Museum of the American Indian Publications Online
Monographs in Museum of the American Indian's Indian Notes and Monographs series have long been available online,
but they have been very poorly cataloged, which can make individual issues very difficult to find using simple searches.
Here we present a complete list of Indian Notes and Monographs in numerical order, with titles and authors, to make them more easily accessible.
Most of the links point to items posted on the Internet Archive
(IA). Titles that cannot be found at the Internet Archive are linked at either
Google Books (GB) or
Hathi Trust (HT).
The monographs are presented in two categories:
Titles published under the rubric of Indian Notes and Monographs were issued in two different series with overlapping numbers -- a source of persistent bibliographic confusion.
One series has titles that were assigned to volumes, with individual numbers within these volumes. A second, concurrent series, called "Miscellaneous," had titles which were simply given numbers.
The confusion is caused by the fact that monographs in the Miscellaneous series are not labeled as such on their title page, which means that this crucial distinction is often missed in citing or cataloging the work.
Thus, for example, a work cited as "Indian Notes and Monographs 12" could be either volume 12 in the first series, or number 12 in the second. The complete list of titles below can be used to help resolve such problems.
Note that the first series ends at volume 12, while the second ends at number 59.
(Number 60 in the Miscellanous series was announced and appears in the museum's last list of publications as being "in print," but I see no evidence that it was ever published.)
Another persistent problem with archived online publications, particularly serials, is that a book is often identified only by the information on the first title page, even when multiple monographs in the same series are bound together.
In other words, all the titles that follow the first are completely missed in the metadata, making them impossible to find in a conventional keyword search.
This problem occurs all too frequently in the Internet Archive, and specifically with the publications compiled here. In such cases, two links are provided.
The first, marked with the suffix "(d)," links directly to the first page of the title in question, which occurs in the middle of the scanned volume.
The second link, marked with the suffix "(f)," goes directly to the metadata page for the book, which does not mention the relevant title but does provide access to PDF and plain-text versions of the work.
The descriptions below are adapted from Indian Notes and Monographs, Miscellaneous, No. 49, 17th edition, 1975.
Indian Notes and Monographs, Volumes 1-12:
- Volume I
- No. 1: Archeology of the Virgin Islands. By Theodoor de Booy. 100 pp., illus. 1919.
- No. 2: Santo Domingo Kitchen-midden and Burial Mound. By Theodoor de Booy. 31 pp., illus. 1919.
- No. 3: Petroglyphs of Grenada and a Recently Discovered Petroglyph in St. Vincent. By Thomas Huckerby. 22 pp., illus. 1921.
- No. 4: Pottery Types and their Sequence in El Salvador. By Samuel K. Lothrop. 43 pp., illus. 1927.
- No. 5: Chapters on the Ethnology of the Powhatan Tribes of Virginia. By Frank G. Speck. 228 pp., illus. 1928.
- Volume II
- No. 1: The Pre-Iroquoian Algonkian Indians of Central and Western New York. By Alanson Skinner. 33 pp., illus. 1919.
- No. 2: An Ancient Algonkian Fishing Village at Cayuga, New York. By Alanson Skinner. 15 pp., illus. 1919.
- No. 3: A Montauk Cemetery at Easthampton, Long Island. By Foster H. Saville. 38 pp., illus. 1920.
- No. 4: An Antique Tobacco-pouch of the Iroquois. By Alanson Skinner. 2 pp., illus. 1920.
- No. 5: An Iroquois Antler Figurine. By Alanson Skinner. 2 pp., illus. 1920.
- No. 6: Archeological Investigations on Manhattan Island, New York City. By Alanson Skinner. 94 pp., illus. 1920.
- No. 7: New York City in Indian Possession. By Reginald Pelham Bolton. 173 pp., maps. 1920 Reprint edition in press, 1975.
- Volume III
- No. 1: Bibliography of Fray Alonso de Benavides. By F. W. Hodge. 39 pp., illus. 1919.
- No. 2: The Age of the Zuni Pueblo of Kechipauan. By F. W. Hodge. 16 pp., illus. 1920.
- No. 3: Hawikuh Bonework. By F. W. Hodge. 151 pp. + 56 pls. 1920.
- No. 4: The Papago Ceremony of Víkita. By Edward H. Davis. 19 pp., illus. 1921.
- Volume IV
- Medicine Ceremony of the Menomini, Iowa, and Wahpeton Dakota, with Notes on the Ceremony among the Ponca, Bungi Ojibwa, and Potawatomi. By Alanson Skinner. 357 pp. + 26 pls. 1920.
- Volume V
- No. 1: Archeological Specimens from New England. By Marshall H. Saville. 10 pp., illus. 1919.
- No. 2: A Mahican Wooden Cup. By George G. Heye. 4 pp., illus. 1921.
- No. 3: The Rappahannock Indians of Virginia. By Frank G. Speck. 83 pp., illus. 1925.
- Volume VI
- No. 1: Bibliographic Notes on Quirigua, Guatemala. By Marshall H. Saville. 21 pp. 1919.
- No. 2: The Discovery of Gold in the Graves of Chiriqui. By S. K. Lothrop. 10 pp., illus. 1919.
- No. 3: Notes on the Bribri of Costa Rica. By Alanson Skinner. 107 pp., illus. 1920.
- No. 4: An Image and an Amulet of Nephrite from Costa Rica. By Alanson Skinner. 3 pp., illus. 1920.
- No. 5: Bibliographic Notes on Palenque, Chiapas. By Marshall H. Saville. 62 pp. 1928.
- No. 6: Bibliographic Notes on Xochicalco, Mexico. By Marshall H. Saville. 23 pp. 1928.
- Volume VII
- No. 1: Certain Aboriginal Pottery from Southern California. By George G. Heye. 46 pp., illus. 1919.
- No. 2: Morphological and Metrical Variation in Skulls from San Miguel Island, California. I. The Sutura Nasofrontalis. By Bruno Oetteking. 35 pp., illus. 1920.
- No. 3: Early Cremation Ceremonies of the Luiseño and Diegueño Indians of Southern California. By E. H. Davis. 20 pp. 1921.
- No. 4: Certain Aboriginal Artifacts from San Miguel Island, California. By George G. Heye. 211 pp. + 124 pls. 1921.
- Volume VIII
- Zuni Breadstuff. By Frank Hamilton Cushing. 673 pp., illus. 1920. Second edition. 1975.
- Volume IX
- No. 1: The Earliest Notices Concerning the Conquest of Mexico by Cortés in 1519. By Marshall H. Saville. 54 pp. 1920.
- No. 2: Bibliographic Notes on Uxmal, Yucatan. By Marshall H. Saville. 77 pp., illus. 1921.
- No. 3: Reports on the Maya Indians of Yucatan. By Santiago Mendez, Antonio García y Cubas, Pedro Sanchez de Aguilar, and Francisco Hernandez. Edited by Marshall H. Saville. 90 pp. 1921.
- Volume X
- No. 1: A Stone Effigy Pipe from Kentucky. By George H. Pepper. 20 pp., illus. 1920.
- No. 2: A Sacred Warclub of the Oto. By M. R. Harrington. 4 pp., illus. 1920.
- No. 3: An Illinois Quilled Necklace. By Alanson Skinner. 2 pp., illus. 1920.
- No. 4: Old Sauk and Fox Beaded Garters. By M. R. Harrington. 3 pp., illus. 1920.
- No. 5: A Bird-quill Belt of the Sauk and Fox. By M. R. Harrington. 4 pp., illus. 1920.
- No. 6: An Archaic Iowa Tomahawk. By M. R. Harrington. 4 pp., illus. 1920.
- No. 7: A Wooden Image from Kentucky. By George H. Pepper. 20 pp., illus. 1921.
- No. 8: A Mohawk Form of Ritual of Condolence, 1782. By John Deserontyon. Translated, with an Introduction, by J. N. B. Hewitt. 23 pp., illus. 1928.
- No. 9: Decorative Art of the Têtes de Boule of Quebec. By D. S. Davidson. 38 pp., illus. 1928.
- Volume XI
- No. 1: Archeological Exploration of Fishers Island, New York. By Henry L. Ferguson. 44 pp., illus. 1935.
- No. 2: Montagnais Art in Birch-bark, a Circumpolar Trait. By Frank G. Speck. 157 pp., illus. 1937.
[IA (d)]
[IA (f)]
- No. 3: A Collection of Specimens from the Teton Sioux. By Frances Densmore. 42 pp., illus. 1948.
[IA (d)]
[IA (f)]
- Volume XII
- The Ozark Bluff-dwellers. By Mark Raymond Harrington. 185 pp. + 48 pls. 1960. 2nd edition, 1971.
Indian Notes and Monographs, Miscellaneous, Numbers 1-59:
- (1) A Native Copper Celt from Ontario. By Alanson Skinner. 2 pp., illus. 1920.
- (2) Two Antler Spoons from Ontario. By Alanson Skinner. 2 pp., illus. 1920.
- (3) Two Lenape Stone Masks from Pennsylvania and New Jersey. By Alanson Skinner. 3 pp., illus. 1920.
- (4) Sandals and Other Fabrics from Kentucky Caves. By William C. Orchard. 20 pp., illus. 1920.
- (5) Types of Canoes on Puget Sound. By T. T. Waterman and Geraldine Coffin. 43 pp., illus. 1920.
- (6) How the Makah Obtained Possession of Cape Flattery. By Albert Irvine. Translated bv Luke Markistun. 10 pp. 1921.
- (7) The Goldsmith's Art in Ancient Mexico. By Marshall H. Saville. 264 pp., illus. 1920. [Reprint in preparation, 1976.]
- (8) Native Copper Objects of the Copper Eskimo. By Donald A. Cadzow. 22 pp., illus. 1920.
- (9) Indian Houses of Puget Sound. By T. T. Waterman and Ruth Greiner. 61 pp., illus. 1921.
- (10) Certain Caddo Sites in Arkansas. By M. R. Harrington. 349 pp. + 137 pls. 1920.
- (11) Native Houses of Western North America. By T. T. Waterman and collaborators. 97 pp., illus. 1921.
- (12) List of Publications of the Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation. 38 pp. January, 1921.
- (13) Hunting Charms of the Montagnais and the Mistassini. By Frank G. Speck and George G. Heye. 19 pp., illus. 1921.
- (14) Bladed Warclubs from British Guiana. By Marshall H. Saville. 12 pp., illus. 1921.
- (15) Slate Mirrors of the Tsimshian. By George T. Emmons. 21pp., illus. 1921.
- (16) String-records of the Northwest. By J. D. Leechman and M. R. Harrington. 64 pp., illus. 1921.
- (17) Cuba Before Columbus. Part I. By M. R. Harrington. 2 vols., illus. 1921.
- Volume 1 [IA]
- Volume 2 [IA]
- (18) Notes on Iroquois Archeology. By Alanson Skinner. 216 pp. + 37 pls. 1921.
- (19) Religion and Ceremonies of the Lenape. By M. R. Harrington. 249 pp., illus. 1921.
- (20) Material Culture of the Menomini. By Alanson Skinner. 478 pp. + 107 pls. 1921.
- (21) A Golden Breastplate from Cuzco, Peru. By Marshall H. Saville. 8 pp., illus. 1921.
- (22) Beothuk and Micmac. By Frank G. Speck. 187 pp. + 42 pls., map. 1921.
- (23) Indian Paths in the Great Metropolis. By Reginald Pelham Bolton. 280 pp., maps. 1922. [Reprint in preparation, 1976.]
- (24) Cherokee and Earlier Remains on Upper Tennessee River. By M. R. Harrington. 321 pp. + 86 pls. 1922.
- (25) A Report from Natchitoches in 1807, by Dr. John Sibley. Edited, with an introduction, by A. H. Abel. 102 pp., facs. 1922.
- (26) Additional Mounds of Duval and of Clay Counties, Florida. By Clarence B. Moore. 71 pp., illus. 1922.
- (27) Declination of the Pars Basilaris in Normal and in Artificially Deformed Skulls. By Bruno Oetteking. 25 pp., illus. 1924.
- (28) List of Publications. Second Edition. 38 pp. September, 1921.
- (29) A Basket-maker Cave in Kane County, Utah. By Jesse L. Nusbaum, with Notes on the Artifacts by A. V. Kidder and S. J. Guernsey. 153 pp., illus. 1922.
- (30) Guide to the Museum. First Floor. 220 pp. 1922.
- (31) Guide to the Museum. Second Floor. 251 pp. 1922.
- (32) Guide to the Collections from the West Indies. 38 pp. 1922. [Included in Miscellaneous No. 38.]
[IA (d)]
[IA (f)]
- (33) Aims and Objects of the Museum of the American Indian. 23 pp. 1922.
[IA (d)]
[IA (f)]
- (34) List of Publications. Third Edition. 39 pp. December, 1922.
[IA (d)]
[IA (f)]
- (35) Jade in British Columbia and Alaska, and its Use by the Natives. By G. T. Emmons. 53 pp., illus. 1923.
[IA (d)]
[IA (f)]
- (36) Aims and Objects of the Museum. Fourth printing, revised, 1929.
- (37) List of Publications. Fourth Edition. 41 pp. March, 1924. [Misnumbered 36.]
[IA (d)]
[IA (f)]
- (38) Guide to the Museum. Third Floor. 192 pp. 1924.
[IA (d)]
[IA (f)]
- (39) Skeletal Remains from Santa Barbara, California. I. Craniology. By Bruno Oetteking. 168 pp. 32 pls. 1925.
[IA (d)]
[IA (f)]
- (40) The Cayapa Indians of Ecuador. By S. A. Barrett. Two vols., illus. 1925.
- Volume 1 [IA]
- Volume 2 [IA]
- (41) List of Publications. Fifth Edition. 27 pp. September, 1925.
- (42) List of Publications. Sixth Edition. 27 pp. May, 1926.
[IA (d)]
[IA (f)]
- (43) List of Publications. Seventh Edition. Six printings. 28 pp. 1931.
[IA (d)]
[IA (f)]
- (44) Territorial Subdivisions and Boundaries of the Wampanoag, Massachusett, and Nauset. By Frank G. Speck. 152 pp., illus. 1928.
[IA (d)]
[IA (f)]
- (45) Morphological and Metrical Variation in Skulls from San Miguel Island, California. II. The Foramen Magnum: Shape, Size, Correlations. By Bruno Oetteking. 54 pp., illus. 1928.
[IA (d)]
[IA (f)]
- (46) Family Hunting Territories in Northwestern North America. By D. S. Davidson. 46 pp., map. 1928.
[IA (d)]
[IA (f)]
- (47) Pottery and other Artifacts from Caves in British Honduras and Guatemala. By Gregory Mason. 45 pp., illus. 1928.
[IA (d)]
[IA (f)]
- (48) Archeological Exploration of a Rock Shelter in Brewster County, Texas. By Edwin F. Coffin. 72 pp., illus. 1932.
[IA (d)]
[IA (f)]
- (49) List of Publications. Eighth edition. 30 pp. 1933. Multiple printings through seventeenth edition, revised. 42 pp. 1975.
- (50) Aims and Objects of the Museum. Second Edition. 27 pp. 1936. Second printing, revised, January, 1946.
[IA (d)]
[IA (f)]
- (51) The Tsatchela Indians of Western Ecuador. By V. Wolfgang von Hagen. 79pp.,illus. 1939.
[IA (d)]
[IA (f)]
- (52) Calendrical Interpretation of a Golden Breast-plate from Peru. By Ruth Cutter Nash. 12 pp., illus. 1939.
[IA (d)]
[IA (f)]
- (53) The Jicaque Indians of Honduras. By V. Wolfgang von Hagen. 112 pp., illus. 1943.
[IA (d)]
[IA (f)]
- (54) Report on the Oneida, Stockbridge, and Brotherton Indians — 1796. By Jeremy Belknap and Jedidiah Morse. 39 pp., facs. 1955.
- (55) History of the Museum. [Replaces Aims and Objects of the Museum]. Revised edition. 30 pp. 1975.
- (56) Tlapacoya Pottery in the Museum Collection. By Muriel Porter Weaver. 48 pp. + 42 plates. 1967.
- (57) Paper Figures and Folk Medicine Among the San Pablito Otomi. By William Lannik, Ramond L. Palm and Marsha P. Tatkon. 22 pp. + 24 plates. 1969.
- (58) A Suggested Nicaraguan Pottery Sequence Based on the Museum Collection. By Lydia L. Wyckoff 56 pp. 15 figs. + 26 plates. 1971.
- (59) Notes on the Ethnology of the Indians of Puget Sound. By T. T. Waterman. 96 pp. + 45 plates. 1973.