Research Laboratories of Archaeology

North Carolina Archaeological Society Publications Online

The Archaeological Society of North Carolina was established in 1933 and in 1991 merged with Friends of North Carolina Archaeology to form the North Carolina Archaeological Society. Since 1933, the Society and its two parent organizations have sponsored six serial publications: a bulletin, four newsletters, and a journal.

Bulletin of the Archaeological Society of North Carolina - The Society's first journal, the Bulletin of the Archaeological Society of North Carolina, was published bi-annually between 1934 and 1938; a final volume of the Bulletin was published in 1945. The nine issues of the Bulletin contain papers of interest to Society members, papers presented at annual meetings of the Society, and announcements of Society business. Volume 3 (number 1) contains a preliminary report of the Society's archaeological exploration at the Keyauwee, or Poole, site.

North Carolina Archaeology (formerly Southern Indian Studies) - Southern Indian Studies began in 1949 and replaced the Bulletin as the Archaeological Society of North Carolina's journal. It was published bi-annually in 1949 and 1950, and then bcame an annual publication. In order to accommodate the diverse interests (e.g., prehistoric, historic, nautical, etc.) that now characterize modern archaeology in North Carolina, the journal's name was changed to North Carolina Archaeology in 1997. Volumes 1 to 38 are archived as page images in pdf format; subsequent volumes are archived as text-searchable pdf files. There is a two-year lag between a volume's publication and its appearance in the archive.

Newsletter of the Archaeological Society of North Carolina (Old Series) - In May 1938, the Society began publishing the Newsletter of the Archaeological Society of North Carolina in place of the Bulletin. The 96 newsletters published between 1938 and 1991 when the North Carolina Archaeological Society was formed were distributed to the membership bi-annually, except for a few years when only a single issue or no issue was distributed. The contents of the Newsletter mostly deal with Society business, meeting announcements, meeting summaries, and comments on issues of general interest to the membership. As such, they are an invaluable source of information about the Society's history.

Friends of North Carolina Archaeology, Inc. Newsletter - Friends of North Carolina Archaeology, Inc. was established in 1984 and published 17 issues (in seven volumes) of the Friends of North Carolina Archaeology, Inc. Newsletter before merging in 1991 with the Archaeological Society of North Carolina to form the North Carolina Archaeological Society. Three of its newsletters -- volumes 6(1), 6(3), and 7(1) -- were published jointly with the Archaeological Society of North Carolina. Each issue usually contains multiple articles about archaeological research and preservation issues in North Carolina, as well as other news items.

North Carolina Archaeological Society Newsletter (New Series) - When the present North Carolina Archaeological Society was formed in 1991, a new newsletter series was started and a new system for numbering each issue was adopted. Two issues were distributed in 1991 and four have been distributed each year since then. Each issue usually contains a lead article and items related to Society business or of interest to the membership.

Junior North Carolina Archaeological Society Newsletter - The Junior North Carolina Archaeological Society was created in 2011 to provide information and activities to young North Carolinians interested in archaeology. The first Junior NCAS Newsletter was published in Spring 2012. Members of the Junior NCAS receive two newsletters per year, and articles in the newsletter are written specifically for a young audience.

This archive was created by Melissa A. Salvanish, Margo Price, and R. P. Stephen Davis, Jr.
Last content review - 30 Sep 2020.