sauerman, 1699.
[From Hennepin's Neue Entdeckung ... (German edition of Nouvelle Decouverte ...), 1699.]
Herrman, Augustine (1621-1686)
Virginia and Maryland as it is planted and inhabited this present year 1670 / surveyed and exactly drawne by the only labour & endeavour of Augustin Herrman bohemiensis ; W. Faithorne Sculpt.
[London]: Augustine Herrman and Thomas Withinbrook.
Horne, Robert
Carolina Described.
Jacobz, Theunis
Pascaerte van West Indien van de Caribes tot aen Golfo van Mexico.
Jaillot, Alexis Hubert (1632?-1712); Sanson, Nicolas (1600-1667)
Amerique septentrionale divisée en ses principales parties, ou sont distingués les vns des autres les estats suivant quils appartiennent presentement aux François, Castillans, Anglois, Suedois, Danois, Hollandois, tirée des relations de toutes ces nations. Par le S. Sanson, Geographe Ordinaire du Roy | Presentée a Monseigneur le Dauphin Par son tres humble, tres obeissant, et tres fidele serviteur, Hubert Jaillot.
A Paris Chez H. Jaillot.
[Based on Sanson 1650.]
[Parrots at top of main cartouche; scales at lower left; dedicated to the Dauphin.]
[RAMC 2 and UA 2 are cataloged as 1696.]
[Yale file name: 71_1692_North_America.jp2]
[RAMC 1]
[RAMC 2]
[UA 1]
[UA 2]
Jaillot, Alexis Hubert (1632?-1712); Sanson, Nicolas (1600-1667)
Amerique Septentrionale divisee en ses principales parties, ou sont distingues les uns des autres les Estats ... Par le Sr. Sanson, Geographe Ordinaire du Roy | Presentee a Monseigneur le Dauphin Par son tres humble, tres obeissant, et tres fidele serviteur, Hubert Jaillot.
[Based on Sanson 1650.]
[Parrots at top of main cartouche; scales at lower left; dedicated to the Dauphin.]
[Very similar to Jaillot 1692, but appears to be a different state or re-engraved version (font in main cartouche is different.]
[Similar to Jaillot 1694 below, except that the dedication is different.]
[Based on Sanson 1650.]
[Yale file name: 71_1694_A_North_America.jp2]
Jaillot, Alexis Hubert (1632?-1712); Sanson, Nicolas (1600-1667) [Wheat 74]
Amerique septentrionale divisée en ses principales parties / presenté a Monseigneur el Duc de Bourgogne par son tres-humb, et tres obeissa, serviter, H. Jaillot. A Paris 1694.
[Copper-engraved map, 46.8 x 58.3 cm.]
[Based on Sanson 1650.]
[Parrots at top of main cartouche; scales at lower left; dedicated to Bourgogne.]
[Similar to Jaillot 1692 and 1694a, except that the dedication is different.]
[Yale file name: 71_1694_North_America.jp2]
Jaillot, Alexis Hubert (1632?-1712); Sanson, Nicolas (1600-1667)
Amerique Septentrionale divisée en ses Principales Parties, ou sont distingués les uns des autres les Estats suivant quils appartiennent presentemet aux François, Castillans, Anglois, Suedois, Danois, Hollandois ....
[Paris: Chez Jaillot.]
[From Jaillot's Atlas Francois.]
[Copper-engraved map, 45.2 x 64.3 cm.]
[Based on Sanson 1650.]
[Parrots at bottom of main cartouche; scales at upper right; dedicated to the King.]
[Reduced version of Sanson 1650.]
[UA 1 cataloged as Sanson 1690.]
[UA 1]
[UA 2]
Jansson, Jan (1588-1664)
America Septentrionalis / excudit Ioannes Ianssonius.
Amstelodami: [Ioannes Ianssonius, 1652?]
[LOC map appears in v. 3 of Nieuwen atlas, ofte vverelt-beschrijvinge, vertonende de voornaemste rijcken ende landen des gheheelen Aerdt-Bodems. Amstelodami : Apud Ioannem Ianssonium, 1652-3.]
Keulen, Johannes van
Pas kaart van West Indien behelsende soo deszelffs vasie kusten als d' Onder behoorende Eylanden aan de Noord Oçeaan door Vooght Geometra.
Lea, Philip (fl. 1683-1700)
North America divided into its III principall parts.
Lederer, John (b. 1644)
A Map of the Whole Territory Traversed by John Lederer in His Three Marches.
[Published in The Discoveries of John Lederer (1672), reprinted in facsimile editions in 1891 and 1902.]
[RLA, 1902 facsimile]
[IA 1, 1891 facsimile]
[IA 1, 1891 facsimile (rotated)]
[IA 2, 1902 facsimile]
[IA 3, 1902 facsimile]
Mallet, Alain Manesson
[LDL map is from a different book (unidentified) than the UA map.]
Morden, Robert [SEM 119]
[ca. 1695]:
A New Map of the English Empire in America.
[Compare with Sanson 1700, Senex 1719.]
[UNC lists author incorrectly as Senex.]
Mortier, Pierre; Sanson, Nicolas (1600-1667) [SEM 121]
Carte Particulière de la Caroline / Dressé sur les Memoires le plus Nouveaux Par le Sieur S[anson].
A Amsterdam. Chez Pierre Mortier.
[BNF catalog]
[BNF-CCA (d)]
Mortier, Pierre; Sanson, Nicolas (1600-1667) [SEM 120]
Carte general de la Caroline, dressé sur les mémoires le plus nouveaux par le Sieua [Sieur] S[anson] ...
Chez Pierre Mortier.
Muller, Johann Ulrich
[Eastern part of North America, including the Carolinas and Virginia.]
Muller, Johann Ulrich
[Southeastern North America.]
Nicolosi, Giovanni Battista
Mexicum in hac forma in lucem.
[83 x 97 cm.]
Ogilby, John
Novissima et Accuratissima Totius Americae Descriptio per Johanem Ogiluium Cosmographum Regium.
[Based on Visscher map with the same name.]
Robijn, Jacobus
Caerte van de cust Carolina, tusschen B. de S. Matheo en C. Henry ... / Iacobus Robyn.
Rossi, Giovanni Giacomo de (1627-1691); Sanson, Guillaume (1633-1703)
L'America Settentrionale. Nuovamente Corretta et Accresciuta Secondo le Relationi Più Moderne da Guglielmo Sansone Geografo di S.M. Christianisa. e Data in Luce da Gio. Giacomo de Rossi, in Roma nella sua Stamperia alla Pace, l'Anno 1677
[CPL map from Rossi's Mercurio geografico ... Roma, 1692-94, v. 1, no. 6.]
[Leighly 53; McLaughlin 65; Tooley 42; Wheat Transmississippi 59.]
Rossi, Giovanni Giacomo de (1627-1691); Sanson, Guillaume (1633-1703)
L'America Settentrionale Nuovamente corretta, et accresciuta secondo le relationi piu moderne, de Guglielmo Sansone Geografo di S. M. Christianis.a : E data in luce da Gio. Giacomo de Rossi, in Roma nella sun Stamperia all Pace. l'Anno 1687.
[Shows "Natche"; earliest printed map depiction of Natchez.]
[This is an Italian edition of the 1669 revised edition of Sanson's 1650 map. It is the third state, dated 1687, and with the addition of place names and other features.]
[Leighly 53; McLaughlin 65; Tooley 42; Wheat Transmississippi 59.]
[Yale file name: 71_1687_North_America.jp2]
Carte Generalle de la Nouvelle France.
[Paris]: 1692.
Ruscelli, Girolamo [Burden 31]
Nueva Hispania Tabula Nova.
[Copper-engraved map, 18 x 24.5 cm.]
[Based on Gastaldi 1548. PBA map is second state (of three).].
Sanson, Nicolas (1600-1667) [Burden 294; Wheat 47]
Amérique septentrionale / par N. Sanson d'Abbeville, géog. du Roy / A Paris Chez l'Auteur et chez Pierre Mariette, 1650. Avec priuilège du Roy pour vingt ans ; A. Peyrounin sculp[teur].
[LC and UTA maps are the second state, with Lake Ontario not shaded (and not obvious).]
[Yale, PBA, and BNF maps are the third state, with Lake Ontario shaded, issued 1659.]
[Yale file name: 71_1650_North_America.jp2]
[UTA (d)]
Sanson, Nicolas (1600-1667) [Cumming 49; Burden 319; Wheat 50]
Le Nouveau Mexique et la Floride: Tirées de Diverses Cartes, et Relations. Par N. Sanson d'Abbeville Geogr Ordre du Roy.
A Paris, Chez l'Auteur Re., Avec Privilege du Roy, pour vingt Ans.
[Compare with Sanson 1656.]
Sanson, Nicolas (1600-1667)
Le Nouveau Mexique, et la Floride: Tirées de diverses Cartes, et Relations. Par N. Sanson d'Abbeville Geogr Ordre du Roy.
A Paris, Chez Pierre Mariette, Rue St. Jacque a l'Esperance Avec Privilege du Roy, pour vingt Ans, 1656.
[Compare with Sanson 1650.]
[Yale file name: 71_1656_North_America.jp2; image file is corrupted near top.]
Sanson, Nicolas (1600-1667)
Le Canada ou Nouvelle France & c.
[BNF 1]
[BNF 2]
[BNF 3]
Sanson, Nicolas (1600-1667)
La Floride par N. Sanson, geog. ordre du Roÿ.
Sanson, Nicolas (1600-1667)
Paris, c. 1658.
Sanson, Nicolas (1600-1667)
La Floride par N. Sanson, geog. ordre du Roÿ.
Paris: P. Mariette.
[UA map detached from: L'Amériqve en plvsievrs cartes novvelles, et exactes, &c., ... Paris (1667?)]
[UA 1]
[UA 2]
Sanson, Nicolas (1600-1667); Sanson, Guillaume (1633-1703)
Amérique septentrionale.
A Paris. Chez Pierre Mariette ruë St. Iacques à l'Espera[n]ce.
Sanson, Nicolas (1600-1667)
[ca. 1670?]:
Americque septentrionale / par N. Sanson.
Sanson, Nicolas (1600-1667); Blome, Richard (d. 1705)
A New Mapp of America Septentrionale Designed by Monsieur Sanson Georgapher to the French King, and Rendred into English and Illustrated by Richard Blome By his Majesties Especiall Command. London. Printed for Richard Blome. Francis Lamb sculp.
[38 x 53 cm.]
[Yale file name: 71_1660_North_America.jp2]
Sanson, Nicolas
Le Nouveau Mexique, et la Floride: Tirées de Diverses Cartes, et Relations. Par N. Sanson d'Abbeville Geogr Ordre du Roy.
A Paris, Chez l'Autheur Re., Avec Privilege du Roy, pour vingt Ans. 1679.
[Copper-engraved map, 31.8 x 55.2 cm.]
[Ruderman 1]
[Ruderman 2]
Schagen, Gerrit Lacasz. van
Novissima et Accuratissima Totius Americae descriptio per Gerardum a Schagen.
Seller, John
A chart of the West Indies from Cape Cod to the River Oronoque.
[From Seller's Atlas Maritimus.]
Thévenot, Melchisédec (1620-1692); Marquette, Jacques (1637-1675); Jolliet, Louis (1645-1700) [CL 6]
Carte de la decouverte faite l'an 1673 dans l'Amerique Septentrionale / Liebaux Sculp.
[Published in Thévenot's Recueil de voyages de Mr. Thevenot.]
[BNF copy lacks title in the lower left corner.]
[Cf. Marquette-Jolliet 1673a, Marquette-Jolliet 1673b, Aa 1714.]
[Called the published "Manitoumie map" or "Thévenot map" by Delanglez (1946).]
[LC 1]
[LC 2]
Thornton, John; Fisher, William
A new mapp of Carolina. [First state of this map; second state dated 1728.]
Visscher, Nicolaes (1618-1679) [Burden 332]
[ca. 1658-1670]:
Novissima et Accuratissima Totius Americae Descriptio per N. Visscher.
[Copper-engraved map, 43.3 x 54 cm.]
[PBA: "The date of the map has come into question from a number of sources, with the earliest date being 1658, and others ranging as late as 1680. The present copy is of the first state, according to Burden, with a privilege line along the lower margin."]
[PBA 1]
[PBA 2]
[PBA 3]
Visscher, Nicolaes
[ca. 1671]:
Novissima et accuratissima totius Americae descriptio par N. Visscher.
[Ruderman 1]
[Ruderman 2]
Visscher, Nicolaes (1618-1679)
[ca. 1680]:
Insulae Americanae in Oceano Septentrionali ac Regiones Adiacentes, a C. de May usque ad Lineam Aequinoctialem.
[Copper-engraved map, 46 x 56.3 cm.]
Visscher, Nicolaes
Insulae Americanae.
[Amsterdam: ca. 1689.]
[Likely from Visscher's Atlas Minor.]
Visscher, Nicolaes II (1649-1702)
[ca. 1698]:
Novissima et Accuratissima Totius Americae Descriptio / Per N. Visscher.
Amstelaedam: N. Visscher.
[43,5 x 53,5 cm.]
[Bibliothèque nationale de France, Département des cartes et plans, Ge DD 2987 (8502)]
Wit, Frederik de
[ca. 1660]:
Nova et accurata totius Americæ tabula.
Wit, Frederick de
Nova totivs Americae descriptio.
Wit, Frederick de [Wheat 52]
Novissima et Accuratissima Totius Americae Descriptio per F. de Wit.
[Copper-engraved map, 48.8 x 57.5 cm.]
[Based on Visscher 1670.]
[PBA 1]
[PBA 2]
Wit, Frederik de
[ca. 1670]:
Novissima et accuratissima totius Americae descriptio.
D. Printed maps (1700-1729):
Aa, Pieter Van der (1659-1733) [CL 7] [SEM 155]
La Floride, suivant les nouvelles observations de Messrs. de l'Académie royale des sciences, etc., augmentées de nouveau.
Pierre Vander Aa, Leiden.
[Compare with Aa 1740, a map of the same name published by Covens and Mortier.]
[Aa, Pieter Van der (1659-1733)]
La Floride, suivant les nouvelles observations de Messrs. de l'Académie royale des sciences, etc., augmentées de nouveau.
Covens and Mortier, Amsterdam.
[Compare with Aa 1714, a map of the same name published by Pieter Van der Aa.]
Catho [cf. Jackson 122]
Partie de la coste de la Floride où se trouve l'embouchure de la rivière de Missisipi dans le golfe de Mexique / par le pilote Catho.
A Paris, chez le Sr Moullart Sanson, 1719.
[Bibliothèque nationale de France, département Cartes et plans, Ge DD 2987 (8805).]
[BNF catalog]
Châtelain, Henry Abraham (1684-1743)
Carte Contenant le Royaume du Mexique et la Floride Dressez sur les meilleures observations & sur les Mémoires les plus Nouveaux.
[In upper right corner: "Tom. VI. No. 27. Pag. 101."]
[RAMC 1 and UA 1 are cataloged as 1719 (published Amsterdam, F. I'Honore and H. Chatelain, 1705-1720).]
[RAMC 2 and UA 2 are cataloged as 1732 (published Amsterdam, Z. Chatelain, 1732-39).]
[UA 1 links to wrong image.]
[RAMC 1]
[RAMC 2]
[UA 1]
[UA 2]
Châtelain, Henry Abraham (1684-1743)
Carte tres curieuse de la Mer du Sud, contenant des remarques nouvelles et tres utiles non seulement sur les ports et iles de cette mer.
[Contains beaver scene.]
Chéreau, François (1680-1729) [CL 27]
[ca. 1720]:
Le Missisipi ou la Louisiane Dans l'Amerique Septentrionale.
[The publisher's name, "Chereau," appears at the bottom of the image on the water between two boats.]
[BNF map is cataloged as "16..", but must postdate 1718 because it shows New Orleans.]
[BNF attributes this print to Nicolas Bonnart (1637?-1718), but it is not clear why.]
[The same image, but flipped horizontally, occurs in Basset ca. 1750.]
[Historic New Orleans Collection, 1959.210.]
[BNF catalog]
[UCP notes]
[HNOC catalog]
[HNOC (d)]
Chiquet, Jacques
L'Amerique Septentrionale.
Paris: Chex F. Chiquet. [From the author's Le Nouveau et curieux atlas geographique et historique.]
Coxe, Daniel
A Map of Carolana and of the River Meschacebe &c. [Published in: A Description of the English Province of Carolana.]
[NCSA (d)]
Crisp, Edward; Mathews, Maurice; Love, John; Nairne, Thomas [SEM 151]
A compleat description of the province of Carolina in 3 parts : 1st, the improved part from the surveys of Maurice Mathews & Mr. John Love : 2ly, the west part by Capt. Tho. Nairn : 3ly, a chart of the coast from Virginia to Cape Florida / published by Edw. Crisp; engraved by John Harris.
[Compare with Martyn et al. 1732, Bernard 1737b.]
Carte hydrographique de l'Amérique septentrionale dressée tres fidelement sur les memoires et observations des derniers voyages du Mexique, Canada, Mississipi et isles Antilles.
Fer, Nicolas de (1646-1720)
L'Amerique, Meridionale et Septentrionale Dressee selon les Dernieres Relations et Suivant les Nouvelles Decouvertes ...
[22.7 x 33.5 cm (9 x 13¼ in).]
- Fer, Nicolas de (1646-1720) [CL 12]
Les Costes Aux Environs De La Riviere de Misisipi, Decouvertes par Mr. de la Salle en 1683 et reconnues par Mr. le Chevallier d'Iberville en 1698 et 1699 / par N. de Fer; Vincent de Ginville, sculpsit.
[BNF, UA, and RAMC copies are dated "1705".]
[UA map is attributed to Ginville.]
[Historic New Orleans Collection, 1971.34.]
[HNOC (d)]
Fer, Nicolas de (1646-1720) [CL 15]
Le Canada, ou Nouvelle France, la Floride, la Virginie, Pensilvanie, Caroline, Nouvelle Angleterre et Nouvelle Yorck, I'Isle de Terre Neuve, la Louisiane et le Cours de la Riviere de Misisipi, par N. de Fer ... 1702.
[Paris: l'auteur, 1702.]
[BANQ 1 and PBA maps from L'Atlas curieux, ou la Monde..., quatrième partie (1703). BANQ 2, UA, CNS, and PBA maps are dated "1705."]
[Ruderman map dated 1705; image contains separate sheet with text.]
[BANQ 1]
[BANQ 2]
[HNOC (d)]
Fer, Nicolas de (1646-1720)
Le Vieux Mexique ou Nouvelle Espagne avec les costes De La Floride.
[From De Fer's L'Atlas curieux, ou la Monde; it shows a post-Iberville view of the Mississippi River mouth.]
[Ruderman 1 contains separate sheet with text; dated 1705.]
[Ruderman 1]
[Ruderman 2]
Fer, Nicolas de (1646-1720)
Amerique Septentrionale.
Paris: 1705-1746.
[From Jacques Robbe's Methode Pour Apprendre Facilement Geographie.]
Fer, Nicolas de (1646-1720)
L'Amerique, Divisee Selon L'Etendue De Ses Principales Parties, Et Dont Les Points Principaux Sont Placez Sur Les Observations De Mes.rs De L'Academie Royale Des Sciences ... / par N. de Fer.
[Compare with Fer 1698.]
[Ruderman map is dated 1728.]
[BNF catalog]
Fer, Nicolas de (1646-1720)
Carte de la Mer du Sud et des costes d'Amerque [sic] et d'Asie, situées sur cette mer ; Carte de la Mer du Nord et des costes d'Amerique, d'Europe et d'Afrique, situées sur cette mer / par N. de Fer, géographe de sa Majesté catolique [sic].
[Contains beaver scene.]
[BNF catalog]
[BNF-CCA (d)]
Fer, Nicolas de (1646-1720)
La Riviere de Missisipi, et Ses Environs, dans L'Amerique Septentrionale.
[Considered by some to be the first state of Fer 1718; see discussion and additional comparisons thereunder.]
[25.5 x 18.25 inches.]
[Locates Tioux east of Natchez.]
[Reproduced in Elkhadem et al., Cartes des Ameriques dans les Collections de la Bibliothèque Royale Albert Ier, cat. 30 (on p. 78). Brussels: Bibliothèque Royale Albert Ier, 1992.]
[Elkhadem (p)]
Fer, Nicolas de (1646-1720)
Le Golfe de Mexique.
Paris: Chez l'Auteur.
Fer, Nicolas de (1646-1720) [NEEPM 718.2]
[Sheet 1, SE:] La France Occidentale dans l’Amerique Septentrional ou le Cours de la Riviere de St Laurens aux Environs de la Quelle se Trouvent le Canada, l’Acadie, et la Gaspasie les Esquimaux, les Hurons, les Iroquois, les Illinois & la Virginie, la Marie-lande, la Pensilvanie, le Nouveau Jersay, la Nouvelle Yourck, la Nouvelle Angleterre et l’Isle de Terre-Neuve. Par N.de Fer Geographe de sa Majesté Catolique 1718.
[Sheet 2, SW:] Partie Meridionale de la Riviere de Missisipi, et Ses Environs dans l’Amerique Septentrionale. Mis au jour par N. de Fer Geographe de sa Majesté Catolique 1718. Paris: J. F. Benard, 1718.
[Sheet 3, NE: untitled; shows northern New England and eastern Canada.]
[Sheet 4, NW:] Le Cours du Missisipi, ou de St Louis Fameuse Riviere de l’Amerique Septentrionale aux Environs de laquelle se trouve le Païs appellé Louisiane Dressée sur les Relations et Memoires du Pere Hannepin et de Mrs de la Salle, Tonti, Laontan, Ioustel, des Hayes, Joliet, et le Maire &c. par N. de Fer Geographe de sa Majesté Catolique..., a Paris chez l’Auteur Isle du Palais a la Sphere Royale. 1718. / Les Costes de la Louisiane de Puis la Baye de l’Ascension Jusques a Celle de St Joseph, ou se Trouve les Embouchures des Rivieres Missisipi ou de St Loüis, de la Mobile, de Pascagoula &c. aves les Isles, Ports et Habitations ou Possessions des François, Paris, 1718.
[Four-sheet map. UGa copy has all four sheets; UIUC and Ruderman copies have sheets 2 and 4 (W half) only. Fer 1718, "Partie méridionale ..." (listed below), is sheet 2 of this map, which sometimes appears separately.]
[Locates Tioux east of Natchez.]
Fer, Nicolas de (1646-1720) [SEM 169 B]
Partie méridionale de la Rivière de Missisipi et ses environs, dans l'Amérique Septentrionale / mis à jour par N. de Fer.
Paris: J.F. Bernard.
[Locates Tioux east of Natchez.]
[This is sheet 2 of Fer 1718 "La France Occidentale ...," listed above.]
[Compare with Fer-Chatelain 1719, Fer-Ottens 1719, Seutter 1734.]
Fer, Nicolas de (1646-1720); Châtelain, Henry Abraham (1684-1743) [NEEPM 719.4]
Carte de la Nouvelle France, où se voit le cours des Grandes Rivières de S. Laurens & de Mississipi aujourd'hui S. Louis...
[Amsterdam: Z. Châtelain.]
[Compare with Fer 1718, Fer-Ottens 1719, Seutter 1734.]
[McCorkle attributes authorship to Fer. It is often attributed to Châtelain because of where it was first published.]
[UA and BANQ maps are cataloged as Châtelain 1732.]
[This map appeared in volume VI of Châtelain's Atlas Historique, published between 1705 and 1739. Based on Fer's 1718 "La France Occidentale ..."]
Fer, Nicolas de (1646-1720); Ottens, Reiner (1698-1750); Ottens, Joshua (1704-1765) [NEEPM 719.5]
Carte de la Nouvelle-France, où se voit le cours des grandes rivières de S. Laurens & de Mississipi aujourd'hui S. Louis, aux environs des-quelles se trouvent les états, païs, nations, peuples etc. de la Floride, de la Louisiane, de la Virginie, de la Marie-Lande, de la Pensilvanie, du Nouveau-Jersay, de la Nouvelle Yorck, de la Nouv. Angleterre, de l'Acadie, du Canada, des Esquimaux, des Hurons, des Iroquois, des Ilinois etc. et de la grande île de Terre Neuve, dressée sur les memoires les plus nouveaux recueillis pour l'établissement de la Compagnie françoise occident.
[Amsterdam: R. & J. Ottens.]
[Compare with Fer 1718, Fer-Chatelain 1719, Seutter 1734.]
[McCorkle attributes authorship to Fer. It is often attributed to R. and J. Ottens, with dates ranging from 1720 to 1760. It is also sometimes mistakenly attributed to Châtelain, because of its similarity to the map above.]
[UA 1 and UA 2 are cataloged as Anonymous 1740.]
[Yale is cataloged as Ottens 1760.]
[Yale and Ruderman maps are "proof" versions that lack the insets on the other maps.]
[UA 1]
[UA 2]
Fer, Nicolas de (1646-1720)
L'Amerique meridionale, et septentrionale ... / par N. de Fer.
Homann, Johann Baptist (1663-1724)
Regni Mexicani Seu Novae Hispaniae, Ludovicianae, N. Angliae, Carolinae, Virginiae, et Pensylvaniae, nec non Insularum Archipelagi Mexicani In America Septentrionali accurata Tabula.
[Carefully Prepared Map of the Mexican Dominion or New Spain, Louisiana, New England, Carolina, Virginia, and Pennsylvania ...]
[Compare with Lotter 1739, Seutter 1739, and Seutter 1728-1757.]
[UTA catalog lists publication date as 1746; BPL as ca. 1759; LDL as 1737.]
[Copied almost exactly from the de L'Isle's 1703 map of North America.]
[UTA (d)]
[BNF-CCA (d)]
Homann, Johann Baptist (1663-1724)
Amplissima regionis Mississipi seu provinciae Ludovicianae â R.P. Ludovico Hennepin Francisc Miss. in America septentrionali anno 1687 detectae, nunc Gallorum coloniis et actionum negotiis toto orbe celeberrimae. Nova tabula edita â Io. Bapt. Homanno, S.C.M. geographo.
[BPL catalog dates map 1707-1724.]
Homann, Johann Baptist (1663-1724)
[ca. 1720]:
Totius Americae Septentionalis et Meridionalis Novissima Representatio ...
[49 x 57.8 cm (19¼ x 22¾ in).]
Joutel, Henri (d. 1735)
Carte Nouvelle de la Louisiane, et de la Riviere de Missisipi, découverte par seu Mr. de la Salle, es années 1681 et 1686, dans l'Amerique Septentrionale,: et de plusieurs autres Rivieres jusqu' icy inconnuës, qui tombent dans la Baye de St. Louis. Dresse par le Sr. Joutel, qui êtoit de ce Voyage.
[Published in Joutel's 1713 Journal historique du dernier voyage que feu M. de laSale, facing p. xxxiv.]
[IA 1]
[IA 2]
[IA 3]
Joutel, Henri (d. 1735)
A New Map of the Country of Louisiana and of ye River Missisipi in North America discover'd by Mons. de la Salle in ye Years 1681 and 1686 as allso of Several other Rivers before unknown and falling into ye Bay of St. Lewis. By the Sr. Joutel, who perform'd that Voyage. 1713.
[Published in Joutel's 1714 A Journal of the Last Voyage Perform'd by Monsr. de La Sale, facing p. 1.]
[IA 1]
[IA 2]
Ker, John
A New Map of Louisiana and the River Mississippi.
London: Edmund Cur II, 1726.
[Cf. Smith 1720. Based on L'Isle 1703.]
Keulen, Gerard van
[ca. 1718]:
Carte de la Nouvelle France ou se voit le cours des Grandes Rivieres de S. Laurens & de Mississipi Aujour d'hui S. Louis.
[Map of New France Showing the Course of the Great Rivers St. Lawrence and Missisippi, today the St. Louis.]
[Sub-Title:] Aux Environs des-quelles se trouvent les Etats Pais Nations Peuples & de la Floride, de la Louisiane, de la Virginie, de la Marie-Lande, de la Pensilvanie, du Nouveau Jersey, de la Nouv. York, de la Nouv: Angleterre, de l'Acadie, de Canada, des Esquimaux, des Hurons, des Iroquois, des Ilinois Ec. Et de la Grande Ile de terre Neuve: Dressée sur les Memoires les plus Nouveaux recueillis pour l'Etablissement de la Compagnie François Occident.
[In the Vicinity of Which Are Found the States, Lands, Nations, Peoples as well as Those of Florida, Louisiana, Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, New England, Acadia, Canada, Eskimos, Iroquois, Illinois, Etc. and of Newfoundland: Drawn from the latest reports received for the establishment of the Company of the West.]
[Inset:] 1. Les Costes de la Louisiane de plus la baye de l'Ascension jusques a celle de St. Joseph, ou se trouve les Embouchures des Rivieres Missisipi ou de St. Louis[,] de la Mobile, de Pascagoula &c. avec les Isles, Ports et Habitations ou Possesions des François.
[Inset:] 2. Inkomen van de Rivier van Missisipi anders genaant Riv, van St. Louis int Groot.
Kocherthal, Joshua (1669-1719)
[Map of Virginia, North Carolina, and South Carolina.]
[NCMB notes]
Laval, Antoine
Carte de la Coste de la Louisiane depuis l'embouchure de la Riviere de Micissipi jusques à la Riviere de S. Martin.
[Published in Laval's Voyage de la Louisiane (Paris, 1728), facing p. 252. The book describes a journey in 1720.]
L'Isle, Guilliaume de
Globe Terrestre.
[HMC photo is of an original formerly at the Bibliothèque de la Service hydrographique.]
[Illustration published in Lemmon et al. (2003), Charting Louisiana, p. xii.]
[HMC photo, E hemisphere]
[HMC photo, W hemisphere]
L'Isle, Guillaume de (1675-1726)
Mappe Monde.
[UTA (d)]
L'Isle, Guillaume de (1675-1726)
1700 [ed. 1]:
L'Amerique Septentrionale. Dressee sur les observations de Mrs. de l'Academie Royale des Sciences, & quelques autres, & sur les Memoires les plus recens. Par G. de l'Isle, Geographe. A Paris, chez l'Auteur sur le Quai de l'Horloge, avec Privilege du Roy pour 20. ans, 1700.
Paris. Chez l'Autheur.
[45 x 59.8 cm.]
[Ruderman map is the second state (1701), per Carhart and Edney 2001a.]
[DRMC, RAMC, and PBA maps are the sixth state (1708).]
L'Isle, Guillaume de (1675-1726) [CL 16]
1703 [ed. 1]:
Carte du Mexique et de la Floride, des terrres angloises et des Isles Antilles, du cours et des environs de la riviere de Mississipi.
[Compare with L'Isle 1722 and 1783.]
L'Isle, Guillaume de (1675-1726); Wolff, Jeremias (1663-1724)
[ca. 1705]:
America septentrionalis concinnata juxta observationes ... Academiae regalis scientiarum et nonnullorum aliorum, et juxta annotationes recentissimas / per G. de l'Isle. Venalis prostat Augustae Vindelic. : apud Jeremiam Wolff.
[Copy of L'Isle 1700.]
[Carhart and Edney (2001b) call this plate "Wolff 1" and date it between 1701 and 1718, likely at the earlier end of this range.]
[L'Isle, Guillaume de (1675-1726)]; [Mortier, Pieter (1661-1711)]; Sanson, Nicolas (1600-1667)
L'Amerique Septentrionale : dresée sur les observations de Mrs. de L'Academie Royale de Sciences & quelque's autres, & sur les Memories les plus recens / par N. Sanson.
Amsterdam: Chez Pierre Mortier.
[Copy of L'Isle 1700.]
[Carhart and Edney (2001b) call this plate "Mortier 1" and date it to 1706. They suggest that Mortier attributed the map to Sanson in order to evade copyright restrictions on L'Isle's maps.]
[UA catalog attributes this map to Guillaume Sanson and incorrectly dates it to 1695.]
[UA 1]
[UA 2]
L'Isle, Guillaume de (1675-1726); Schenk, Peter
L'Amerique Septentrionale Dressée sur les Observations de Mrs. de l'Academie Royale des Sciences & quelques autres, & sur les Memoires les plus recens.
Amsterdam. Chez Pierre Schenk.
[Copy of Lisle 1700.]
[Carhart and Edney (2001b) call this plate "Schenk 1" and date it to 1708.]
[44.5 x 58.5 cm.]
[L'Isle, Guillaume de (1675-1726)]; Châtelain, Henry Abraham (1684-1743)
Nouvelle Carte de l'Amerique Septentrionale Dressee sur les plus Nouvelles Observations de Messieurs de l' Academie.
[Copy of Lisle 1700.]
[Carhart and Edney (2001b) call this plate "L'Honore-Châtelain 1" and date it to 1713.]
[Geographicus map is said to be from the 1720 edition of Chatelain's Atlas Historique.]
[19 x 24 in.]
[Ruderman 1]
[Ruderman 2]
L'Isle, Guillaume de (1675-1726) [CL 18] [SEM 170]
1718 [ed. 1, state 1]:
Carte de la Louisiane et du cours du Mississipi; Dressée sur un grand nombre de Mémoires entrautres [i.e. entr'autres] sur ceux de Mr. le Maire Par Guillaume Del'isle del Academie R'le. des Sciences. A Paris, chez l'Auteur le Sr. Delisle sur le Quay de l'Horloge, avec Privilege du Roy Juin 1718.
[First edition, first state: New Orleans absent.]
[UA copy miscataloged as Covens-Mortier edition.]
[UTA (d)]
L'Isle, Guillaume de (1675-1726)
1718 [ed. 1, state 2]:
Carte de la Louisiane et du Cours du Mississipi; Dressée sur un grand nombre de Mémoires entrautres [i.e. entr'autres] sur ceux de Mr. le Maire Par Guillaume Del'isle del Academie R'le. des Sciences. A Paris, chez l'Auteur le Sr. Delisle sur le Quay de l'Horloge, avec Privilege du Roy Juin 1718.
[First edition, second state: New Orleans added.]
L'Isle, Guillaume de (1675-1726) [SEM 175]
Carte de la Louisiane et du cours du Mississipi; Dressée sur un grand nombre de Mémoires entrau tres [i.e. entr'autres] sur ceux de Mr. le Maire Par Guillaume De l'Isle de l'Academie R'le. des Sciences.
[Close copy of L'Isle 1718.]
[Published as frontispiece in: Compagnie des Indes (1720), Relations de la Louisiane, et du fleuve Mississipi. A Amsterdam, chez Jean Frédéric Bernard.]
L'Isle, Guillaume de (1675-1726)
L'Amerique Septentrionale. Dressee sur les observations de Mrs. de l'Academie Royale des Sciences, & quelques autres, & sur les memoires les plus recens. Par G. de l'Isle, Geographe. A Amsterdam, Chez J. Covens et C. Mortier, Geographes.
[Re-issue of L'Isle 1700.]
[All maps from the "Mortier 3" plate (1721), per Carhart and Edney 2001b.]
[PBA map cataloged as 1730; GMU map cataloged as ca. 1740; DRMC map published in 1742.]
L'Isle, Guillaume de (1675-1726)
1722 [ed. 2 of 1703 map]:
Carte du Mexique et de la Floride, des terres angloises et des Isles Antilles, du cours et des environs de la riviere de Mississippi dressee sur un grand nombre de memoires principalement sur ceux de Mrs. d'Iberville et le sueur i...u; par Guillaume del'Isle ... A Amsterdam, Chez Jean Covens & Corneille Mortier .. 1722.
[Compare with L'Isle 1703 and 1783.]
L'Isle, Guillaume de (1675-1726)
Carte d'Amerique, dressee pour l'usage du Roy. Par Guillaume Delisle, premier Geographe de Sa Majeste de l'Academie Royale des Sciences. A Paris, chez l'Auteur sur le Quay de l'Horloge, avec Privilege 1722.
Marperger, Paul Jacob (1656-1730); Law, John (1671-1729)
Louisiana by de Rivier Missisippi.
[LC photo 1 and Yale map from Historische en geographische beschryving von Louisiana, gelegen in Noord America, aan de mond van de groote rivier Mississipi. Benevens een berigt van de nieuwe Fransche Indische Compagnie, en eenige aanmerkiningen over den tegewoordigen handel in actien. Met authentieke stukken voorzien. Door P.J.M. Amsterdam, 1721.]
[LC photo 2 from Het Groote Tafereel der Dwaasheid. Amsterdam, 1720.]
[23.4 x 16.2 folded to 14.9 x 8.3 cm.]
[LC dates map to 1720.]
[LC photo 1]
[LC photo 2]
Moll, Herman (d. 1732) [Wheat 81, 109]
The Isle of California, New Mexico, Louisiane, The River Misisipi and the Lakes of Canada ...
[From: Moll's A System of geography ..., 1701.]
[16 x 18.2 cm (6¼ x 7¼ in).]
Moll, Herman (d. 1732)
A Map of New France containing Canada, Louisiana, &c. in Nth. America.
[London: 1712.]
[WiSU map from Herman Moll's Atlas Geographus: or, A Compleat System of Geography Ancient and Modern with page number 795. V II.]
[BANQ map from A collection of voyages and travels consisting of authentic writers... - London : printed for Thomas Osborne... , 1745, v. II, p. 794]
Moll, Herman (d. 1732)
This map of North America.
Printed for H. Moll, D. Midwinter... and T. Bowles. [London.]
[58 x 97 cm.]
[FMC 1]
[FMC 2]
Moll, Herman (d. 1732) [SEM 158]
A new and exact map of the dominions of the King of Great Britain on ye continent of North America, containing Newfoundland, New Scotland, New England, New York, New Jersey, Pensilvania, Maryland, Virginia and Carolina : according to the newest and most exact observations.
Printed and sold by Tho. Bowles ... John Bowles ... and by I. King ... [London].
[Inset: A view of ye industry of ye beavers of Canada ...]
Moll, Herman (d. 1732)
1715 [1710?]:
A map of the West-Indies or the islands of America in the North Sea; with ye adjacent countries; explaning [sic] what belongs to Spain, England, France, Holland &c. also ye trade winds, and ye several tracts made by ye galeons and flota from place to place. According to ye newest and most exact observations, by Herman Moll, geographer.
Moll, Herman (d. 1732)
A Map of Mexico or New Spain, Florida now called Louisiana and part of California &c / by H. Moll.
[London: 1720.]
Moll, Herman (d. 1732)
A new map of the north parts of America claimed by France under ye names of Louisiana, Mississipi [i.e. Mississippi], Canada, and New France with ye adjoining territories of England and Spain : to Thomas Bromsall, esq., this map of Louisiana, Mississipi [i.e. Mississippi] & c. is most humbly dedicated, H. Moll, geographer / laid down according to the newest and most exact observations by H. Moll, geographer, 1720.
Moll, Herman (d. 1732)
A Map of the West Indies.
[London: 1720.]
Moll, Herman (d. 1732) [SEM 201]
Florida Called by ye French Louisiana &c. By H. Moll Geographer.
[London: Thos. Bowles and John Bowles.]
[Map no. 54, published in Moll's Atlas minor ...; first edition 1729, second edition 1732, third edition 1736.]
[Yale map cataloged as 1732; UA, RAMC, and DRMC maps cataloged as 1736.]
[FMC map has alternate legend in cartouche: "Florida, the north part of the Gulf of Mexico with the adjacent territories belonging to Great Britain and to France."]
Moll, Herman (d. 1732)
A New Map of ye North Parts of America claimed by France under ye Names of Louisiana. Mississipi, Canada & New France, with the Adjoyning Territories of England & Spain. By H. Moll Geographer.
[London: Thos. Bowles and John Bowles.]
[Map no. 46, published in Moll's Atlas minor, or, A new and curious set of sixty-two maps ...; first edition 1729, second edition 1732, third edition 1736.]
[RAMC and UA map cataloged as 1729; Yale map cataloged as 1732; DRMC and CNS maps cataloged as 1736.]
Morden, Robert
[ca. 1700]:
A Map of Florida and Ye Great Lakes of Canada.
London: Robert Morden.
[From an edition of his Atlas Terrestris.]
Mount, Richard (d. 1722); Page, Thomas
Chart of the Bay of Mexico.
Mount and Page [Firm]
A New and Correct Large Chart of the Tradeing Part of the West Indies Sold by Richard & William Mount & Thomas Page on Tower Hill London.
Nolin, Jean Baptiste (1648-1708)
Le globe terrestre represente en deux plans-hemispheres : dresse sur les dernieres observations et sur plusieurs voyages et routes des plus habiles pilotes, faits en differens temps en toutes les parties du monde.
Nolin, Jean Baptiste (1648-1708); [Coronelli, Vincenzo Maria (1650-1718)]
L'Amérique septentrionale ou la partie septentrionale des Indes occidentales, ou se trouve ... .
Paris: Chez I. B. Nolin, 1704.
[Based on Coronelli 1688; compare with Coronelli-Nolin 1689.]
Nolin, Jean Baptiste (1686-1762)
L'Amerique dressé sur les relations les plus recentes rectifiées sur les dernieres observations. / par I. B. Nolin. A Paris : I. B. Nolin.
Sanson, Nicolas (1600-1667)
Carte nouvelle de l'Amérique Angloise, contenant la Virginie, Mary-Land, Caroline, Pensylvania, Nouvelle Iorck, N:Iarsey, N. France, et les terres nouvellement découerte dressé sur les relations les plus nouvelles. Par le Sieur S.
Amsterdam, Chez P. Mortier [1700].
[BNF has W half only.]
[Compare with Morden 1695, Senex 1719.]
Schenk, Peter (1660-1718/9)
Tabula Mexicae et Floridae : terrarum Anglicarum, et anteriorum Americae insularum, item cursuum et circuituum fluminis Mississipi dicti.
[MHCR image shows the LC map.]
Scherer, Heinrich
Provinci Borealis Americae.
[Munich, 1710.]
Senex, John (d. 1740)
North America: corrected from the observations communicated to the Royal Society at London and the Royal Academy at Paris / by Iohn Senex, F.R.S., 1710; Iohn Senex sculpt.
[London: Bowles and Bowles? 1708-1725.]
[NYPL 1]
[NYPL 2]
Senex, John (d. 1740) [SEM 172]
A New Map of the English Empire in America.
[London: D. Brown, 1721.]
[Compare with Morden 1695, Sanson 1700.]
[NYPL 1]
[NYPL 2]
Senex, John (d. 1740) [CL 21] [SEM 182]
A map of Louisiana and of the river Mississipi: this map of the Mississipi [i.e. Mississippi] is most humbly inscribed to William Law of Lanreston, esq. / by Iohn Senex.
[CL dates the map as 1718 or 1719; SEM as 1721; LC, UGa, and UA list it as 1721; HNOC as 1718.]
[LC copy from A new general atlas, containing a geographical and historical account of all the empires, kingdoms, and other dominions of the world, 1721.]
Senex, John; Halley, Edmund; Cutler, Nathaniel; Parker, Samuel
A New and Correct Chart of the Trading Part of the West Indies.
Southack, Cyprian (1662-1745)
To His Excellency Samuel Shute Esqr. ... This Chart is most humbly Dedicated & Presented by Capt Cyprian Southack.
Engraven and Printed by Fra[ncis] Dewing. Boston.
[First engraved map to be published in the English American colonies.]
[JCBL, Cabinet C717 / 1 oversize.]
Smith, James [SEM 176]
A New Map of Louisiana and the River Mississipi.
[Approx. 38 x 29 cm.]
[From a pamphlet titled Some considerations on the consequences of the French settling colonies on the Mississippi, with respect to the trade and safety of the English plantations in America and the West-Indies ..., by James Smith, judge advocate. London, Printed for F. Roberts, 1720.]
[Cf. Ker 1726. Based on L'Isle 1703.]
[LC photo]
[Thornton, John; Fisher, William]
A new mapp of Carolina. [Second state of this map; first state dated 1689.]
Thornton, Samuel
[ca. 1702-1707]:
A new and correct large draught of the tradeing part of the West Indies.
E. Printed maps (1730-1769):
A New Map of the River Mississipi From The Sea To Bayagoulas.
[Top, above neatline:] For the London Mag.
[LC photo]
Alzate y Ramírez, José Antonio de (1737-1799)
Nuevo Mapa Geográfico de la América Septentrional, Perteneciente al Virreynato de Mexico / Por su mui rendido Servidor y Capellan D. Josef Antonio de Alzate y Ramirez.
[BVD catalog]
Anville, Jean-Baptiste Bourguignon d' (1697-1782) [CL 24]
Carte de la Louisiane. Par le Sr. d'Anville. Dressée en Mai 1732. Publiée en 1752. [Grave par] Guill. De la Haye.
Paris: 1752.
[Cf. Anville 1732 (ms), a draft of the printed map.]
Anville, Jean-Baptiste Bourguignon d' (1697-1782)
Amérique Septentrionale. Publiée sous les auspices de Monseigneur le Duc d'Orléans, Premier Prince du Sang. Par le Sr. d'Anville, M DCC XLVI Avec Privilege. Gravé par Guill. Delahaye. A Paris, chez l'Auteur, aus Galeries du Louvre.
[BNF has only the SE sheet.]
Anville, Jean-Baptiste Bourguignon d' (1697-1782)
Canada, Louisiane et Terres Angloises. Par le Sr. d'Anville, de l'Academie Rle. des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, et de celle des Sciences de Petersbourg, Secretaire de S.A.S. Mgr. le Duc d'Orleans. Novembre MDCCLV. Sous le Privilege de l'Academie. Chez l'Auteur, aux Galeries du Louvre. [Grave par] G. De-la-Haye.
[RAMC, panel 1]
[RAMC, panel 2]
[RAMC, panel 3]
[RAMC, panel 4]
[RAMC, panel 1 (alt.)]
[LSM-LDL, panel 1]
[LSM-LDL, panel 4]
Anville, Jean-Baptiste Bourguignon d' (1697-1782); Alcedo, Dionisio de [Jackson 257] [TL 215]
Mapa de las islas de la America y de otros países de Tierra Firme situados antes de estas islas y al rededor del Golfo de Mexico, compuesta según las más exactas observaciones astronomicas.
[HMC Karpinski series S 14-3-2.]
[Archivo General de Indias, Mapas y Planos, México 215.]
[Other AGI catalog numbers: 146-1-10(1); Indiferente General 1563-A.]
[AGI catalog]
[NL catalog]
[HMC photo]
Baldwin, Richard (d. 1770), publisher [Klein L55.6]
A map of Virginia, North and South Carolina, Georgia, Maryland with part of New Jersey &c.
[Below neatline at bottom center:] Printed for R. Baldwin in Pater Noster Row 1755.
[Published in London Magazine, vol. 24, opp. p. 312.]
[NCSA (d)]
[LC photo]
Basset, André (fl. 1750-1785) [CL 28]
[ca. 1750]:
Le Mississipi ou la Louisiane dans l’Amerique Septentrionale.
A Paris chez Basset rue St Jacques à Se Geneviève.
[The publisher's name appears at the bottom of the image on the water between two boats.]
[Compare with Chéreau ca. 1720; note that the image is flipped horizontally.]
[MQB photo is from the collection of Marc Villiers du Terrage.]
[Historic New Orleans Collection, 1971.44.]
[Musée des Civilisations de l'Europe et de la Méditerranée (Marseille), 43.16.191 B; formerly at Musée national des Arts et Traditions Populaires (Paris).]
[HNOC catalog]
[HNOC (d)]
[MQB photo]
[MQB photo, positive]
Bell, Peter
A new and accurate map of North America, drawn from the famous Mr. d'Anville with improvements from the best English maps; and engraved by R. W. Seale; also the new divisions according to the late treaty of peace, by Peter Bell, geor.
London, 1768.
[LC map "printed for Carington Bowles"; RAMC map "printed & sold by A. Dury".]
[Compare with Bell 1771.]
[45.5 x 50.1 cm.]
Bellin, Jacques-Nicolas (1703-1772)
Carte de l'Amerique septentrionale pour servir à l'Histoire de la Nouvelle France / dressée par N.B. ing. du Roy... 1743.
[First published in Charlevoix's Histoire et description générale de la Nouvelle France, avec le Journal historique d'un voyage fait par ordre du Roi dans l'Amérique septentrionale. Tome I, Paris, Nyon Fils, 1744.]
[UA is cataloged as anonymous, "c. 1743."]
Bellin, Jacques-Nicolas (1703-1772)
Carte de la Louisiane cours du Mississipi et pais voisins : dediée à M. le Comte de Maurepas, ministre et secretaire d'etat commandeur des ordres du roy / par N. Bellin ingenieur de la marine, 1744; Dheulland sculp.
[First published in Charlevoix's Histoire et description générale de la Nouvelle-France avec le Journal historique d'un voyage fait par ordre du Roi dans l'Amérique septentrionale. Tome II, Paris, Nyon Fils, 1744.]
[Locates Tioux north of Natchez.]
[Archives nationales d'outre-mer, 04DFC 2B]
[NFA (d)]
Bellin, Jacques-Nicolas (1703-1772)
Partie de la coste de la Louisiane et de la Floride depuis le Mississipi jusqu'au Saint-Marc d'Apalache dressée sur les manuscrits du Dépôt des plans de la Marine. N. Bellin, 1744.
[First published in Charlevoix's Journal d'un voyage fait par ordre du Roi dans l'Amérique septentrionale adressé à Madame la Duchesse Delesdiguières. Tome III, Paris, Nyon Fils, 1744, pp. 468-469.]
[UA map is cataloged as anonymous 1744.]
[LSM 1]
[LSM 2]
Bellin, Jacques Nicolas (1703-1772)
Carte des costes de la Floride françoise suivant les premières découvertes. Dressée par N. Bellin Ingr. de la Marine.
Bellin, Jacques Nicolas (1703-1772)
Carte Reduite du Golphe du Mexique et des Isles de l'Amerique Pour servir aux Vasseaux du Roy. Dressée au Dépot des Cartes et Plans de la Marine par Ordre de M. Le Comte de Maurepas. Année 1749.
[Ruderman 1]
[Ruderman 2]
Bellin, Jacques Nicolas (1703-1772)
Carte de la Louisiane et des pays voisins dédiée à M. Rouillé sécretaire d'État, ayant le Département de la marine. Par le Sr. Bellin ingr. ordre. de la marine, 1750.
[Paris: 1751.]
[Locates Tioux north of Natchez.]
[LC 1]
[LC 2]
Bellin, Jacques Nicolas (1703-1772)
Carte de l'Amerique septentrionale depuis le 28 degré de latitude jusqu'au 72 par M. Bellin, Ingenieur de la Marine ... M.DCC.LV.
[Locates Tioux north of Natchez.]
Bellin, Jacques Nicolas (1703-1772)
Carte de la Florida, de la Louisiane, et pays voisins : pour servir à l'Histoire générale des voyages / par M. B., ing. de la marine, 1757.
[Paris : J. F. La Harpe, 1780.]
[Removed from Jean-Francois de La Harpe's Abrégé de l'historie Generale des Voyages par La Harpe with page numbers Tom XIV. 4? No 12 and Tome 14. in 8? Page 1ere.]
Bellin, Jacques Nicolas (1703-1772)
Mappa dell' America Settentrionale : ove sono rappresentati esattam. i paesi e loro limiti controversi che hanno dato motivo alla guerra presente fra la Francia e l'Inghilterra.
Bellin, Jacques-Nicolas (1703-1772) [CL 35]
La Louisiane et pays voisins.
[Published in Bellin's Le petit atlas maritime, 1764. "Tome 1, No. 40."]
[Locates Tioux north of Natchez.]
Bellin, Jacques-Nicolas (1703-1772)
Carte reduite des costes de la Louisiane et de la Floride ... M.DCC.LXIV.
[Paris]: 1764.
Bellin, Jacques-Nicolas (1703-1772) [CL 61]
Suite du cours du fleuve St Louis depuis la rivière d'Iberville jusqu'à celle des Yaous et les parties connues de la rivière Rouge et la rivière Noire.
[Published in Bellin's Le petit atlas maritime, 1764. "Tome I, no. 46."]
Bellin, Jacques Nicolas (1703-1772) [CL 30]
Cours du fleuve Saint Louis depuis ses embouchures jusqu'à la rivière d'Iberville et costes voisines.
[Published in Bellin's Le petit atlas maritime, 1764. "Tome I. no. 43."]
Bernard, Jean Frédéric (d. 1752)
Le Cours du Fleuve Missisipi, Selon les Relations les plus modernes.
[Published in Bernard's Recueil de Voiages au Nord, vol. 9, following p. 142.]
[Cf. Hennepin 1697a, 1698a.]
[IA, E half]
[IA, W half]
[IA, composite]
[LC photo]
Bernard, Jean Frédéric (d. 1752)
New Map of Georgia.
[Published in Bernard's Recueil de Voiages au Nord, vol. 9, frontispiece.]
[Compare with Crisp et al. 1711, Martyn et al. 1732.]
[IA, E half]
[IA, W half]
[IA, composite]
Beugo, John (1759-1841), engraver
North America from the best authorities / I. Beugo, scult.
[Above neatline at top center:] Engrav'd for Gordon's Geographical Grammar.
[London: J. and P. Knapton.]
Blair, John
A Map of North America.
[London: 1768.]
Bolton, Solomon (d. ca. 1768)
North America, performed under the patronage of Louis Duke of Orleans, First Prince of the Blood; by the Sieur d'Anville, greatly improved by Mr. Bolton. Engraved by R. W. Seale. For Mr. Postlethwayte's Dictionary of trade and commerce. Gravelot, delin; Walker, sculp. Printed for John and Paul Knapton, [London].
[LC catalog: "N.B. This large map of North America was originally engrav'd at Paris, ..."]
[RAMC, panel 1]
[RAMC, panel 2]
[RAMC, panel 3]
[RAMC, panel 4]
Bolton, Solomon (d. ca. 1768)
[North America. performed under the patronage of Louis, duke of Orléans] / flle Sud / [by the Sieur d'Anville] / [greatly improved by H. Bolton] / [engraved by R.W. Seale].
[This edition has a different dedication than Bolton 1752 and Bolton 1763; otherwise similar.]
[Cataloged by BNF under "Anville."]
[BNF, S half]
Bolton, Solomon (d. ca. 1768)
North America. Performed under the patronage of Louis Duke of Orleans, by the Sieur d'Anville. Greatly improved by Mr. Bolton. Engrav'd by R. W. Seale. Gravelot, delin. A. Walker, del. & sculp.
[Sheets form plates I-IV of "Mr. Postlethwayte's dictionary of trade & commerce."]
Bowen, Emanuel (d. 1767)
An Accurate Map of the West Indies.
Bowen, Emanuel (d. 1767) [CL 25]
A new & accurate map of Louisiana, with part of Florida and Canada, and the adjacent countries. Drawn from surveys, assisted by the most approved English & French maps & charts. The whole being regulated by astronomical observations. By Eman. Bowen.
[Locates Tioux north of Natchez.]
[LC 1 and DRMC are from the author's A complete system of geography, 1752.]
[LC 2 is from the author's A complete atlas or distinct view of the known world ..., 1752.]
[LC 1]
[LC 2]
[UCP info]
[Ruderman 1]
[Ruderman 2]
Bowen, Emanuel (d. 1767)
A new & accurate map of the provinces of North & South Carolina, Georgia &c. Drawn from late surveys and regulated by astronl. observatns. By Eman. Bowen.
[Ruderman 1]
[Ruderman 2]
Bowen, Emanuel (d. 1767)
A New Map of Georgia, with Part of Carolina, Florida and Louisiana.
[Shows "Remainder of Natchez" on Mississippi River in the Yazoo Delta.]
[Published the second edition of John Harris's Navigantium atque Itinerantium Bibliotheca, vol. 2 (1748), facing p. 322.]
[Also reprinted in the third edition of Navigantium (1764).]
[UA map is incorrectly dated 1747.]
Bowen, Emanuel (d. 1767)
A new and accurate chart of the West Indies.
John Harris.
Bowen, Emanuel (d. 1767); Bowen, Thomas (d. 1790), engraver
A Map of the British and French settlements in North America ....
[Below neatline at lower right:] T. Bowen, sculpt.
[RAMC copy is S half only.]
[RAMC, S half]
[USMA, N half]
Bowen, Emanuel (d. 1767)
An accurate map of North America. Describing and distinguishing the British, Spanish and French dominions on this great continent; exhibiting the present seat of war, and the French encroachments. Also all the West India Islands belonging to, and possessed by the several European princes and states.
[Compare with Bowen 1768, 1772.]
[LC 1]
[LC 2]
Bowen, Emanuel (d. 1767); Schoolcraft, Henry Rowe
1764 [1855]:
A New Map of Georgia, with part of Florida, Louisiana, and Carolina, drawn from original draughts assisted by the most approved Maps and Charts Collected by Eman Bowen, Geographer to his Majesty, 1764.
[A simplified, 19th-century facsimile of the 1764 second printing of Bowen's 1748 map with the same name.]
[Published in Schoolcraft's Historical and Statistical Information Respecting the Indian Tribes, vol. 5 (1855), facing p. 252.]
Bowen, Emanuel (d. 1767)
An accurate map of North America. Describing and distinguishing the British, Spanish and French dominions on this great continent; according to the definitive treaty concluded at Paris 10th Feby. 1763. Also all the West India Islands belonging to, and possessed by the several European princes and states.
[Published in Thomas Jefferys's (1768) atlas, A General Topography of North America and the West Indies.]
[Compare with Bowen 1755, 1772.]
[Clark, sheet 1]
[Clark, sheet 2]
[Clark, sheet 3]
[Clark, sheet 4]
Brion de la Tour, Louis (ca. 1743-1803)
Nouveau Mexique, Louisiane, Canada, et N. Angleterre.
Paris: Desnos, 1770; from Maclot's Atlas General.
Buache, Philippe (1700-1773)
Carte d'une partie de l'Amérique pour la navigation des isles et du golfe du Mexique avec l'intérieur des terres depuis la Bermude jusqu'à Cayenne[.]
Partie méridionale réduite de la carte anglaise en 20 feuilles par M. Popple avec quelques corrections et augmentations par Phil. Buache en 1740.
Buache, Philippe (1700-1773)
Carte de nouvelles decouvertes au nord de la mer du Sud, tant a lest de la Siberie et du Kamtchatka, qua louest de la Nouvelle France.
Catesby, Mark (1682-1749) [SEM 210]
A Map of Carolina, Florida and the Bahama Islands with the Adjacent Parts.
[Published in Catesby's The Natural History of Carolina, Florida, and the Bahama Islands, 2 vols., London.]
[UA map is cataloged as anonymous 1730.]
[LC photo]
Cook, James
A Draught of West Florida, from Cape St. Blaze to the River Ibberville, With Part of the River Missisipi.
[Below title:] Eman[ue]l Bowen Sculp[si]t.
[Dedication:] To John Ellis Esq. F.R.S. King's Agent for the Province of West Florida, This Draught is Inscribed by his most obliged & obedient humble Serv[an]t James Cook.
[Inset:] A Draught of Spirito Sancto and Coast adjacent.
[Inset:] A Plan of Pensacola Harbor, With the Marks for Going in.
[BNE map lacks the dedication and has a somewhat different arrangement.]
[Biblioteca Nacional de España, MR/6/I serie 49/013.]
[BNE catalog]
[BNF, W half]
[BNF, E half]
Collin, L.
Louisiane et pays voisins, d'après les relations et les cartes les plus récentes. Par L. Collin.
[IA-Collin (p)]
[IA (d)]
De Brahm, John Gerar William (1717-1799)
A Map of South Carolina and a Part of Georgia. containing the Whole Sea-Coast; all the Islands, Inlets, Rivers, Creeks, Parishes, Townships, Boroughs, Roads, and Bridges: As Also, Several Plantations, with their proper Boundary Lines, their Names, and the names of their Proprietors. Composed From Surveys taken by the Hon. William Bull Esq. Lieutenant Governor, Captain Gascoign, Hugh Bryan, Esq; and the Author William De Brahm, Surveyor General to the Province of South Carolina, one of teh Surveyors of Georgia, And late Captain Engineer under his Imperial Majesty Charles VII. Engraved by Thomas Jefferys, Geographer to his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales.
London: Thomas Jefferys.
[Compare with De Brahm and Stuart 1780.]
[RAMC, NW sheet]
[RAMC, NE sheet]
[RAMC, SE sheet]
[RAMC, SW sheet]
Delarochette, Louis (1731-1802)
A map of North America, by J. Palairet, with considerable alterations & improvemts. from d'Anville, Mitchell & Bellin, by L. Delarochette.
London, Printed for John Bowles, 1765.
[Compare with Palairet 1754.]
[LC 1]
[LC 2]
Delarochette, Louis (1731-1802)
Bowles's new pocket map of North America, divided into its provinces, colonies, &c. by J. Palairet, geographer; lately revised and improved with many additions, from d'Anville, Mitchel, & Bellin, by L. Delarochette.
London, Printed for the proprietor Carington Bowles [1766].
Dumont de Montigny, Jean François Benjamin (b. 1696)
Carte de la Louisiane.
[From Dumont's Mémoires historiques sur la Louisiane, contenant ce qui est y est arrivé de plus mémorable depuis l'année 1687, Paris, C.J.B. Bauche, 1753, 2 volumes.]
Euler, Leonhard (1707-1783)
Mappa Geographica Americæ Septentrionalis.
["From: Geographischer Atlas. Berlin, bey Johann Michael Kunst. (1745-1772?)"]
Gibson, John, engraver [Cumming 316]
A New & Correct / Map / of the Provinces of / North & South / Carolina, / Georgia, & Florida.
[Above neatline in lower right corner:] J. Gibson sculp.t
[From John Gibson's The American Gazetteer, vol. 1, facing p. Car-2.]
[LC photo]
Gibson, John
[Untitled map of European possessions in America.]
[London: c.1763.]
Herbert, William (1718-1795)
A new and accurate map of the English empire in North America: Representing their rightful claim as confirm'd by charters, and the formal surrender of their Indian friends; likewise the encroachments of the French, with the several forts they have unjustly erected therein. By a Society of Anti-Gallicans.
London : Wm Herbert & Robt. Sayer, 1755.
[The BANQ 2 and Ruderman-Stanford maps have additional insets, showing towns and forts, on both sides of the main map.]
[BANQ 1]
[BANQ 2]
Homann Erben [Firm]
America Septentrionalis a Domino d'Anville in Galliis edita nunc in Anglia.
Noriebergae: Homannianorum Heredum, 1756.
[Compare with Homann Erben 1777.] [Cataloged by UGa under "Anville."]
Hughes, Andrew
A draught of South Carolina and Georgia from Sewee to St. Estaca / by Andrew Hughes.
London: W. Mount and T. Page.
[BNF 1]
[BNF 2]
Huske, John (1721?-1773)
A new and accurate map of North America : wherein the errors of all proceeding British, French and Dutch maps, respecting the rights of Great Britain, France & Spain & the limits of each of his majesty's provinces, are corrected, / humbly inscribed to the honorable Charles Townshend... by his most obliged, most obedient and very humble servant Huske; Tho. Kitchin Sculpt.
London : Printed for the present state of North America &c, and sold by R. & J. Dodsley, 1755.
Janvier, Jean [Wheat 192]
L'Amerique septentrionale divisée en ses principaux etats.
Paris. Chez Lattré.
[31 x 45.3 cm (12¼ x 17¾ in).]
[Compare with Janvier 1782.]
Jefferys, Thomas (d. 1771)
North America from the French of Mr. d'Anville, improved with the back settlements of Virginia and course of Ohio.
[London]: T. Jefferys, 1755. [RAMC 2 is miscataloged; image is of the same map as RAMC 1.]
[RAMC 1]
[RAMC 2]
Jefferys, Thomas (d. 1771)
Florida from the Latest Authorities, By T. Jefferys, Geographer to His Majesty.
[Miami facsimile]
Kitchin, Thomas (1718-1784)
A Map of French Settlements in North America.
London: The London Magazine.
Kitchin, Thomas (1718-1784)
A new and accurate map of the British dominions in America, according to the treaty of 1763; divided into the several provinces and jurisdiction, Projected upon the best authorities and astronomical observations. By Thos. Kitchin, geographer.
[London] Printed for Andrew Millar.
Kitchin, Thomas (1718-1784)
A new map of the British Dominions in North America; with the limits of the governments annexed thereto by the late Treaty of Peace, and settled by Proclamation, October 7th 1763. Engraved by T. Kitchin, geogr.
[London, 1763]
Kitchin, Thomas (1718-1784) [Klein L65.3]
A new map of / North & South / Carolina & Georgia / Drawn from the best / Authorities: / By T. Kitchin, Geogr.
[Above neatline at top center:] For the London Magazine. [April 1765, opp. p. 168.]
Kitchin, Thomas (1718-1784) [Klein L65.4]
Louisiana, / as formerly claimed by France, / now containing part of / British America to the East / & Spanish America to the West / of the Mississippi / from the best Authorities / by T. Kitchin, geogr.
[Above neatline at top center:] For the London Magazine. [v. 34, June 1765, opp. p. 276.]
Kitchin, Thomas (1718-1784)
British Dominions in America / by Thos. Kitchin.
[34 x 38 cm.]
Le Page du Pratz, Antoine-Simon (d. 1775) [CL 32]
A map of Louisiana, with the course of the Missisipi, and the adjacent rivers, the nations of the natives, the French establishments and the mines; by the author of ye History of that colony. 1757.
[Published 1763.]
Le Page du Pratz, Antoine-Simon (d. 1775)
Carte de la Louisiane Colonie Francaise avec le cours du fleuve St. Louis, les Rivieres Adjacentes, les Nations de Naturels, las Etablissems Francais, et les Mines. Par l'Auteur de l'Histoire de cette Province 1757.
Le Page du Pratz, Antoine-Simon (d. 1775)
1758: [Louisiane.]
[Untitled map published in Le Page du Pratz's Histoire de la Louisiane, Vol. 1, facing p. 139. Paris: De Bure, l'aine (etc.), 1758.]
Le Rouge, George Louis
L'Amerique Suivant le R.P. Charlevoix Jte. Mr. de la Condamine, et Plusieurs Autres Nouvle. Observations.
[48.7 x 63.5 cm. (19¼ x 25 in).]
L'Isle, Guillaume de (1675-1726)
Novissima tabula regionis lvdoviciana gallice dictæ La Lovgsiane iam olim quidem sub Canadæ et Floridæ nomine in America Septentrionali ... a Guil. Insulano [i.e., Guilliaume de L'Isle] Geographo ... a Chr. Weigelio [i.e., Christoph Weigel] Nor.
[UA map catalog list date as 1730.]
L'Isle, Guillaume de (1675-1726)
1739 [ed. 2 of 1722 map]:
Carte d'Amerique, dressee pour l'usage du Roy. Par Guillaume Delisle, premier Geographe de Sa Majeste de l'Academie Royale des Sciences. A Amsterdam, Chez Jean Covens et Corneille Mortier, Geographes. [Title in upper margin:] America accurate in imperia, regna, status & populos divisa, ad usum Ludovici LXV, Galliarum Regis. 1739.
L’Isle, Guillaume de (1675-1726); Albrizzi, Giambatista (1698-1777) [SEM 277]
Carta Geografica della Florida nell America Settentrionale.
[Published in L'Isle's Atlante novissimo : che contiene tutte le parti del monde, nel quale sono esattamente descritti gl’imperj, le monarchie, stati, repubbliche, ec. / del sig Guglielmo de L’Isle ... . In Venezia : Nella stamperia di Giambatista Albrizzi q. Girol., 1740-1750. Map is no. 41 in vol. II.]
[Variously attributed to Giambatista Albrizzi, Giovanni Battista Albrizzi, Girolamo Albrizzi, and sometimes unattributed, with dates usually between 1740 and 1750, but in one case (FLC) as late as 1790. "Giambatista" and "Giovanni Battista" are alternate names for the same person, a publisher in Venice who lived 1698-1777. Girolamo (abbreviated "Girol.") was a typographer in the late 17th through early 18th century (born 1662), presumably Giambatista's father.]
L'Isle, Guillaume de (1675-1726); Albrizzi, Giambatista (1698-1777)
Carta Geografica dell America Settentrionale.
[Published in L'Isle's Atlante Novissimo ... (1740-50), vol. 2. Venezia: G. Albrizzi q. Girol., 1740-1750.]
[UA and RAMC images cataloged as de L'Isle 1740.]
L'Isle, Guillaume de (1675-1726); Ottens, Reiner (1698-1750); Ottens, Joshua (1704-1765)
L'Amerique Septentrionale Dressée sur les Observations de Mrs. de l'Academie Royale des Sciences & quelques autres, & sur les Memoires les plus recens.
Amsterdam. Chez R. & J. Ottens, Geographes ....
[Copy of Lisle 1700.]
[Carhart and Edney (2001b) call this plate "Schenk 2" and date it after 1742.]
[NYPL catalogs map as ca. 1760.]
[44 x 58 cm.]
L'Isle, Guillaume de (1675-1726) [SEM 208]
1742-1758 [ed. 2 of 1718 map]:
Carte de la Louisiane et du Cours du Mississipi. Dressee sur un grand nombre de memoires entr'autres sur ceux de Mr. le Maire. Par Guillme. de l'Isle de l'Academie Rle. des Sciences. A Amsterdam, Chez Jean Covens et Corneille Mortier, Geographes.
[Second edition: New Orleans present and moved upstream; published in Amsterdam.]
[DRMC copy published 1742; BNP copy published 1758; UA copy cataloged as "1718?".]
L'Isle, Guillaume de (1675-1726)
Carte de la Louisiane, Maryland, Virginie, Caroline, Georgie avec une partie de la Floride.
Amsterdam: Covens and Mortier, 1758. [From his Collected Maps, 1772-74.]
L'Isle, Guillaume de (1675-1726); Lotter, Tobias Conrad (1717-1777)
America septentrionalis concinnata juxta observationes ... per G. de L'Isle, Geographum ... apud Tobiam Conr. Lotter, Calcographum.
[Compare with L'Isle 1700, L'Isle-Wolff 1706, L'Isle-Lotter 1772.]
[Carhart and Edney (2001b) call this plate "Wolff 3" and date it to 1762.]
[UGa catalog dates this map incorrectly to 1733.]
L'Isle, Guillaume de (1675-1726); Buache, Philippe (1700-1773)
Carte D'Amerique Dressee pour l'usage du Roy en 1722 ... Et augmentee desa Nouv.lles Decovertes en 1763 ....
[Updated edition of L'Isle 1722.]
[Karpinski map (HMC photo) has manuscript additions.]
[NL catalog gives date as 1772.]
[HMC Karpinski series F 16-3-1.]
[Formerly in Archives de la Service hydrographique, 122-1-2.]
[NL catalog]
[HMC photo]
Longchamps, S. G.
Carte des Possessions Francoises et Angloises dans Le Canada, et Partie de la Louisiane.
Paris: 1756.
López de Vargas Machuca, Thomás (1730-1802)
Mapa maritimo del Golfo de Mexico e islas de la America, para el uso de los navegantes en esta parte del mundo, construido sobre las mexores memorias, y observaciones astronomicas de longitudes, y latitudes. Dedicado a la Catholica Magestad de Don Fernando VI Rey de España, y de las Yndias, por sus mas rendidos, y fieles vasallos, Thomas Lopez, y Juan de la Cruz.
[MHCR image shows the LC map.]
[BVPB and RAH images are the same map, housed at RAH.]
López de Vargas Machuca, Thomás (1730-1802) [CL 34]
La Luisiana cedida al Rei N. S. por S. M. Christianisima, con la Nueva Orleans, é isla en que se halla esta ciudad. Construida sobre el mapa de Mr. d'Anville. Por D. Thomás Lopez.
[Inset: "Plano de la Nueva Orleans segun el de M. Bellin."]
[GenWeb map lacks inset and is dated 1768; image from Houck's History of Missouri (1908).]
[Service historique de la Défense, département Marine, Cartes et plans, recueil 68, no. 68.]
[Biblioteca Nacional de España, GMG/857 fol. 70.]
[BNE catalog]
Lopez y Cruz (Firm)
Mapa de la America Septentrional dividido en dos partes. En la primera se descriven sus provincias segun los derechos que piensa tener a ellas la corona de Francia: en la segunda, segun las pretensiones de la Inglaterra. Delineado por Lopez y Cruz.
Lotter, Tobias Conrad (1717-1777)
[ca. 1762]:
Mappa geographica Regionem Mexicanam et Floridam Terrasque adjacentes.
[UGa catalog incorrectly dates this map to 1739. According to Carhart and Edney (2001b), Lotter purchased the Seutter firm and its plates in 1762, so this map cannot precede the later date.]
[Compare with Homann 1715-1724, Seutter 1728-1757, and Seutter 1739.]
Martyn, Benjamin (1699-1763); Oglethorpe, James Edward (1696-1785) [SEM 211]
[Southeastern North America.]
[Called the “first Georgia map" by de Vorsey (1986). At least three states of this map are known: UGa 1 is the first state, JCBL is the second, and UGa 2 is the third. The first probably dates to 1732; the second and third to 1733.]
[Based on Nairne inset in Crisp et al. 1711.]
[Compare with Bernard 1737b.]
[UGa 1 and UGa 2 are described and illustrated in the Wymberley Jones De Renne Georgia Library Catalogue, on pp. 18-19 and 47-49, respectively (pp. 45-46 and 74-76 in the online version).]
[Hargrett Library, De Renne Collection.]
[John Carter Brown Library, D733 M388r3.]
[UGa 1 (djvu)]
[UGa 1 (l)]
[UGa 2 (djvu)]
[UGa 2 (l)]
Mitchell, John (1711-1768)
A map of the British and French dominions in North America with the roads, distances, limits, and extent of the settlements, humbly inscribed to the Right Honourable the Earl of Halifax, and the other Right Honourable the Lords Commissioners for Trade & Plantations, by their Lordships most obliged and very humble servant Jno. Mitchell. Tho.: Kitchin, sculp.
[Compare with Mitchell 1775, 1777.]
[LC 1 is the 1st edition, 1st impression; "Sold by And: Miller (sic) ..." (below neatline under cartouche).]
[LC 2 is the 1st edition, 2nd impression; "Sold by And: Millar ..."]
[LC 3 is the 1st edition, 3rd impression; "Sold by And: Millar ..."]
[LC 4 is the 2nd edition (1757); "Sold by And: Mill[ar] ..."]
[LC 5 is the 3rd edition, 1st impression (1773); "Printed for Jefferys and Faden ..."]
[LC 6 is the 3rd edition, 2nd impression (1774); "Printed for Jefferys and Faden ..."]
[LC 1]
[LC 2]
[LC 3]
[LC 4]
[LC 5]
[LC 6]
[LC 7]
Mortier, Pierre; Sanson, Nicolas (1600-1667) [SEM 120]
Carte general de la Caroline, dressé sur les mémoires le plus nouveaux par le Sieua [Sieur] S[anson] ...
Chez Jean Covens & Corneille Mortier.
[Bibliothèque nationale de France, département Cartes et plans, Ge SH 18 pf 137 div 1 p 4 D.]
[BNF catalog]
Moseley, Edward (1682-1749); Cowley, John
A New and Correct Map of the Province of North Carolina By Edward Moseley, late Surveyor General of the said Province 1733. London, 1736.
[Reproduced in McNamara 2012: Fig. 4.]
[ECU 1 is the original scan; ECU 2 is a digitally cleaned version.]
[East Carolina University, J. Y. Joyner Library, Manuscripts and Rare Books Department, MC0017.]
[Public Record Office (UK), CO 700 / Carolina 11.]
[NARA map is a manuscript copy made in 1822 by T. Roberdrau.]
[PRO catalog]
[McNamara (p)]
Mount and Page [Firm]
[ca. 1730]:
A New and Correct Chart of the Trading Part of the West Indies Sold by I. Mount & T. Page on Tower Hill London.
Mount and Page [Firm]
A New and Correct Chart of the Coast of Florida From the Island of St. Iohn's to the Bay of Ascention and River Micissipi.
Sold by I. Mount and T. Page, Tower Hill [London].
[Biblioteca Nacional de España, MR/6/I serie 49/012.]
[BNE catalog]
Nolin, Jean Baptiste (1686-1762)
Carte du Canada et de la Louisiane qui forment la Nouvelle France et des colonies angloises ou sont representez les pays contestez / dressée ... par J.B. Nolin.
A Paris : chez Daumont, 1756.
[LC copy appears in Homann Erben's Atlas Compendiarivs, 1757.]
Ottens, Reiner (1698-1750); Ottens, Joshua (1704-1765)
Carte des possessions angloises & françoises du continent de l'Amérique septentrionale. Kaart van de Engelsche en Fransche bezittingen in het vaste land van Noord America.
Amsterdam, Chez R. et J. Ottens, geográphes, 1755.
[Based on Palairet 1755.]
Overton, Henry (1706-1764)
A new & correct map of the trading part of the West Indies : including the seat of war between Gr. Britain and Spain : likewise the British Empire in America, with the French and Spanish settlements adjacent thereto : adorn'd with prospects of ye most considerable towns, ports, harbours &c. therein contained from the latest & best observations.
Overton, Henry (1706-1764)
A map of the British plantations on the continent of North America, according to the notes and improvements of Mr. Bolton, made in the original of Mr. Danville; with the history of each colony in the margin. To His Sacred Majesty, King George IId., the most heroic, truly great and best of princes, this map is dedicated, by his most devoted subject & servant, Henry Overton. R. W. Seale, sculp.
Palairet, Jean (1697-1774)
Carte de l'Amérique septentrionale, 1754.
[Londres, 1755.]
[Cf. Delarochette 1765.]
Palairet, Jean (1697-1774)
Carte des possessions angloises & françoises du continent de l'Amérique septentrionale, 1755. [Par J. Palairet.] Thos. Kitchin, sculpt.
[Compare with Palairet 1756, 1759.]
Palairet, Jean (1697-1774)
Carte des possessions angloises & françoises du continent de l'Amérique septentrionale, par I. Palairet. Londres, 1756. Thos. Kitchin, sculpt.
[Compare with Palairet 1755, 1759.]
Palairet, Jean (1697-1774), revised by J. Rocque
Carte des possessions angloises & françoises du continent de l'Amérique septentrionale, par I. Palairet.
Londres, 1759.
[Compare with Palairet 1755, 1756.]
Palairet, Jean (1697-1774)
Carte des possessions angloises & françoises du continent de l'Amérique septentrionale, par I. Palairet. Thos. Kitchin, sculpt.
Londres, 1763.
Palairet, Jean (1697-1774)
A Map of North America.
London: J. Bowles, 1765.
[Locates Tioux north of Natchez.]
Popple, Henry [SEM 217]
America Septentrionalis. A Map of the British Empire in America with the French and Spanish Settlements adjacent thereto. by Henry Popple.
[Index map.]
Popple, Henry [SEM 216]
A Map of the British Empire in America with the French and Spanish Settlements adjacent thereto. by Henry Popple.
[Composite, full-scale map.]
Popple, Henry [SEM 216, in part]
A Map of the British Empire in America with the French and Spanish Settlements adjacent thereto. by Henry Popple.
[Sheet 9 of composite, full-scale map.]
Popple, Henry
Carte Particuliére de l'Amérique Septentrionale. A Map of the British Empire in America with the French, Spanish and Hollandish Settlements adjacent thereto. by Henry Popple.
Amsterdam: Covens and Mortier.
[Index map.]
Ridge, I., engraver
A Map of / the / British / dominions / in / North America / as Settled by the late / Treaty of Peace / 1763.
[Below neatline at lower right:] I. Ridge, scu.
[Inset:] Map of Florida.
[27 x 37 cm.]
Robert de Vaugondy, Gilles (1688-1766)
Cours Du Mississippi et La Louisiane.
[Locates Tioux north of Natchez.]
[Content date, 1748. Hand colored. Includes topographic features. Indicates Native American inhabitation. Removed from author's Atlas Portatif, Universel et Militaire, Composé d'après les Meilleures Cartes, tant Gravées que Manuscrites, des plus Célèbres Geographes et Ingenieurs with page number 92.]
Robert de Vaugondy, Didier (1723-1786); Robert de Vaugondy, Gilles (1688-1766) [Wheat 129]
Amérique Septentrionale, dressée, sur les relations les plus modernes des voyageurs et navigateurs, et divisee suivant les differentes possessions des Européens. Par le Sr. Robert de Vaugondy, fils de Mr. Robert Geographe ordin? du Roy. Avec Privilege. 1750.
[48 x 58.7 cm (18¾ x 23 in).]
Rocque, John (d. 1762)
A map of the British and French dominions in North America with the roads, distances, limits, and extent of the settlements, & forts, as they are now. by J. Palairet, Esqr. Revised and improved by J. Rocque. Thos. Kitchin, sculpt.
London, 1759.
Rocque, John (d. 1762)
A general map of North America; in which is express'd the several new roads, forts, engagements, &c. taken from actual surveys and observations made in the army employ'd there, from the year 1754, to 1761: Drawn by the late John Rocque, topographer to His Majesty.
[London, M.A. Rocque, 1761?]
[RAMC, S half]
[RAMC, N half]
Rollos, George, engraver
An Accurate Map of Louisiana and the Territory in Dispute between the English & French. Engraved for the British Magazine. G. Rollos, sculp.
[From "A letter to a great m---r, on the prospect of a peace," London, 1761, p. 2 (presumably in The British Magazine).]
[LC photo]
[LC photo]
Ross, John [CL 56]
Course of the river Mississipi, from the Balise to Fort Chartres; taken on an expedition to the Illinois, in the latter end of the year 1765. By Lieut. Ross of the 34th Regiment: Improved from the surveys of that river made by the French.
[LC 1 is from Thomas Jeffery's The American Atlas, 1775; cartouche reads "London, Printed for Robt. Sayer ... 1772."]
[LC 2 and Clark are from Thomas Kitchen's A General Atlas, 1780; cartouche reads "London, Printed for Robt. Sayer ... 1775."]
[DRMC is from Thomas Jeffery's The American Atlas, 1776; cartouche reads "London, Printed for Robt. Sayer ... 1775."]
[LC 1]
[LC 2]
Seale, Richard William
A Map of North America With the European Settlements & whatever else is remarkable in ye West Indies, from the latest and best Observations.
[WiSU map removed from unknown source with manuscript page number 11.]
Seale, Richard William
South Carolina, Georgia, and Parts adjacent: from the latest Improvements. R.W. Seale Sculp. London.
From Anonymous (1756) A New And Complete History Of The British Empire In America.
Seale, Richard William
Virginia, North Carolina and Parts adjacent: from the latest Discoveries. R.W. Seale Sculp. London.
From Anonymous (1756) A New And Complete History Of The British Empire In America.
Seale, Richard William
A New and Accurate Map of North America.
[London: J. Hinton, 1763.]
Seutter, George Matthaus (1678-1757)
Ludovicianae vel Gallice Louisiane ol'Cauadae et Floridae adpellatione in septentrionali America descriptae quae hodie nomine fluminis Mississippi vel St. Louis / Matthaei Seutteri; sculp. M. Rhein.
[UA catalogs this item as "A Map of America, perhaps removed from Atlas Novus by Mathew Sutter, 1734."]
Seutter, Matthaeus (1678-1756)
Accurata delineatio celeberrimae regionis Ludovicianae vel Gallice Louisiane ot. Canadae et Floridae adpellatione in Septemtrionali America descriptae quae hodie nomine fluminis Mississippi vel St. Louis.
[Compare with Fer 1718, Fer-Chatelain 1719, Fer-Ottens 1719.]
Seutter, Matthaeus (1678-1756)
Mappa Geographica Regionem Mexicanam Et Floridam Terrasque adjacentes, ut et Anteriores Americae Insulas Cursus Itidem et Reditus Navigantium Versus Flumen Missisipi et Alias Colonias ....
[50 x 59 cm (19½ x 23 in).]
[PBA map cataloged as ca. 1730; said to be copied from l'Isle and engraved by Lotter.]
[Compare with Homann 1715-1724, Lotter 1739, and Seutter 1739.]
Seutter, George Matthaus (1678-1757)
Mappa Geographica Regionem Mexicanam et Floridam Terrasque adjacentes, ut et Anteriores Americae Insulas.
[RAMC map cataloged as ca. 1741.]
[Compare with Homann 1715-1724, Lotter 1739, and Seutter 1728-1757.]
Spilsbury, John (1730?-1795?)
A new map of North America from the latest discoveries. J. Spilsbury, sculp.
[London] 1761.
[For Smollett's History of England.]
[Compare with Spilsbury 1763.]
Spilsbury, John (1730?-1795?)
A new map of North America from the latest discoveries. J. Spilsbury, sculp.
[Compare with Spilsbury 1761.]
Timberlake, Henry [SEM 349]
A draught of the Cherokee Country on the west side of the Twenty Four Mountains, commonly called Over the Hills.
London. [Published as the frontispiece in Timberlake's Memoirs (1765).]
Warner, John (fl. 1727-1741)
A survey of the northern neck of Virginia, being the lands belonging to the Rt. Honourable Thomas Lord Fairfax Baron Cameron, bounded by & within the Bay of Chesapoyocke and between the rivers Rappahannock and Potowmack : with the courses of the rivers Rappahannock and Potowmack, in Virginia : as surveyed according to order in the years 1736 & 1737.
Wimble, James
To His Grace Thomas Hollis Pelham Duke of Newcastle Principal Secretary of State and one of His Majesties most Honourable Privy Council, &c. This Chart of His Majesties Province of North Carolina.
London: W. Mount & T. Page.
[NARA facsimile]
F. Printed maps (1770-1799):
A New and Accurate Map of the Province of Georgia in North America.
[Published in Universal Magazine of Knowledge and Pleasure, vol. 64 (April 1779), facing p. 168. London.]
[USMA (d)]
Adair, James
A Map of the American Indian Nations, adjoining to the Missisippi, West & East Florida, Georgia, S. & N. Carolina, Virginia, &c. London.
From Adair's The History Of The American Indians.
Anville, Jean-Baptiste Bourguignon d'(1697-1782)
Carte générale du Canada, de la Louisiane, de la Floride, de la Caroline, de la Virginie, de la Nouvelle Angleterre etc. / par le Sr. d'Anville
Venise : P. Santini, 1776.
Anville, Jean-Baptiste Bourguignon d' (1697-1782)
Partie Meridionale de la Louisiane, avec la Floride, la Caroline et la Virginie.
Venise: Par P. Santini, 1776.
Anville, Jean-Baptiste Bourguignon d' (1697-1782)
A particular map of the American lakes, rivers &c.
Drawn and engraved for John Harrison. London.
[Note under title: "N.B. There is no material alterations [sic] in this Map from the Original it being a Particular Map designed to display the Lakes, Rivers &c. more distinct than in the general Map."]
[48.7 x 70.5 cm.]
Anville, Jean-Baptiste Bourguignon d' (1697-1782)
A new and complete map of the West Indies.
Laurie & Whittle.
Barker, W.
Georgia, from the Latest Authorities.
Engraved for Carey's American Edition of Guthrie's Geography [1795].
[UGa map dated 1794.]
[Compare with Scoles 1799, Tanner 1796.]
Bartram, William
Map of the east coast of Florida.
[Published in Bartram's (1791) Travels through North & South Carolina, Georgia, East & West Florida ....]
Bell, Peter
A new and accurate map of North America, drawn from the famous Mr. d'Anville with improvements from the best English maps; and engraved by R. W. Seale; also the new divisions according to the late treaty of peace, by Peter Bell, geor.
[Compare with Bell 1768.]
London, Printed for Carington Bowles, 1771.
[LC 1]
[LC 2]
[LC 3]
Bell, Peter
A map of the British dominions in North America, according to the Treaty in 1763; By Peter Bell, Geographer.
[London] 1772.
Berquin-Duvallon, Pierre-Louis; Blondeau, Alexandre
Carte détaillée de la Basse-Louisiane et Floride occidentale, pour être adaptée à l'ouvrage intitulé, Vue de la colonie espagnole du Mississipi, &c.
[At bottom, below neatline:] Gravé par Blondeau, sur les dessins à lui fournis par l'éditeur de l'ouvrage énoncé... 25 lieues
Carte Détaillée De La Basse-Louisiane et Floride Occidentale, Pour Etre Adaptee A L'Ouvrage Intitule, Vue De La Colonie Espganole Du Mississipi, &c.
[Frontispiece in Berquin-Duvallon's Vue de la Colonie Espagnole du Mississippi, ou des Provinces de Louisiane et Floride Occidentale, en l'année 1802, Paris, 1803.]
[Bibliothèque nationale de France, Département Cartes et plans, P-Angrand-663.]
[BNF 1]
[BNF 2]
Bew, John (d. 1793)
A new and accurate map of North Carolina and part of South Carolina : with the field of battle between Earl Cornwallis and General Gates.
[Below neatline:] London. Published as the Act directs. Novr. 30th 1780 by J. Bew Pater Noster Row. Jno. Lodge sculp.
Bonne, Rigobert (1727-1794)
Carte du Mexique.
Paris: Chez Lattre, 1771.
[Locates Tioux north of Natchez.]
Bonne, Rigobert (1727-1794) [SEM 326]
Carte de la Louisiane et de la Floride.
[Paris: 1780.]
Bonne, Rigobert (1727-1794)
Partie de l'Amerique Septentrionale, qui comprend le Canada, la Louisiane, le Labrador, le Groenland, les Etats-Unis et la Floride. Projettee et assujettie aux observations. Par Mr. Bonne. A Paris, chez Lattre, rue St. Jacques, a la Ville de Bordeaux. Avec priv. du Roy. Revue et corrigee 1783.
[Composite map.]
[Locates Tioux north of Natchez.]
Bonne, Rigobert (1727-1794)
Les États Unis de l'Amérique septentrionale, partie occidentale. Par M. Bonne, ingenieur hydrographe de la marine. André, sculp.
Bowen, Emanuel (d. 1767)
An accurate map of North America. Describing and distinguishing the British and Spanish dominions on this great continent; according to the definitive treaty concluded at Paris 10th Feby. 1763. Also all the West India Islands belonging to, and possessed by the several European princes and states.
[LC 3 and RAMC maps are dated 1775.]
[Compare with Bowen 1755, 1768.]
[LC 1]
[LC 2]
[LC 3]
[BPL 1]
[BPL 2]
[RAMC, N half]
[RAMC, S half]
Bowen, Emanuel (d. 1767)
Map of Louisiana, from d'Anville's Atlas.
Bowles, Carington (1724–1793)
North America, and the West Indies; a new map, wherein the British Empire and its limits, according to the definitive treaty of peace, in 1763, are accurately described, and the dominions possessed by the Spaniards, the French, & other European States. The whole compiled from all the new surveys, and authentic memoirs that have hitherto appeared.
[LC catalog]
Bowles, Carington (1724–1793)
Bowles's new map of North America and the West Indies, exhibiting the British Empire therein with the limits and boundaries of the United States as also the dominions possessed in that quarter, by the Spaniards, the French & other European states, the whole compiled from the best surveys and authentic memoirs which have appeared to the present year, 1783.
[LC catalog]
Bowles, Carington (1724–1793)
Bowles's new and accurate map of North America and the West Indies, exhibiting the extent and boundaries of the United States, the British dominions, and territories possessed in that quarter by the Spaniards, the French, and other European powers. The whole compiled and laid down from the best authorities, regulated and divided according to the Preliminary Articles of Peace signed at Versailles 20th. Jany. 1783.
[LC catalog]
Brion de la Tour, Louis (ca. 1743-1803)
Carte des Etats-Unis d'Amérique, et du Cours du Mississipi: rédigée d'après différentes Cartes et Relations Anglaises, et les opérations de la derniere Guerre, avec Les Nouvelles Limites Générales fixées par les articles préliminaires de paix, signés tant à París qu'à Versailles, le 30 9bre. 1782 et le 20 Janr. 1783, et confirmées par le Traité définitif. Cette carte composée par le Sr. Brion de la Tour, ingr. géographe du roi, est accompagnée de celle de l'Amerique Septentrionale entière, servant aussi à l'intelligence des mêmes articles de paix.
Paris, Chez Esnauts et Rapilly, 1784.
[LC 2 is annotated by the author; also contains the added words "du 3 7bre 1783" after "traité définitif" in the engraved title.]
[Biblioteca Nacional de España, MR/8/II serie 28/062.]
[BNE catalog]
[LC 1]
[LC 2]
Brion de la Tour, Louis (ca. 1743-1803)
Suite du theatre de la guerre dans l'Amérique Septentrionale y compris le Golfe du Méxique
Paris: Chez Esnauts et Rapilly, rue Saint Jacques à la Ville de Coutances.
[Published in Quintero Saravia 2018, p. 237.]
Brun, Giovanni
Carte Réduite des Côtes Orientales De L'Amérique Septentrionale Contentant Partie du Nouveau Jersey, la Pen-sylvanie, le Mary-land, la Virginie, la Caroline Septentrionale, la Caroline Meridionale et la Georgie, Assujettie aux Observations les plus récentes et aux Cartes de détail les plus estimées, Dressée au Dépôt Général des Cartes, Plans et Journaux de la Marine. ... Gio. Brun Scupix in Roma 1799.
[Italian copy of the Dépôt-Sartine 1778 map ofthe same name.]
Buache, Philippe (1700-1773); DeZauche, J. A.
Carte du Golphe du Mexique et des isles Antilles, reduite de la grande carte angloise de Popple, par Ph. Buache, 1er. géographe de l'Ac. Corrigée et augmentée en 1780.
Buell, Abel
A New and Correct Map of the United States of North America: Layd down from the Latest Observations and Best Authorities Agreeable to the Peace of 1783.
New Haven.
[On deposit to the Library of Congress from David M. Rubenstein.]
[LC (d)]
Carver, Jonathan (1710-1780)
A New Map of North America, from the Latest Discoveries . . ." from Travels through the Interior Parts of North America, in the Years 1766, 1767, 1768.
Cary, John
An Accurate Map of the United States of America, with Part of the Surrounding Provinces agreeable to the Treaty of Peace of 1783.
London: J. Cary.
[U.S. National Archives, 076NEBDY1827-8-22; ARC 102278999.]
Collet, John
A compleat map of North Carolina from an actual survey / by Capt.n Collet, ... ; engraved by I. Bayly.
London: S. Hooper.
Collot, George Henri Victor (1750-1805); Tardieu, P. F.
General Map of North America.
[[UA map from Collot's Voyages dans l'Amérique Septentrionale, 1826, Plate 1.]
[BNF, DRMC maps from Collot's A journey in North America, 1826, Plate 1.]
Collot, George Henri Victor (1750-1805); Tardieu, P. F. [CL 53]
Map of the Course of The Mississipi from the Missouri and the Country of The Illinois to the mouth of this River.
[UA, LC from Collot's Voyages dans l'Amérique Septentrionale, 1826, Plate 25.]
[BNF, DRMC from Collot's A journey in North America, 1826, Plate 25.]
[LC 1]
[LC 2]
Collot, Georges Henri Victor (1750-1805)
Carte particuliere du cours du Mississipi depuis le Missouri et le pays des Illinois jusqu’a l’embouchure de ce fleuve en 1796.
[Published version shown together with manuscript map.]
Collot, George Henri Victor; Tardieu, P. F.
Chart Of The Sources Of The Mobile and Of The River Yazoo Including a part of the Course of the Mississippi From the River Margot to the Natches.
[UA 1 from Collot's Voyages dans l'Amérique Septentrionale, 1826, Plate 33.]
[BNF, DRMC from Collot's A journey in North America, 1826, Plate 33.]
[UA 1]
[UA 2]
Conder, Thomas (ca. 1746-1831); Moore, John Hamilton (d. 1807)
North America / agreeable to the / most approved / Maps and Charts / By Thos. Conder.
[KHS map above neatline at center:] Engraved for Moore's New and Compleat Collection of Voyages and Travels.
[London, 1778.]
[WiSU dates publication to 1782 and givess "content date" as 1760.]
Cook, James
A map of the province of South Carolina, with all the rivers, creeks, bays, ... / Jam.s Cook
[Inset:] A chart of the Bar and Harbour of Charles Town.
[Inset:] A plan of Charles Town.
[Inset:] A draught of Port Royal Harbour in South Carolina.
[Inset:] A plan of Beaufort on Port Royal Island.
[Inset:] A plan of Camden.
[Inset:] A plan of George Town.
De Brahm, John Gerar William (1717-1799); Stuart, John (1718-1779)
A Map of South Carolina and a Part of Georgia. containing the Whole Sea-Coast; all the Islands, Inlets, Rivers, Creeks, Parishes, Townships, Boroughs, Roads, and Bridges: As Also, Several Plantations, with their proper Boundary Lines, their Names, and the names of their Proprietors. Composed From Surveys taken by the Hon. William Bull Esq. Lieutenant Governor, Captain Gascoign, Hugh Bryan, Esq; and William De Brahm Esqr. Surveyor General of the Southn. District of North America, Republished with considerable Additions, from the Surveys made & collected by John Stuart Esqr. His Majesty's Superintendant of Indian Affairs, By William Faden Successor to the late T. Jeffery's, Geographer to the King.
London: Wm. Faden.
[Compare with De Brahm 1757.]
[RAMC, N sheet]
[RAMC, S sheet]
Dépôt Général de la Marine (Paris); Bellin, Jacques-Nicolas (1703-1772); Praslin, César Gabriel de Choiseul, le Duc de (1712-1785)
[ca. 1770]:
Carte Reduite du Golphe du Mexique et des Isles de L'Amerique Pour servir au Vaisseaux du Roy. ... Seconde Edition Annee 17 ...
[Ruderman dates map to 1780, but Praslin served as naval minister only from 1766 to 1770.]
Dépôt Général de la Marine (Paris); Sartine, Antoine de (1729-1801)
Carte Reduite Des Cotes Orientales De L'amerique Septentrionale Contenant Partie du Nouveau Jersey, la Pen-sylvanie, le Mary-land, la Virginie, la Caroline Septentrionale, la Caroline Meridionale et la Georgie, Assujettie aux Observations les plus recentes et aux Cartes de detail les plus estimées. Dressée au Dépôt Général des Cartes, Plans et Journaux de la Marine. Pour le Service des Vaisseaux Français Par Ordre de M. de Sartine, Conseiller d'Etat, Ministre et Secretaire d'Etat, ayant le Département de la Marine. 1778.
Dépôt Général de la Marine (Paris); Sartine, Antoine de (1729-1801)
Carte De La Baie De Chesapeake et de la Partie navigable des Rivieres, James, York, Patomack, Patuxeo, Patapasco, North-East, Choptauk et Pokomack. Redigee Pour Le Service Des Vaisseaux Du Roi ... 1778.
Dépôt Général de la Marine (Paris); Sartine, Antoine de (1729-1801)
Carte d'une partie des côtes
de la Floride et de la Louisiane.
Contenant le cours du Mississipi,
Depuis ses Embouchures jusqu'à la Riviere Rouge, l'Entrée de la Mobile,
et les Baies de Pensacola, de Ste. Rose et de S. Joseph. D'apres plusieurs Plans Manuscrits, Levés par des Navigateurs et des Ingenieurs François.
Dressée au Dépôt Général des Cartes, Plans et Journaux de la Marine.
Pour le service des vaisseaux Francais.
Par Ordre de M. de Sartine Conseiller d'Etat,
Ministre et Secrétaire d'Etat ayant le Département de la Marine.
[Outside neatline at bottom right:] Petit Sculp.
[BNF 1]
[BNF 2]
Dépôt Général de la Marine (Paris); Sartine, Antoine de (1729-1801)
Carte réduite des côtes et de l'interieur
de la presqu'île de la Floride,
avec le Détroit de cette Presqu'Île
et le Canal de Bahama.
Dressée au Dépôt Général des Cartes, Plans et Journaux de la Marine.
d'Après differentes Cartes Combinées.
Pour le service des vaisseaux du roi.
Par Ordre de M. de Sartine Conseiller d'Etat,
Ministre et Secrétaire d'Etat ayant le Département de la Marine.
Dépôt Général de la Marine (Paris)
Carte Des Cotes Du Golfe Du Mexique Compris entre la pointe Sud de la Presqu'Ile de la Floride et la Pointe Nord de la Presqu'Ile d'Yucatan ... An IX.
Des Barres, Joseph Frederick Wallet (1722-1824)
Mississipi River from Iberville to Yazous.
[Two sheets, published in the Atlantic Neptune, vol. 4, part 2.]
[NMM 1 and NMM 2 are duplicate images of the same map.]
[NMM 1]
[NMM 2]
[NMM 3]
Des Barres, Joseph Frederick Wallet (1722-1824)
[Chart of the Gulf Coast from Pensacola to Atchafalaya River.]
[Two sheets, published in the Atlantic Neptune.]
[NMM 1 and NMM 2 are duplicate images of the same map.]
[NMM 1]
[NMM 2]
[NMM 3]
Des Barres, Joseph Frederick Wallet (1722-1824)
The north east shore of the Gulph of Mexico.
Dirección de Hidrografía
Carta Esférica que comprehende las costas del Seno Mexicano construida de orden del Rey en el Deposito Hidrografico de Marina: Por disposicion del Exmo. Señor Don Juan de Langara, Secretario de Estado y del Despacho Universal de ella. Año de 1799.
[First state.]
Dirección de Hidrografía
Carta Esférica que comprehende las costas del Seno Mexicano construida de orden del Rey en el Deposito Hidrografico de Marina: Por disposicion del Exmo. Señor Don Juan de Langara, Secretario de Estado y del Despacho Universal de ella. Año de 1799.
[Second state, with additional note in the cartouche.]
Dunn, Samuel
A Map Of The British Empire, in North America. By Samuel Dunn, Mathematician, improved from the Surveys of Capt. Carver.
London: R. Sayer and J. Bennett, 1776.
[DRMC copy cataloged as Thomas Jefferys 1776.]
[Compare with Dunn 1786.]
Dunn, Samuel
A New Map of the United States of North America.
London: Laurie and Whittle, [1786].
[Compare with Dunn 1776.]
Elwe, Jan Barend
Amerique Septentrionale Divisee en ses Principales Parties ....
[46.5 x 57.5 cm (18¼ x 22¾ in).]
[One of the last to depict California as an island. Based on Jaillot's 1694 Amerique Septenrionale, which is in turn based on the 1650 map by Sanson.]
Faden, William (1749-1836)
United States of North America with the British Territories and Those of Spain According to the Treaty of 1784.
London: Wm. Faden.
[U.S. National Archives, US 12; ARC 78116872.]
Fielding, I., publisher
A / Map / of the / United States / of / America, / as Settled by the Peace of / 1783. / Publishd Decr. 1, 1783, by I. Fielding, Pater-noster Row.
[Detached from European magazine and London review, v. 14, 1783.]
Gauld, George
An Accurate Chart of the Tortugas and Florida Kays or Martyrs. Surveyed by George Gauld, A.M. in the Years 1773, 4, & 5, by Order of the Right Honourable the Lords Comissioners of the Admiralty, And now Published by permission of Their Lordships.
London: Wm. Faden.
[U.S. National Archives, 64-REF-FL-1790; ARC 102278726.]
Güssefeld, Franz Ludwig (1744-1808)
Charte über die XIII Vereinigte Staaten von Nord-America.
Homann Erben.
Güssefeld, Franz Ludwig (1744-1808); Ribero, Diego [a.k.a. Ribeiro, Diogo; Rivero, Diego] (d. 1533)
Charte von Amerika aus der altesten noch unedirten Weltcharte des Diego Ribero, Cosmographs Karks V. vom Jarh 1529. ... / gezeichnet von F. L. Güssefeld.
[Engraved map of the Americas based on Reinel's 1529 manuscript "Carta Universal" at the Herzogin Anna Amalia Bibliothek (Weimar).]
[LC fine copy made by Johann Georg Kohl, ca. 1840.]
[LC fine copy]
Holland, Nathaniel
A new chart of the coast of North America, from Currituck inlet to Savannah river, comprehending the coasts of North et South Carolina / By Captain N. Holland.
London: Laurie & Whittle.
Holland, Nathaniel
A New Chart of the Coast of North America, from New York to Cape Hatteras Including the Bays of Delaware and Chesapeak, with the Coasts of New Jersey, Maryland, Virginia and Part of the Coast of North Carolina.
London: Laurie & Whittle.
[U.S. National Archives, 64-REF-MIDATLANTIC-1794; ARC 102278744.]
Homann Erben [Firm]
America Septentrionalis.
Noriebergae: Homannianorum Heredum, 1777. [Compare with Homann Erben 1756.]
Janvier, Jean
L'Amerique septentrionale divisée en ses principaux Etats.
Paris. Chez Lattré.
[30.5 x 45 cm (12 x 17¾ in).]
[Compare with Janvier 1762.]
Jefferys, Thomas
North America from the French of Mr. D'Anville Improved with the English Surveys made Since the Peace.
London: R. Sayer and J. Bennett, 1775.
[DRMC catalogs publication date as 1776.]
Jefferys, Thomas (d. 1771)
Western Coast of Louisiana and the Coast of New Leon.
[Library of Congress, G1600 .J4 1775.]
[LC photo]
Jefferys, Thomas
The Coast Of West Florida and Louisiana, By Thos. Jefferys Geographer to His Majesty. [and]
The Peninsula and Gulf of Florida or Channel of Bahama with the Bahama Islands, By Thos. Jefferys Geographer to His Majesty.
London: Robt. Sayer.
[Shows Tunicas.]
Jefferys, Thomas
The Coast of West Florida and Louisiana, By Thos. Jefferys Geographer to His Majesty. [and]
The Peninsula and Gulf of Florida, or New Bahama Channel, with the Bahama Islands, By Thos. Jefferys Geographer to His Majesty.
London: Laurie & Whittle.
[U.S. National Archives, 64-REF-FL-1794-1; ARC 102278729.]
Kitchin, Thomas (1718-1784); Baldwin, Robert (fl. 1770-1810), publisher [Klein L81.3]
Map / of the Province / of / West Florida / by Thos. Kitchin Senr.
[Inset:] Enlarged Plan / of / Pensacola.
[Above neatline at top right:] London Mag: May 1781. [opp. p. 240.]
[Below neatline at bottom center:] Published by R. Baldwin at the Rose Pater Noster Row.
[8 x 10 cm.]
Kitchin, Thomas (1718-1784)
A New map of the British Empire in Nth. America drawn from the latest authorities / drawn... by Thos. Kitchin.
[London: A. Hogg, 1782]; for Millar's New Complete and Universal System of Geography.
Kitchin, Thomas (1718-1784)
Map of the European Settlements in Mexico or New Spain and the West Indies.
London: T. Cadell, 1783.
Kitchin, Thomas (1718-1784)
[North America.] [Locates the Natchez near Memphis.]
[London: R. Sayer, 1767-88.]
Kitchin, Thomas (1718-1784)
North America.
[London: 1786?].
[From unidentified edition of Guthrie's A New System of Geography.
[Compare with Kitchin 1787.]
Kitchin, Thomas (1718-1784)
North America.
London: for S. Harrison, 1787.
[Compare with Kitchin 1786 above.]
Kitchin, Thomas (1718-1784)
A New Map of the United States of North America.
[London: 1795]; for Baldwin's New Complete & Universal System of Geography.
L'Isle, Guillaume de (1675-1726); Lotter, Tobias Conrad (1717-1777)
America Septentrionalis concinnata juxta observationes dnn Academiae regalis scientiarum et nonnullorum aliorum, et juxta annotationes recentissimas / per G. de L'Isle, Geographum ... apud Tobiam Conr. Lotter Geogr. et Calcogr.
[Below neatline in lower right corner:] G.F. Lotter, sculps.
[Compare with L'Isle 1700, L'Isle-Wolff 1706, L'Isle-Lotter 1762.]
[Carhart and Edney (2001b) call this plate "Lotter 1" and date it to 1772.]
[BANQ map cataloged as 1778. BPL map cataloged as ca. 1758.]
[NYPL 1]
[NYPL 2]
L'Isle, Guillaume de (1675-1726); Buache, Philippe (1700-1773); DeZauche, J. A.
Carte De La Louisiane Et Du Cours Du Mississipi Avec Les Colonies Anglaises {Revue, Corrigee et considerablemt. Augmentee en 1782} Par Guillaume Delisle de Acadamie Rle. Des Sciences.
[Compare with L'Isle 1718 and 1742-1758.]
[19 ¼ x 25 ½ inches.]
L'Isle, Guillaume de (1675-1726)
Carte du Mexique et des Etats Unis.
Paris: l'Auteur, 1783. [Compare with L'Isle 1703 and 1722.]
La Rochefoucauld-Liancourt, François-Alexandre-Frédéric, duc de (1747-1827)
Carte des Etats Unis.
[Published in La Rochefoucauld-Liancourt's (1799) Voyage dans les États-Unis d'Amérique, fait en 1795, 1796 et 1797, Vol. 4, frontispiece.]
[LC photo]
La Rochefoucauld-Liancourt, François-Alexandre-Frédéric, duc de (1747-1827); Capitaine, Louis (ca. 1749-ca. 1797)
Carte Génerale des Etats-Unis de l'Amérique Septentrionale : Divisée en ses 17 provinces.
[Published in La Rochefoucauld-Liancourt's (1799) Voyage dans les États-Unis d'Amérique, fait en 1795, 1796 et 1797, Vol. 7, facing p. 154.]
[LC photo]
Langara, Juan de [CU 2-61]
Carta esférica que comprehende las Costas del Seno Mexicano construida de Orden del Rey en el Depósito Hidrográfico de Marina.
Por disposición del Excmo Señor D. Juan de Langara.
[Reproduced in Servicio Geográfico del Ejército, Cartografía de Ultramar, v. 2, 1953: pl. 61.]
[BVD catalog]
[SHM (p)]
Longchamps, Sebastian G. (1718-1793)
Carte des possessions des Colonies Anglaises dans le Continent de l' Amérique Septentrionale et partie de la Lousiane.
Lorenzana, Francisco Antonio (1722-1804)
Plano de la Nueva España.
[Frontispiece in Cortés and Lorenzana's
Historia de Nueva-España, 1770.]
McMurray, William (fl. 1782–1786)
The United States According to the Definitive Treaty of Peace Signed at Paris Sept. 3d 1783.
[LC catalog]
Mitchell, John (1711-1768)
A map of the British colonies in North America, with the roads, distances, limits, and extent of the settlements, humbly inscribed to the Right Honourable the Earl of Halifax, and the other Right Honourable the Lords Commissioners for Trade & Plantations, by their Lordships most obliged and very humble servant, Jno. Mitchell. Tho.: Kitchin, sculp.
London, Printed for Jefferys and Faden, geographers to the King [1775].
[4th edition of Mitchell 1755, 1777.]
Mitchell, John (1711-1768)
Amerique Septentrionale avec les Routes, Distances en miles, Villages et Etablissements Francois et Anglois. Par le Docteur Mitchel Traduit de l' Anglois. A Paris ... 1777. [Compare with Mitchell 1755, 1775.]
Paris: le Rouge, 1777.
[RAMC, panel 1]
[RAMC, panel 2]
[RAMC, panel 3]
[RAMC, panel 4]
[RAMC, panel 5]
[RAMC, panel 6]
[RAMC, panel 7]
[RAMC, panel 8]
Moore, John Hamilton (1738-1807)
A new and correct chart of North America from Cape-Cod, to the Havannah; drawn from the latest marine journals & surveys, regulated and ascertained by astronomical observations.
Moore, John Hamilton (1738-1807)
To His Excellency General George Washington, President of the United States of North America This Chart, Including the Navigation from the Gulf of Florida to Philadelphia [Material cartográfico] / Is respectfully dedicated In Testimony of the high Consideration in which his Excellency is held by his most obedient humble Servant, John Hamilton Moore [Biblioteca Nacional de España, MR/5/I Serie 48/046.]
[BNE catalog]
[BNE, S tile]
[BNE, N tile]
[BNE, composite*]
Mouzon, Henry
An Accurate Map of North and South Carolina with their Indian Frontiers, Shewing in a distinct manner all the Mountains, Rivers, Swamps, Marshes, Bays, Creeks, Harbours, Sandbanks and Soundings on the Coasts, with the Roads and Indian Paths; as well as The Boundary or Provincial Lines, The Several Townships and other divisions of the Land in Both the Provinces, the whole from Actual Surveys.
London: Laurie & Whittle.
[Library of Congress, Geography and Map Division, G3900 1794 .M6.]
Mouzon, Henry
An accurate map of North and South Carolina, with their Indian frontier, shewing in a distinct manner all the mountains, rivers, swamps, marshes, bays, creeks, harbours, sandbanks and soundings on the coasts; with the roads and Indian paths; as well as the boundary or provincial lines, the several townships, and other divisions of the land in both the provinces, the whole from accurate surveys by Henry Mouzon and others.
[Inset:] The harbour of Port Royal.
[Inset:] The bar and harbour of Charlestown.
London: Robt. Sayer and J. Bennett.
[BNF 1]
[BNF 2]
[LC 1]
[LC 2]
[LC 3]
[LC 4]
[LC 5]
Neele, Samuel John
An Accurate Map of North America with the New Discoveries.
Edinburgh: 1796.
Phelipeau, René (fl. 1748-1784)
Carte generale des colonies angloises dans l'Amerique Septentrionale pour l'intelligence de la guerre presente, d'apres des manuscrit anglais par J. B. Nolin geographe. Corrigé, augmenté des indications des principaux évenemens de la guerre avec le tracee des limites pour constituer le traité de paix proposé entre la Couronne de la Grande Bretagne et les Etats Unis, Par R. Phelipeau, géographe.
Paris, Chez Basset, 1783.
Pittman, Philip
Draught of the R. Ibbeville.
[Published in Pittman's The Present State of the European Settlements on the Mississippi. London, Printed for J. Nourse, 1770.]
Pittman, Philip
A Draught of the Missisippi River from Balise up to Fort Chartres.
[Published in Pittman's The Present State of the European Settlements on the Mississippi. London, Printed for J. Nourse, 1770.]
[In three sheets.]
[LC catalog]
[LC, sheet 1]
[LC, sheet 2]
[LC, sheet 3]
[DRMC, sheet 1]
[DRMC, sheet 2]
[DRMC, sheet 3]
Poirson, Jean Baptiste (1760-1831); Bartram, William (1739-1823)
Carte des Carolines Meridionale et Septenttrionale, la Georgie, la Floride, Orientale et Occididentale, le pays des Cherokees, la vaste contree ... et pays des Chataws pour servir a l'Histoire des voyage de William Bartram.
[In Bartram, William. Voyages dans les parties sud de l'Amérique Septentrionale. Paris, 1799. v. I, p. 24.]
Pownall, Thomas
A new map of North America, with the West India Islands. Divided according to the Preliminary Articles of Peace, signed at Versailles, 20. Jan. 1783, wherein are particularly distinguished the United States, and the several provices, governments &ca. which compose the British Dominions; laid down according to the latest surveys, and corrected from the original materials, of Goverr. Pownall, Membr. of Parliamt., 1783.
[Composite map.]
Pownall, Thomas; [Kitchin, Thomas]; Robert Laurie & James Whittle; Kino, Eusebio Francisco
A new map of North America, with the West India Islands. [with] A particular map of Baffin and Hudson's Bay. [with] The passage by land to California discover'd by Father Eusebius Francis Kino a Jesuit, between the years 1692 and 1701 before which and for a considerable time since California has always been described in all charts & maps as an island. Divided according to the Preliminary Articles of Peace, signed at Versailles, 20 Jan. 1783, wherein are particularly distinguished the United States and the several provinces, governments &c. which compose the British Dominions, laid down according to the latest surveys, and corrected from the original materials of Goverr. Pownall, Membr. of Parliamt.
[Composite map.]
Purcell, Joseph; Morse, Jedidiah
A Map of the States of Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia Comprehending the Spanish Provinces of East and West Florida Exhibiting the boundaries as fixed by the late Treaty of Peace between the United States and the Spanish Dominions. Compiled from late Surveys and Observations by Joseph Purcell. Engraved for Morse's Geography by Amos Doolittle at New Haven, 1788.
[Published in Morse's The American Geography ... , 1789.]
[NCSA (d)]
Purcell, Joseph; Morse, Jedidiah
A Map of the States of Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia; Comprehending the Spanish Provinces of East and West Florida: Exhibiting the Boundaries as fixed by the late Treaty of Peace between the United States and the Spanish Dominions. Compiled from late Surveys & Observations by Joseph Purcell. W. Harrison Senr. & Junr. sc. Engraved for Morse's Geography. Publish'd by John Stockdale Jany. 25th 1792.
[Published in Morse's The American Geography ... , 1794.]
Robert de Vaugondy, Gilles (1688-1766)
Nouvelle Espagne, Nouveau Mexique, Isles Antilles ....
Paris. Fortin.
[23.8 x 30.8 cm (9½ x 12 in).]
Robert de Vaugondy, Gilles (1688-1766) [Wheat 129]
Amérique Septentrionale dressée sur les Relations les plus modernes des Voyageurs et Navigateurs ou se remarquent les Etats Unis.
[48 x 58.7 cm (18¾ x 23 in).]
Robert de Vaugondy, Giles (1688-1766)
Canada, Louisiane, Possessions Angl.
[Paris: S. Delamarche, 1784.]
[From his Nouvel Atlas por Tatif, 1784.]
Robert de Vaugondy, Didier (1723-1786)
États-Unis de l'Amérique septentrionale avec les Isles Royale, de Terre Nueve, de St. Jean, l'Acadie &c.
Paris, Chés Boudet, 1785.
Roberts, Charles
A Chart of the Gulf of Florida or New Bahama Channel, commonly called the Gulf Passage, Between Florida, the Isle of Cuba, & the Bahama Islands. From the Journals, Observations and Draughts of Mr. Chas. Roberts, Master of the Rl. Navy, compared with the Surveys of Mr. George Gauld &ca.
London: Wm. Faden.
[U.S. National Archives, 64-REF-FL-1794-2; ARC 102278731.]
Romans, Bernard (ca. 1720-ca. 1784)
A general map of the southern British colonies in America, comprehending North and South Carolina, Georgia, East and West Florida, with the neighboring Indian countries, from the modern surveys of Engineer de Brahm, Capt. Collet, Mouzon, & others, and from the large hydrographical survey of the coasts of East and West Florida. By B. Romans, 1776.
London, Printed for R. Sayer and J. Bennett, map, chart, and printsellers, 1776.
[Compare with Romans et al. 1794.]
[LC 1]
[LC 2]
[LC 3]
Romans, Bernard (ca. 1720-ca. 1784)
Maps of East and West Florida. B. Romans, inv. delin. & in Ære incidit.
[New York, 1781.]
[Drawn in 1774, but was not published until 1781, 6 years after the author's A concise natural history of East and West Florida, to which it belongs. 2 maps on 3 sheets 237 x 80 cm. or smaller fold. in cover 64 & 48 cm.]
[LC, S half]
[LC, N half]
[Romans, Bernard (ca. 1720-ca. 1784)]; Laurie, Robert, Whittle James; [Kitchin, Thomas (1718-1784)]
A new and general map of the southern dominions belonging to the United States of America, viz: North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia: with the bordering Indian countries, and the Spanish possessions of Louisiana and Florida. [with] Plan of Charlestown. [with] Plan of St. Augustine.
[Compare with Romans 1776.]
Russell, John
An Accurate Map of the United States of America.
H. D. Symonds, London.
[From Russell's American Atlas, 1795.]
Russell, John
Map of the Southern States of America, Comprehending Maryland, Virginia, Kentucky, Territory South of the Ohio, North Carolina, Tennesseee Governmt. South Carolina & Georgia.
H. D. Symonds, London.
Russell, John
Map of the State of Kentucky; with the Adjoining Territories.
H. D. Symonds, London.
Russell, John
A Correct Map of the Georgia Western Territory.
C. Dilly Poultry, London.
[From J. Morse's American Gazetteer, 1798.]
San Martín Suárez, José de
Mapa y plano del Seno Mexicano. Contodas las costas, de tierra firme e yslas de barlovento consus adyacentes, recopiladas, sus-latitudes y longitudes en el puerto de la Havana con junta de primeros y segdos. pilotos de la esquadra y segun el neuvo padron; por Dn. Josef de Sn. Martin Suares, theniente de navio de la Real Armada, Ayudante y primer piloto mayor de Derrotas, celebrada por disposicion del, Exmo Sor. Dn. Josef Solano y Bote, caballero ... Delineado, en Cadiz por Dn. Josef Dias Portaly. Año de 1787.
Sayer, Robert
A new map of the whole continent of America. Divided into north and south and West Indies, wherein are exactly described the United States of North America as well as the several European possessions according to the Preliminaries of Peace signed at Versailles Jan. 20, 1783. Compiled from Mr. d'Anville's maps of that continent, with the addition of the Spanish discoveries in 1775 to the north of California & corrected in the several parts belonging to Great Britain from the original materials of Governor Pownall, MP.
[Composite map.]
Scoles, John (1772?-1853), engraver
A Map of North America from the latest authorities 1799.
[Below neatline in lower right corner:] Scoles, sculp.
[Below neatline at bottom center:] Engraved for Paynes Geography Published by I Low New York.
Scoles, John (1772?-1853), engraver; [Lewis, Samuel (ca. 1753-1822)]
Georgia / from the latest / authorities / 1799 / I Scoles, sc.
[Below neatline at bottom center:] Engraved for Paynes Geography Publish'd by I Low, New York.
[UGa map dated 1810.]
[Compare with Barker 1795, Tanner 1796.]
Speer, Joseph Smith
To His Royal Highness. George Augustus Frederick. Prince of Wales &c. &c. &c. This chart of the West Indies, is humbly inscribed by His Royal Highness faithful & obedient servant Joseph Smith Speer. Thos. Bowen, sculpt.
Chart of the West Indies.
Tanner, Benjamin
Georgia from the Latest Authorities.
New York.
[From The American Atlas to accompany Winterbotham's History of America.]
[Compare with Barker 1795, Scoles 1799.]
Zatta, Antonio; Mitchell, John ; Raynal, G.T.
Le Colonie Unite dell' America Settentrle. di Nuova Projezione Ass. Ee. Li Signori Riformatori dello Studio di Padova. Venezia 1778, Presso Antonio Zatta, con Privilegio dell' Eccellentissimo Senato.
[Composite of maps Fogl. I-XI and the title page which includes the map of Bermuda.]
[Published In: Storia Dell' America Settentrionale Del Signor Abate Raynal Continuata fino al present, con Carte Geografiche rappresentanti il Teatro della Guerra Civile tra la Gran Bretagna, e le Colonie Unite. A SS. EE. Li Signori Rifoormatori Dello Studio Di Padova. In Venezia, Dalle Stampe Di Antonio Zatta Con Licenza De Superiori, E Privilegio. M. DCC. LXXVIII.]
[Zatta's "Luigiana Inglese ..." (1778) is the lower left sheet (Fogl. X) of this composite.]
[Cf. Mitchell 1755.] [132 x 126 cm.]
Zatta, Antonio; Mitchell, John; Raynal, G.T.
Luigiana Inglese, colla Parte Occidentale della Florida, della Giorgia, e Carolina Meridonale.
[Sheet 10 of composite map above.]
Zatta, Antonio; Mitchell, John; Raynal, G.T.
Il Canada, Le Colonie Inglesi Con La Luigiana, e Florida. di nuova Projezione. Venezia 1778. Presso Antonio Zatta Con Privilegio dell'Eccmo Senato. G. Zuliani inc. Venezia, Antonio Zatta.