Research Laboratories of Archaeology

Early Maps of the American South
— Local Maps: Harbors and Islands (Atlantic Coast)

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This page contains maps of harbors and islands on South Atlantic coast:

  1. St. Augustine Harbor
  2. St. Johns River
  3. Amelia and Cumberland Islands
  4. St. Simons and Jekyll Islands
  5. Sapelo Island
  6. Savannah Harbor
  7. Daufuskie Sound
  8. Port Royal Sound
  9. Charleston Harbor
  10. Cape Fear
  11. Miscellaneous
Within each category the maps are listed alphabetically by author, and then by date. Many can be viewed on the web sites of the Bibliothèque Nationale de France (BNF), the Biblioteca Nacional de España (BNE), the Library of Congress (LC). Click here for a complete list of repositories and their abbreviations.

Images whose links are labeled "HMC photo" are posted here courtesy of the Harvard Map Collection, Harvard College Library. The images labeled "LC photo" are posted courtesy of the Geography and Map Division, Library of Congress.

Click here for a complete list of bibliographic sources cited below.

[The documents on this site were compiled by Vincas P. Steponaitis. Please email comments and suggestions to him at]

A.   St. Augustine Harbor:
  1. Anonymous
    [ca. 1675]: Port de Saint-Augustin de la Floride par 30°. lat. n. [Note below title: "il y a a lentrée 24 palmes deau" (there are 24 water palms at the entrance).] [BNF dates map to "16..-17..".] [Drawn by the same hand as Ge SH 18 pf 138 div 8 p 1 D (Port d'Apalache) and Ge SH 18 pf 138 div 9 p 1 D (Rivière de Pensacola).] [Bibliothèque nationale de France, Département des cartes et plans, Ge SH 18 pf 138 div 4 p 1 D] [BNF catalog] [BNF] [BNF, verso]
  2. Anonymous
    [17..]: Plano del Puerto y Barra de Sn. Agustín de la Florida : situada en la Florida Oriental por la latitud Norte de 29° 55' 50"y en longitud de 293° 47' 00" del Meridiano de Tenerife. [Archivo General Militar de Madrid, USA-5/1.] [Formerly in Servicio Histórico Militar, K-b-4-37 Hoja No. 1.] [BVD catalog] [BVD] [BVD*] [UFL photo]
  3. Anonymous
    [ca. 1702?]: Plan du port et fort de Saint Augustin de la Floride. [Legend: "A Bourg, Château et hermitage. B. Isle de la Cantere, descente du secours. C. Entrée du port et banc. D. Entrée de la barre de Matance. E. Chemin par ou les Anglais sont fui. F. Mouillage des Batimens Anglois. H. Mouilla de 2 fregatte Espagnols [1 Frégate est dessinée à l'encre brune et colorée à l'aquarelle]. I. Mouillage po(ur) la descente des Espagnols. L. Retraite des Anglais." (A. Town, Castle and Hermitage. B. Isle of Cantere, emergency descent. C. Entry of port and shoal. D. Entrance to the bar of Matance. E. Path on which the English fled. F. Anchorage of the English ships. H. Berth of Spanish frigates [one frigate is drawn in ink and colored in brown watercolor]. I. Berth for the descent of the Spaniards. L. Retreat of the English.)] [Note on verso: "Carte des environs du port de St Augustin a la cote de la Floride" (Map of the environs of the port of St Augustine on the coast of Florida).] [BNF catalog: Shoals marked by dots.] [Map appears to show events during the 1702 English attack. A later attack in 1740 involved Fort Mose, which is not shown.] [HMC Karpinski series F 21-1-6.] [Bibliothèque nationale de France, Département des cartes et plans, Ge SH 18 pf 138 div 4 p 2 D.] [Formerly in Archives de la Service hydrographique, 138 4-2.] [BNF catalog] [NL catalog] [HMC photo] [BNF] [BNF, verso]
  4. Anonymous
    [ca. 1702?]: Plan du port et du fort de St.Augustin de la Florida. [HMC Karpinski series F 07-1-2.] [Formerly in Bibliothèque nationale de France, Estampes, Vd.22 (2).] [NL catalog] [HMC photo] [UFL photo]
  5. Anonymous
    1743: [Map of the coast of Florida from Fort William to Musketae River.] [Compare with Watson 1743, BL K.Top.122.82.] [British Library, K.Top.122.83.] [BL catalog] [BL, N sheet] [BL, S sheet]
  6. Anonymous [López de Vargas Machuca, Tomás (1730-1802)]
    [1783]: Plan de la ville et port de St Augustin. [BNF catalog: Manuscript copy at a different scale and translation of the Spanish map by Don Thomas Lopez, "Plano de la ciudad y puerto de San Augustin de la Florida "; added manuscript notes, in common writing: "8 feet", "low and marshy ground", etc.] [Bibliothèque nationale de France, Département des cartes et plans, Ge SH 18 pf 138 div 4 p 4 D] [BNF catalog] [BNF] [BNF, verso]
  7. Boazio, Baptista
    1589: Saint Augustine. [NYPL dates map to 1588.] [WDL map is from State Library and Archives of Florida.] [WDL-LC] [NYPL]
  8. Boazio, Baptista
    1589: S. Augustini pars est terra Florida, sub latitudine 30 grad, ora vero maritima humilior est, lancinata et insulosa. [LC 1] [LC 2]
  9. [Boazio, Baptista;] De Bry, Theodor; Merian, Matthias
    1599: [St. Augustine.] Frankfurt. [Compare with Boazio's 1589 and 1605 maps; depicts Francis Drake's 1586 raid.] [Ruderman]
  10. Boazio, Baptista
    1605: Civitas S. Augustini ... [Title also appears in French, below that in Latin:] La Citte Sainct Augustin ... [UFL photo: U.S. National Archives, Record Group 77, Drawer 72-28/6.] [Sanderus] [Sanderus (d)] [UFL photo]
  11. Castelló, Pablo
    1763: Plano del Presidio de Sn. Agustín de la Florida y sus contornos : situado en el continente de la América del Norte, en los 30g., - min, de latd., el qual con sus dependencias se entregó a S.M.B. en 21 de Julio de 1763 por el artículo 18 de la Paz de Fontainebleau / Pablo Castelló, Ingro. volunt. [Archivo Museo Naval de Madrid, VI-B-17.] [BVD catalog] [BVD]
  12. Cortazar, Francisco de [CU 2-77]
    1817: Plano de la ciudad de San Agustin de la Florida Oriental con la entrada de sus barras. Por D. Francisco Cortazar. [Copy by Antonio M. de la Torre.] [Reproduced in Servicio Geográfico del Ejército, Cartografía de Ultramar, v. 2, 1953: pl. 77.] [Archivo General Militar de Madrid, USA-5/2.] [Formerly in Servicio Histórico Militar, K-b-4-37 Hoja No. 2.] [BVD catalog] [BVD] [UFL photo] [SHM (p)]
  13. Dépôt Général de la Marine (Paris)
    [ca. 1810?]: [Plate 36:] Baie de Tampa. [Plate 37:] Port De Sn Agustin. [Plate 38:] Embouchure de la Riviere Sn. Juan. [Plate 39:] Embouchure de la Riviere Nassau. [Paris.] [Below title on plate 36: "Note commune aux Quatre Plans. Les Chiffres des Sondes expriment des pieds de Castille, plus forts que ceux de France, d'un Pouce, huit Lignes un tiers." (Note to the Four Common Plans. The figures express soundings in Castilian feet, longer than those of France, one-inch, eight lines per tier.)] [Four maps on one sheet.] [Ruderman: These are French copies of Spanish maps in the Portulano de la America Septentrional, Construido en la Dirrecion de trabajos hidrograficos, published in Madrid in 1809.] [BNF catalog: Plate 36 listed as No. 357 in the catalog of the Hydrographie Françoise of 1847.] [Bibliothèque nationale de France, Département des cartes et plans, Ge SH 18 pf 138 div 7 p 1 D (plate 36), div 4 p 5 D (plate 37), div 3 p 5 D (plates 38-39).] [BNF catalog] [BNF, plate 36] [BNF, plate 37] [BNF, plates 38-39] [Ruderman]
  14. Díaz Berrio, Pedro [CU 2-76]
    1797: Plano del presidio de San Agustin en la Florida Oriental con la entrada de sus barras y caños que lo circundan. Por D. Pedro Diaz Berrio. [Reproduced in Servicio Geográfico del Ejército, Cartografía de Ultramar, v. 2, 1953: pl. 76.] [Archivo General Militar de Madrid, USA-5/3.] [Formerly in Servicio Histórico Militar, K-b-4-38 Hoja No. 1.] [BVD catalog] [BVD] [UFL photo] [SHM (p)]
  15. Dirección de Hidrografía; [Gonzalez, T. (1750-1846)]
    1809: Barra y Puerto de Sn. Agustin. [From the Portulano de la America Setentrional. Construido en la Direccion de Trabajos Hidrograficos. Dividido en quarto partes. 1809. Madrid. Reissued without change in 1818 and finally in 1825.] [BVPB] [ICGC]
  16. López de Vargas Machuca, Tomás (1730-1802)
    1783: Plano de la ciudad y puerto de San Agustin de la Florida. / Por Don Tomas Lopez, Madrid año de 1783. Se hallara este en Madrid, en la calle de las Carretas, con todas las obras del autor y las de su hijo., 1783. [Reproduced in Servicio Geográfico del Ejército, Cartografía de Ultramar, v. 2, 1953: pl. 72.] [BVD catalog] [BVD] [SGE (p)] [USF 1] [USF 2] [USF 3] [BNF] [LC]
  17. Oglethorpe, James Edward (1696-1785)
    1740: [A plan of the coast of East Florida from Fort William to Anastatia Island: with a bird’s-eye view of the town of St. Augustine, to shew the attack and capture of the place by the English forces under General Oglethorpe in 1740.] [Reproduced in Hulbert (1907-16), ser. I, vol. 2, pl. 5.] [British Library, Maps K.Top.122.83; formerly Crown 122:83.] [UGa catalog] [UGa photo] [UGa photo (z)] [UGa photo, verso (z)] [Hulbert (p)]
  18. [Pittman, Phillip;] Brasier, William
    [ca. 1763]: Scetch of the City and Environs of S.t Augustine. [Lower left, inside neatline:] Copy W Brasier. [Compare with Brun 651 (Clements Library, Maps 6-K-12), which Brun says is "perhaps drawn by Philip Pittman." Brasier copied many of Pittman's other maps.] [Compare with PRO, CO 700 / Florida 23.] [British Library, K.Top.122.85.] [BL catalog] [BL] [BL*] [UFL photo]
  19. Puente, Juan Joseph Elixio de la
    1768: St. Augustine and its Environs. [UFL catalog: 1 of 5 maps made in 1768; discovered in Madrid by B. Smith and copied with accompanying index (not included in file), 9/14/1858; later traced by Ranson, 6/28/30.] [UFL photo is of R. Ranson's 1930 LC tracing of of Buckingham Smith's 1858 tracing, now at the New York Historical Society.] [Compare with Puente 1769, MN VI-B-13.] [Original now probably at the Museo Naval de Madrid; formerly at the Instituto Hidrográfico de la Marina or the Dirección de Hidrografía de Madrid.] [First tracing (1858) at the New York Historical Society Museum and Library, Buckingham Smith papers, MS 2413, Box 4, Folder 5.] [NYHS catalog] [UFL photo]
  20. Puente, Juan Joseph Elixio de la
    1769: Plano del presidio de Sn. Agustín de la Florida que poseen a la sazón los Yngleses, con las barras, ríos y Terrenos que sedemuestran en él ... / Juan Joseph Eligio de la Puente. [Compare with AGI Florida-Luisiana 81.] [Archivo del Museo Naval (Madrid), VI-B-13.] [BVD catalog] [BVD]
  21. [Puente, Juan Joseph Elixio de la] [Gonzalez 81]
    1779: Plano del Presidio de Sn. Agustin de la Florida que poseen a la sason los ingleses. Havana, 15 de marzo de 1779. [Compare with MN VI-B-13.] [HMC Karpinski series S 11-3-3.] [Archivo General de Indias, Mapas y Planos, Florida-Luisiana 81.] [Other AGI catalog numbers: Papeles de Cuba 1291(2).] [NL catalog] [AGI catalog] [AGI] [NL catalog] [HMC]
  22. Rocque, Mariano de la [CU 2-74]
    1791: Plano general de la Plaza de San Agustin de la Florida y sus inmediaciones. Por D. Mariano de la Rocque. [Reproduced in Servicio Geográfico del Ejército, Cartografía de Ultramar, v. 2, 1953: pl. 74.] [Archivo General Militar de Madrid, USA-8/16.] [Formerly in Servicio Histórico Militar, Seccion de Ultramar 15.] [BVD catalog] [BVD] [NARA fine copy (UFL photo)] [SHM (p)]
  23. Rocque, Mariano de la [cf. CU 2-74]
    [1791]: Plano borrador, de la poblacn. de S. Agustin de la Florida Oriental... / Mariano de la Rocque. [Archivo General Militar de Madrid, USA-8/15.] [BVD catalog] [BVD]
  24. Rocque, Mariano de la [cf. CU 2-74]
    [1791]: Plano general de la Plaza de San Agustin de la Florida y sus inmediaciones : que comprehende [sic] las entradas de sus Barras, rios, Caños, Sienagas, Lineas y Reductos que la circuyen, manifestandose al mismo tiempo (comtemplada la dotación que se computa necesaria) todo lo que se propone para su Defensa / de la Rocque. [Archivo General Militar de Madrid, USA-5/4.] [BVD catalog] [BVD]
  25. Ruiz de Olano, Pedro [TL 137] [Gonzalez 44]
    1740: Plano del fuerte de San Agustin de la Florida y sus contornos: en el qual se demuestran los parages que han ocupado los Ingleses, Batarias de cañones y morteros conque han atacado el referido fuerte y plaza por espacio de 27 dias, contados desde el 24 de Junio hasta el 20 de julio (ambos inclusives) de este año de 1740. San Agustin de la Florida 8 de Agosto de 1740. [HMC Karpinski series S 04-1-3.] [Archivo General de Indias, Mapas y Planos, Florida-Luisiana 44; also cataloged as Mexico 137.] [Other AGI catalog numbers: 87-3-12(1); Audencia de Santo Domingo 2658.] [NL catalog] [AGI catalog] [AGI] [HMC photo]
  26. Ruiz de Olano, Pedro [cf. TL 137] [cf. Gonzalez 44]
    1740: Plano del fuerte de San Agustín de la Florida y sus contornos, en el qual se demuestran los parages que han ocupado los ingleses, baterías de cañones y morteros con que han atacado el referido fuerte y plaza por espacio de 27 días, contados desde el 24 de junio hasta el 20 de julio (ambos inclusive) de este año de 1740. [Archivo General de Indias, Mapas y Planos, Florida-Luisiana 44 bis.] [AGI catalog] [AGI] [UFL photo]
  27. Watson, Justly
    1743: A Survey of the Coast from Fort William near St. Iuans River to Mosquito River. [Compare with Anonymous 1743, BL K.Top.122.83.] [British Library, K.Top.122.82.] [BL catalog] [BL] [BL*] [UFL photo]

B.   St. Johns River:
  1. Dépôt Général de la Marine (Paris)
    [ca. 1810?]: [Plate 36:] Baie de Tampa. [Plate 37:] Port De Sn Agustin. [Plate 38:] Embouchure de la Riviere Sn. Juan. [Plate 39:] Embouchure de la Riviere Nassau. [Paris.] [Below title on plate 36: "Note commune aux Quatre Plans. Les Chiffres des Sondes expriment des pieds de Castille, plus forts que ceux de France, d'un Pouce, huit Lignes un tiers." (Note to the Four Common Plans. The figures express soundings in Castilian feet, longer than those of France, one-inch, eight lines per tier.)] [Four maps on one sheet.] [Ruderman: These are French copies of Spanish maps in the Portulano de la America Septentrional, Construido en la Dirrecion de trabajos hidrograficos, published in Madrid in 1809.] [BNF catalog: Plate 36 listed as No. 357 in the catalog of the Hydrographie Françoise of 1847.] [BNF catalog] [BNF, plate 36] [BNF, plate 37] [BNF, plates 38-39] [Ruderman]
  2. Dirección de Hidrografía; [Gonzalez, T. (1750-1846)]
    1809: Boca y Barra Del Rio San Juan. [From the Portulano de la America Setentrional. Construido en la Direccion de Trabajos Hidrograficos. Dividido en quarto partes. 1809. Madrid. Reissued without change in 1818 and finally in 1825.] [BVPB] [Miami]
  3. Purcell, Joseph
    1771: A Plan of Beauclerk's Bluff Plantation on ye E[as]t side of ye River St. Johns in ye Province of E[as]t Florida. Laid Down by an Actual Survey in the Year 1771. By Joseph Purcell. [Public Record Office (UK), MPD 1/2; extracted from T 77/14.] [PRO catalog] [PRO]
  4. Rocque, Mariano de la
    1791: Plano numero 1. de la barra, y Rio de San Juan desde su entrada hasta dos millas mas arriba del paso de San Nicolas, manifestandose en su curso todos los baxos, sacatales, caños, y ys. las que comprehende, y tambien la de la barra chica, situacion do los reductos, y colocacion de los barcos para su defenza, y caminos que deven tomarse para la retirada los defensores / San Agustin de la Florida, 24 deciembre de 1791 años, Mariano de la Rocque. [LC catalog: "Covers Saint Johns River and environs from Atlantic coast to current site of Jacksonville, Florida."] [LC, G3932.S2 1791 .R6 Vault.] [LC]

C.   Amelia and Cumberland Islands:
  1. [Blamey, Jacob] [Brun 650]
    [1775]: A plan of St. Mary's Harbour in the province of East Florida with the proposed past for the defence of it and the inland navigation to St. Jones [Johns] River. [Appears to be manuscript precursor of Blamey's "A Plan of Amelia Harbour and Barr in East Florida. Survey'd in Jany. 1775. By Jacob Blamey, Master of His Majesty's Schooner St. John"; originally published in 1776.] [Shows the vicinity of Amelia Island and Cumberland Island.] [Clements Library (University of Michigan), Maps 6-K-177- Pl.] [Clements catalog] [Clements] [UGa catalog] [UGa photo]
  2. Blamey, Jacob
    1776: A Plan of Amelia Harbour and Barr in East Florida. Survey'd in Jany. 1775. By Jacob Blamey, Master of his Majesty's Schooner St-John. / Jacob Blamey. Printed for Robt. Sayer & John Bennett, Map & Sea Chartsellers, N° 53 in Fleet Street. as the Act directs., 1st July 1776. London. [USF 2 cataloged as published by Laurie & Whittle, London, 1794.] [USF 1] [USF 2] [BNF]
  3. Dépôt Général de la Marine (Paris); Sartine, Antoine de (1729-1801); De Brahm, John Gerard William (1717-ca. 1799); Blamey, Jacob; Fuller, William
    1779: Plan de l'île d'Amelia à la Côte de la Floride Orientale, Tiré de la Carte de la Georgie et de la Caroline Méridionale de De Brahm, et assujeti pour le port d'Amelia au Plan de Jacob Blamey. Rédigé au Dépôt Général des Cartes, Plans et Journaux de la Marine. Par Ordre de M. de Sartine, Conseiller d'Etat, Ministre et Secrétaire d'Etat ayant le département de la Marine. 1779. [Inset:] Instruction Pour la Barre et le Port d'Amelia. [Inset:] Plan de la Barre et de l'entrée de la Riviere de Nassau. Rédigé d'après la Carte du Cap. W. Fuller. [Bottom panel:] Plan de la Barre et du port d'Amelia, à la Côte de la Floride Orientale. Levé en Janvier 1775. Par Jacob Blamey. Commandant le Schooner de Sa Mté Britque le St. John. Rédigé au Dépôt Général des Cartes, Plans et Journaux de la Marine. 1779. [Inset:] Vue de l'entrée de la Rivière de St. Mary. Tirée de la Carte de W. Fuller. [From the Neptune Americo-Septentrional, 1778-80.] [UGa catalog] [UGa] [UGa (z)] [PALMM] [BNF 1] [BNF 2]
  4. Dépôt Général de la Marine (Paris)
    [ca. 1810?]: [Plate 36:] Baie de Tampa. [Plate 37:] Port De Sn Agustin. [Plate 38:] Embouchure de la Riviere Sn. Juan. [Plate 39:] Embouchure de la Riviere Nassau. [Paris.] [Below title on plate 36: "Note commune aux Quatre Plans. Les Chiffres des Sondes expriment des pieds de Castille, plus forts que ceux de France, d'un Pouce, huit Lignes un tiers." (Note to the Four Common Plans. The figures express soundings in Castilian feet, longer than those of France, one-inch, eight lines per tier.)] [Four maps on one sheet.] [Ruderman: These are French copies of Spanish maps in the Portulano de la America Septentrional, Construido en la Dirrecion de trabajos hidrograficos, published in Madrid in 1809.] [BNF catalog: Plate 36 listed as No. 357 in the catalog of the Hydrographie Françoise of 1847.] [BNF catalog] [BNF, plate 36] [BNF, plate 37] [BNF, plates 38-39] [Ruderman]
  5. Díaz Berrio, Pedro; Conesa, Antonio [CU 2-79]
    1796: Plano del puerto y barra de Santa Maria en la Florida Oriental ... Pedro Berrio. Copiado en la Havana a 19 Nobre. de 1796. Antonio Conesa. [Reproduced in Servicio Geográfico del Ejército, Cartografía de Ultramar, v. 2, 1953: pl. 79.] [Archivo General Militar de Madrid, USA-5/10.] [Formerly in Servicio Histórico Militar, K-b-4-34.] [BVD catalog] [BVD] [UFL photo] [SHM (p)]
  6. Díaz Berrio, Pedro [cf. CU 2-79]
    1796: Plano del Puerto y Barra de Santa Maria en la Florida Oriental / Pedro Diaz Berrio. [Archivo General Militar de Madrid, USA-9/18.] [Formerly in Servicio Histórico Militar, K-b-9-40 Hoja 2a.] [BVD catalog] [BVD] [UFL photo]
  7. Díaz Berrio, Pedro [cf. CU 2-79]
    1796: Plano del Puerto y Barra de Santa María en la Florida Oriental / Berrio. [Archivo General Militar de Madrid, USA-9/19.] [Formerly in Servicio Histórico Militar, K-b-9-40 Hoja No. 1.] [BVD catalog] [BVD] [UFL photo]
  8. Díaz Berrio, Pedro [Gonzalez 213]
    1800: Plano del puerto de Santa María en la Florida Oriental. [Archivo General de Indias, Mapas y Planos, Florida-Luisiana 213.] [Other AGI catalog numbers: Santo Domingo, 2689.] [AGI catalog] [AGI]
  9. Dirección de Hidrografía; [Gonzalez, T. (1750-1846)]
    1809: Boca y Barra del Rio Nasau. [From the Portulano de la America Setentrional. Construido en la Direccion de Trabajos Hidrograficos. Dividido en quarto partes. 1809. Madrid. Reissued without change in 1818 and finally in 1825.] [Ruderman] [Miami]
  10. Dirección de Hidrografía; [Gonzalez, T. (1750-1846)]
    1809: Boca y Barra Del Rio Sta Maria. [From the Portulano de la America Setentrional. Construido en la Direccion de Trabajos Hidrograficos. Dividido en quarto partes. 1809. Madrid. Reissued without change in 1818 and finally in 1825.] [BVPB] [Miami]
  11. Jefferys, Thomas (d. 1771); De Brahm, John Gerar William (1717-1799); Fuller, William
    1770: [Left panel:] Plan of Amelia Island in East Florida[,] North Point of Amelia Island lyes in 30:55 North Latitude 80:23 W. Longitude from London[.] Taken from De Brahm's Map of South Carolina & Georgia. [Upper right panel:] A chart of the Entrance into St Mary's River taken by Captn. W. Fuller in November 1769. [Upper right inset:] A view of the Entrance into St-Mary's River. [Lower right panel:] A Chart of the Mouth of Nassau River with the Bar and the Soundings on it taken at Low Water by Captn. W Fuller. [Cartouche:] To the Right Honorable John Earl of Egmont, &c. This plate is most humbly Inscribed by his Lordship's most Obedient Humble Servant Willm. Fuller. [Below neatline:] Published 26 March 1770 according to Act of Parliament by Thomas Jefferys Geographer to the King in the Strand. [London.] [UGa catalog] [UGa] [UGa (d)] [LC] [Ruderman] [BNF 1] [BNF 2]
  12. Jefferys, Thomas (1719?-1771); De Brahm, John Gerar William (1717-1799); Fuller, William
    1778: [Left panel:] Isle Amelia en Floride. [Upper right panel:] Entrée de la Riviere Ste. Marie, levée par Fuller en 1769. [Upper right inset:] Vue de l'entrée de la Riviere St. Marys ou Ste. Marie. [Lower right panel:] Bouche de la Riviere Nassau avec la barre et les sondres prises en basse mer. [Cartouche:] Fuller dédia cette Carte au comte d'Egmont, la fit publier par Gefferys à Londres en 1770. Traduitte de l'anglais. A Paris chez Le Rouge, rue des G.ds Augustins en 1778. [From Georges-Louis Le Rouge, Pilote Americain Septentrionale pour les cotes de Labrador ... Paris, Le Rouge, 1778.] [Nassau Sound, Fla.; Saint Marys River, Ga. and Fla.; Amelia Island, Fla.] [Hargrett Library (University of Georgia), Map 1770 F7a.] [UGa catalog] [UGa photo] [UGa (z)] [LC]
  13. Le Moyne fils, Joseph-Antoine (1749-1811); De Brahm, John Gerard William (1717-ca. 1799); Blamey, Jacob; Fuller, William
    1779: Plan de l'I. d'Amélia dépôt des cartes 1779 : Plan de la Barre et du PT d'Amélia levé en Jer 1779 p. Job Blamey. [Inset:] Plan de la Barre et de l'Entrée de la Riv. de Nassau d'après la carte de W. Fuller. [At bottom: "Le M. F." (Le Moyne fils).] [BNF catalog: Copper-engraved maps exist with exactly the same plans and soundings: it is perhaps a preparatory work carried out for these maps at the Dépôt (see GE 18 pf 138 div 3 p 3).] [Bibliothèque nationale de France, Département des cartes et plans, Ge SH 18 pf 138 div 3 p 3/2 D] [BNF catalog] [BNF] [BNF, verso]
  14. Le Moyne fils, Joseph-Antoine (1749-1811); Blamey, Jacob
    [between 1775 and 1779]: Plan de la Barre et du Port d'Amélia / [levé par Jacob Blamey]. [At bottom left: "Le M. F." (Le Moyne fils).] [BNF catalog: Map without scale or mention of toponyms. This is a preparatory drawing for the plan prepared and printed at the Dépôt Général des Cartes, Plans et Journaux de la Marine in 1779: "Plan de la Barre et du port d'Amélia, à la Côte de la Floride Orientale. Levé en 1779." This map is based on that of Jacob Blamey in 1775, "Map of Amelia Harbor ... in East Florida," used by Sayer and Bennett in 1776 in the "North America Pilot." Pf 138 div 3 includes several states of the same map.] [Bibliothèque nationale de France, Département des cartes et plans, Ge SH 18 pf 138 div 3 p 4 D] [BNF catalog] [BNF]
  15. Río, José del
    1787: Parte Geográfica de la Flor[id]a. Ori[en]t[a]l. que comprehende desde la Barca de Matzss. h[as]ta. la de Sta. María / levant[a]d[o]. por el Ten[ien]te. del Navío de la Mar[in]a. R[eal]. D. José del Río Casa año de 1787. [Archivo Museo Naval de Madrid, VI-A-12.] [BVD catalog] [BVD]

D.   St. Simons and Jekyll Islands:
  1. Arredondo, Antonio de [TL 131]
    1737: Plano de la Entrada de Gualquini Rio de S[a]n Simon situada en 31 grados de altura del Polo Septentrional. [Upper left corner:] Duplicado. Havana y Mayo 15 de 1737. / Dn. Antonio de Arredondo. [Archivo General de Indias, Mapas y Planos, México 131.] [Other AGI catalog numbers: 87-1-2(1); Audencia de Santo Domingo 2592.] [Hargrett Library (University of Georgia), Map 1737 A7 (fine copy).] [AGI catalog] [AGI] [UGa catalog] [UGa fine copy] [UGa fine copy (z)]
  2. Arredondo, Antonio de
    1742: Descripción de la Gloriosa y Eroica entrada que las tropas de S.M. Chatolica hisieron al puerto de Guaquini el día 16 de Julio de 1742 en la expedision dirixida por el exmo. Sr. Dn. Juan Franco. de Guemes y Horcasitas Thente. Grâl. de los Rs. exers. Capn. Grâl. de la Ysla de Cuba y Govor. de la Havana siendo Comte. Grâl. de ella Dn. Manuel de Montiano, Brigadr. de los Rs. Exs. Govor. dela Florida y Capn. Grâl. de sus Provinsia y Comdante de Marina el Thente. de Navío Dn. Antonio Castaneda y rason de la Tropa de Desembarco Material cartográfico [Biblioteca Nacional de España, Mr/43/215.] [BNE catalog] [BNE]
  3. Auli, Felipe Abret.
    1792: Plano del Puerto de Gualquini problasion Ynglesa situado en la Latitud de 31 degrees 13 N. distate 25 Leg. de Presidio espanol de Sn. Agustin de la Florida al N. / Felipe Abret Auli en 1792. [Saint Simons Island, Ga.] [Hargrett Library (University of Georgia), Map 1792 A7.] [UGa catalog] [UGa] [UGa (z)]
  4. Auspourger, Samuel [SEM 317]
    1739: [Map of Saint Simons and Jekyll Islands.] [British Library, K.Top.122.70.] [BL catalog] [BL]
  5. Thomas, John, the Elder [SEM 318]
    [ca. 1738]: [Map of Saint Simons and Jekyll Islands with fortifications.] [British Library, K.Top.122.71.a.] [BL catalog] [BL]
  6. Thomas, John, the Younger; Thomas, John, the Elder [SEM 246A]
    [1740]: A Map of the Islands of St Simon and Jekyll with the Plans and Profils of their Fortifications as Proposed by the late John Thomas Engineer and design'd to be Executed under his Directions for the Deffence and Security of the said Islands and Town of Frederica, most Humbly Dedicated to His Grace the Duke of Argyll & Greenwich by ... John Thomas. [OCLC: "The proposed fortifications were designed in 1738-39 by John Thomas the elder, from whose plans and drawings this 'one compleat Plan' was compiled in 1743 by his son John Thomas, at the request of the Trustees for the Founding of the Colony of Georgia."] [National Park Service (US), Fort Frederica National Monument.] [OCLC catalog] [GaINFO photo] [GaINFO photo (d)] [GaINFO photo, enhanced]

E.   Sapelo Island:
  1. Yonge, Henry
    1760: A plan of the islands of Sappola, containing 9520 acres : that is to say, the main island ... , the island called Black Beard ... , six small islands of Little Sappola ... / certifyed the 30th day of September in the year of our Lord seventeen hundred & sixty. By Henry Yonge, Will De Brahm, Survs. Genl. [Sapelo Island.] [Hargrett Library (University of Georgia), Map 1760 Y6.] [UG catalog] [UGa] [UGa (z)] [UGa (d)]
  2. Yonge Henry; De Brahm, John Gerar William (1717-ca. 1799 1760: Sappola Island including Black Beard's Island and Little Sappola Island, containing about 9000 acres. [Georgia Archives, Historic Maps, Surveyor General, RG 3-8-65.] [GA]

F.   Savannah Harbor:
  1. Campbell, Archibald (1739-1791)
    1780: Sketch of the Northern Frontiers of Georgia, extending from the Mouth of the River Savannah to the Town of Augusta, By Archibald Campbell Lieut. Coll. 71st. Regt. Engraved by Willm. Faden Charing Cross. London: W. Faden. [Bibliothèque nationale de France, département Cartes et plans, Ge SH 18 pf 137 div 9 p 2.] [BNF catalog] [BNF] [NARA]
  2. Lyford, William [cf. SEM 441A]
    1773: Savannah River, mouth to Tybee Creek and Cockspur Island. [Compare with Lyford 1776 at Clements Library, Maps 6-E-1776 B.] [PRO catalog: "With a note on pilotage signed by William Lyford, Branch Pilot, 13 December 1773. Originally enclosed with Sir James Wright's letter no 8 of 20 December 1773."] [Public Record Office (UK), MPG 1/357 (1).] [PRO catalog] [PRO]
  3. Lyford, William; Biurger, Andrei [SEM 441A] [Brun 634]
    1776: A chart of Tibee Inlet in Georgia [lower right corner:] A: B: July 30th. 1776. [Compare with Lyford 1773 at PRO MPG 1/357 (1).] [Scale: 1 inch to 1 mile.] [37.7 x 48 cm.] [Clements catalog: "On the verso are sailing directions for entering the river signed: Willm. Lyford, branch pilot, for the barr and river of Savannah in Georgia."] [Cummings notes that Lyford's inscription on verso is dated "13th Dec.r 1773," which suggests the date on recto is when the map was copied by Biurger.] [Clements Library (University of Michigan), Maps 6-E-1776 B.] [Clements catalog] [Clements] [Clements-BPL]
  4. Puységur, Antoine-Hyacinthe-Anne de Chastenet de (1752-1809)
    1779: Entrée de la rivière de Savanah dans le Continent de l'Amérique, levée en Oct.bre 1779 / par Mr. le Ce. de Chastenet Puisegur. [HMC Karpinski series F 21-1-1.] [Bibliothèque nationale de France, département Cartes et plans, Ge SH 18 pf 137 div 9 p 1 D.] [Formerly in Archives de la Service hydrographique, 137 9-1.] [BNF catalog] [BNF] [HMC photo]

G.   Daufuskie Sound:
  1. Gascoigne, John
    1776: A plan of the river and sound of D'Awfoskee in South Carolina / Survey'd by Captain John Gascoigne. London: R. Sayer & J. Bennett. [Bibliothèque nationale de France, département Cartes et plans, Ge SH 18 pf 137 div 7 p 5 D; div 7 p 5/1 D.] [BNF catalog] [BNF 1] [BNF 2]

H.   Port Royal Sound:
  1. Anonymous
    1800: Sketch of Port Royal Island and Town of Beaufort. [Manuscript.] [U.S. National Archives, 77-FORTS-146-1; ARC 102279938.] [NARA]
  2. Cook, James
    1766: A draught of Port Royal Harbour in South Carolina, with the marks for going in... / James Cook ; Emml. Bowen sculpt. [Bibliothèque nationale de France, département Cartes et plans, Ge SH 18 pf 137 div 7 p 1; div 7 p 1/1.] [BNF catalog] [BNF 1] [BNF 2]
  3. Cook, James
    1766: A draught of Port Royal Habour in South Carolina... by James Cook. [Manuscript copy of eponymous print.] [Bibliothèque nationale de France, département Cartes et plans, Ge SH 18 pf 137 div 7 p 2 D.] [BNF catalog] [BNF]
  4. Gascoigne, John
    1776: A plan of Port Royal in South Carolina / Survey'd by Cap[tai]n John Gascoigne. London: R. Sayer & J. Bennett. [Bibliothèque nationale de France, département Cartes et plans, Ge SH 18 pf 137 div 7 p 3; div 7 p 3/1.] [BNF catalog] [BNF 1] [BNF 2]
  5. Gascoigne, John
    1776: A plan of Port Royal in South Carolina Survey'd by Cap.n John Gascoigne. [Manuscript copy of eponymous print.] [Bibliothèque nationale de France, département Cartes et plans, Ge SH 18 pf 137 div 7 p 4 D.] [BNF catalog] [BNF]

I.   Charleston Harbor:
  1. Anonymous
    1776: An exact plan of Charles-Town-Bar and Harbour, from an actual survey. With the attack of Fort Sulivan, on the 28th of June 1776 ... London: R. Sayer and J. Bennett. [Bibliothèque nationale de France, département Cartes et plans, Ge SH 18 pf 137 div 6 p 2.] [BNF catalog] [BNF] [LC]
  2. Anonymous
    [ca. 1780]: Plan du port et de la rade de Charles Town dans la Caroline du Sud. [Manuscript.] [The presence of Fort Sullivan or Moultrie dates the map to 1776 or later.] [Bibliothèque nationale de France, département Cartes et plans, Ge SH 18 pf 137 div 6 p 1 D.] [BNF catalog] [BNF]
  3. Anonymous
    [ca. 1780]: Plan du port et de la rade de Charlestown dans la Caroline du Sud. [Manuscript.] [The presence of Fort Sullivan or Moultrie dates the map to 1776 or later.] [Bibliothèque nationale de France, département Cartes et plans, Ge SH 18 pf 137 div 6 p 1/1 D.] [BNF catalog] [BNF]
  4. Anonymous
    [ca. 1780]: Plan du port et de la rade de Charlestown dans la Caroline méridionale. [Manuscript.] [The presence of Fort Sullivan or Moultrie dates the map to 1776 or later.] [Bibliothèque nationale de France, département Cartes et plans, Ge SH 18 pf 137 div 6 p 1/2 D.] [BNF catalog] [BNF]
  5. Cowley, R.
    1780: Charles Town, South Carolina, with a chart of the bars & harbour, by R. Cowley. [London.] [LC]
  6. Dépôt Général de la Marine (Paris); Sartine, Antoine de (1729-1801)
    1778: Plan de la Barre et du Havre de Charles-Town, d'après un plan anglois levé en 1776. Redigé, en 1778, au Dépôt Général des Cartes, Plans et Journaux de la Marine. Par Ordre de M. de Sartine, Conseiller d'Etat, Ministre et Secrétaire d'Etat de la Marine.. [Paris.] [From the Neptune Americo-Septentrional, 1778-80.] [Often appears on the same sheet as "Plan de la Rivière du Cap Fear depuis la Barre jusques à Brunswick."] [Bibliothèque nationale de France, département Cartes et plans, Ge SH 18 pf 137 div 6 p 5.] [BNF catalog] [LC] [Ruderman] [BNF] [BPL]
  7. Durfee, Captain
    [1780]: Sketch of the harbour of Charles Town. [Library of Congress, Geography and Map Division, G3914.C3P55 1780 .S5.] [LC]
  8. Faden, William (1749-1836)
    [1780]: A plan of the town, bar, harbour, and environs of Charlestown in South Carolina : with all the channels, soundings, sailing-marks &c. from the surveys made in the colony. [Manuscript.] [Library of Congress, Geography and Map Division, G3914.C3P55 1780 .F3.] [LC]
  9. Matthae, A.
    [1782]: Plan von dem Haven und der Gegend von Charles Town in South Carolina ... Sept. 1782. [Manuscript.] [Library of Congress, Geography and Map Division, G3914.C3S3 1782 .M3.] [LC]
  10. Sproule, George F. (1741-1817); Des Barres, Joseph F. W. (1722-1824)
    1780: A sketch of the environs of Charlestown in South Carolina. [London.] [LC map is the first state; BPL, HL, NYPL, and Ruderman maps are the second state, with additional references in legend.] [LC] [BPL] [Ruderman] [NYPL] [HL]

J.   Cape Fear:
  1. Dépôt Général de la Marine (Paris); Sartine, Antoine de (1729-1801)
    1778: Plan de la Rivière du Cap Fear depuis la Barre jusques à Brunswick, Redigé, d'après un Plan Anglois, au Dépôt Général des Cartes, Plans et Journaux de la Marine. Par Ordre de M. de Sartine, Conseiller d'Etat, Ministre et Secrétaire d'Etat au département de la Marine. Plan de la Barre et du Havre de Charles-Town, d'après un plan anglois levé en 1776. Redigé, en 1778, au Dépôt Général des Cartes, Plans et Journaux de la Marine. Par Ordre de M. de Sartine, Conseiller d'Etat, Ministre et Secrétaire d'Etat de la Marine.. [Paris.] [From the Neptune Americo-Septentrional, 1778-80.] [Often appears on the same sheet as "Plan de la Barre et du Havre de Charles-Town."] [Bibliothèque nationale de France, département Cartes et plans, Ge SH 18 pf 137 div 6 p 5.] [BNF catalog] [LC 1] [LC 2] [NCmaps] [BPL] [BNF]
  2. Hyrne, Edward
    1753: A new and exact plan of Cape Fear River, from the bar to Brunswick / by Edward Hyrne 1749. London: T. Jefferys. [Bibliothèque nationale de France, département Cartes et plans, Ge SH 18 pf 137 div 4 p 1 D.] [BNF catalog] [BNF] [LC] [BPL]
  3. Gascoigne, John; Fisher, Joshua (1707-1783); Blamey, Jacob
    1777: A plan of Cape Fear River, from the Bar to Brunswick. London: R. Sayer & J. Bennett. [Bibliothèque nationale de France, département Cartes et plans, Ge SH 18 pf 137 div 4 p 2.] [BNF catalog] [BNF] [LC]
  4. Price, Jonathan (d. 1822); Strother, John; Barker, William
    1798: A map of Cape Fear River and its vicinity from the Frying Pan Shoals to Wilmington by Price & Strother. [NCmaps]

J.   Miscellaneous:
  1. Anonymous
    [ca. 1780]: Virginie. [The map's estimated date is based on Norfolk being shown as burned, the result of an attack in 1776.] [HMC Karpinski series F 09B-3-2.] [Formerly in Ministère de la Guerre, Inspection du Génie, Bibliothèque, 15-1-7 (8).] [HMC photo] [HMC photo]
  2. Anonymous
    1782: Carte de l'entrée de la baya de Chesapeach. [HMC Karpinski series F 09B-2-3B.] [Formerly in Ministère de la Guerre, Inspection du Génie, Bibliothèque, 14-7.] [NL catalog] [HMC photo]
  3. Lawson, John
    1709: Ocacock Inlet. From Philip Lea's Hydrographia Universalis. [Burden notes] [NCMB notes] [NCMB]
  4. Price, Jonathan (d. 1822)
    1795: Occacock from Actual Survey. New Bern. From Price's pamphlet titled A Description of Occacock Inlet (see Corbitt 1926). [NCMB]